Any Rim Players?


Rumble are fairly easy to get into. Just send Mekolp 50 different mails asking for an invite and you get in.

(Or atleast I did anyway)

No wonder I didn't get an invite!

But darn I've only collected like 6 invite mails :S. I guess I'll have to overtake qoh in order to collect more of them.

Deleted User - 695343

No wonder I didn't get an invite!

But darn I've only collected like 6 invite mails :S. I guess I'll have to overtake qoh in order to collect more of them.

I didn't get any, so don't hold your breath. :icon_cry:


Really? Anywhere near me? :icon_wink:
Where did you go and why didn't you fight until the end on K43? :icon_confused:

Zero steamrolled me, caught all my troops at home, took wall from 16->0
Had nothing to build back with and got nobled soon after.


I'm in K43!!

(Actually.. Having just found Bell.. We both are ^^)


K35 has a lack of experience.
I doubt that there is any player that could later be top20 or i even top10.

So far i haven't found a great contrast, at least in my region :icon_rolleyes:

experience isn't class. I'm not that good, but i have been playing TW for nearly 3 years now.


experience isn't class. I'm not that good, but i have been playing TW for nearly 3 years now.

of course you're right^^
i thought he meant class with experience:icon_rolleyes:

let us just agree that from both there is a lack in k53 :)


I'm in K35, though I'm not sure it really counts as th rim any more. I ave just nobled osl's old village after it got taken by this guy from a romanian premade but I can't help thinking that it's only a matter of time until TFT close in on us.


Don't worry about TFT, in a few weeks I shall be making French fries :icon_wink:


Don't worry about TFT, in a few weeks I shall be making French fries :icon_wink:

Quaote of the week here.

life near K35, in K45, is great i can see the sea of farms going aroudn ym 15x15, when no-one in it is actually active, i bet they log in once a fortnight just to annoy me!