Battle Royale - Round 1 (UK3)


As mentioned already, this isnt so much a premade tribe as it is a friendly bloodfest.

Ever wanted to slam your friends?

Ever wanted to go toe to toe with great players?

Tired of endless noob nobling?

If so, Battle Royale is for you.

Once upon a time, say about the time of w20 or w21 or .net, myself and a few friends had an idea to revolutionize the way tribalwars was played. We had visions of gathering as many great players as we could and then beat the snot out of each other. The concept was to have it based on pride and achievement. Each player would get a dogtag signature where achievements would be displayed as mementos of battle. Once a round ended, a new one would begin on a new world, etc...

We gathered a very nice collection of talent but in the end nothing ever came of it.

I have decided to resurrect the concept and see if we can bring excitement and competition to UK.

Here is the Core:
A couple of leaders will be voted and then there will be a closed door draft fromthe pool of players that have signed up.

Each team will essentially be a tribe in game.

At a certain point decided upon beforehand, all out mahem will ensue.

There will be rules of course.

Because it can easily be seen that inactivity could kill this concept, there needs to be incentive to stay active. Therefore, we have decided that before getting your name into the pool of players for drafting, there will be an entry fee of 3 premium points. At the end of the round, all of the premium will be distributed to the winning team. (If for some reason you dont end up on a team, your premium would be refunded of course)

That is only the rough concept but is there interest?
(*Glances at Tracey and Thar to see if they want in)

well PP i have nothing better to do so im in ^_^ btw do you remeber me from .NET?