Egg's Birthday PnP against SPQR.


First of all I would like to say HAPPY BIRTHDAY UK3. I would like to give you my first present, something in all birthdays!


Also, I would like to thank the players who are still playing this once known as the “dead” world. However, know you guys are in for a marvellous treat.


No, no not that.

Today, there is a new uprising. The world is changing. Eggs have cracked. Gone nuts. Crazy. The evil dictator has decided upon the fates of the ‘noobs.’

Well, Egg was made in early December after a freak crash, lets say. The great boxing champion, wUb you made the greatest tribe on W3 right now. After, stabilising themselves they got a one ally and kept a red world. (Bits of purple) This ally was the one and only SPQR. Yes, the romans have come. Well, we have an alliance with them. The relationship was swift, happy and pleasant. Egg grew extremely rapidly, with the growth of new players and talent, we rised through the ranks, occasionally take rank 1, by default. But, now over the last few months we have stabilised ourselves as the world’s powerhouse. Dominating the core and the south rim. However, in July wUb had to quit for a brief time. We took Celph (yes we did. We owned you) and Zero quit. Dee took over Zero’s account and now is the leader of Egg. wUb is also back, from his boxing injury (poor him, I’ll give him a cookie :D) Yet, recently Egg need space to grow, SPQR may have got a spy into EGG as well as SPQR relation with Egg taking a drastic downturn. One of these are SPQR’s blue map, where they are allies with many tribes such as Shut! before, Egg took them out. I myself asked them if they wanted to help, they with not interested in nobling but being hubby.

Pictures that represent Egg:







Their faces:


Anyways if we haven’t figured. Egg are declaring war on SPQR. It is time for the biggest war and arguable the only decent war from now till the war started. Hopefully, it will be fun and not too one sided. Have fun! :lol:

[00:00:01 PM] Dee | lxZerOxl: KILL THE NOOBS!
[00:00:03 PM] Dee | lxZerOxl: let's own the pixie's

[7:13:19 PM] Mark: Larix is a 100% pork offal meatball!!
[7:33:41 PM] Stefan|DSperado: they are noobs lol
[7:33:45 PM] Glen: no
[7:33:51 PM] Glen: i wanna think of something cool
[7:33:56 PM] Glen: wait 1min
[7:34:18 PM] Glen: mrchief is a peodafile
[7:38:30 PM] Glen: PSQR suck
[7:38:35 PM] Glen: wait thats wrong
[7:39:18 PM] Jarrow Knight Frankelin: we are SPQR's spartacus, Kill them all
[7:39:52 PM] Glen: SPQR are so dumb they went to the super bowl and asked for a spoon
[7:40:41 PM] mitchnom: SPQR are so small they can do back flips under their bed
[7:44:09 PM] Amber67: Stupid Punks Quit Running
[7:45:21 PM] Amber67: Taking in Deaths rejects of the tribes they war
[7:46:41 PM] Mark: SPQR - SPQR is an initialism from a Latin phrase, Senatus Populusque Romanus
ROME TIME LINE - Republic - Empire - FAIL!
[7:48:59 PM] mitchnom: "Oh no :( Our map is red! ;( Its end of the world!" ]:)
[7:49:05 PM | Edited 7:49:23 PM] Mark:
SPQR RESTAURANT - keep your eye on special offers commencing 19th october
consisting of chicken leftovers
[7:49:18 PM] Glen: SPQR are so stupid that when EGG said it was chilly outside, they ran outside with a spoon
[7:51:34 PM] Glen: SPQR are so ugly, God's thinking of issuing a recall.
book now for cheap fliights the hell outta here :p
[7:52:25 PM] Mark: before astute buys all the tickets
[7:52:25 PM ] Mark: /// before astute buys all the tickets
[7:52:56 PM] MADSKILLZ89: i am going to feed SPQR to my 10 week old staffy puppy
[7:53:09 PM] MADSKILLZ89: well what is left of them
[7:53:30 PM] Glen: SPQR so stupid, they returned a donut because it had a hole in it!
Glen: [9:04 PM] Glen: < well SPQR dont know what attacking is unless you clear a village for them
they like their internalls

Let the war begin.


Anyways have fun and hope you had a nice read.

Edit: Egg are now at war with 5 tribes O_O, I know which are all attacking a plumber (rofl) - Its true.

Many thanks, Stefan and Mark.



Egg & TFF vs SPQR:
Side 1:
Tribes: EGG, TFF
Side 2:
Tribes: SPQR

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 37
Side 2: 1
Difference: 36


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 367,466
Side 2: 9,657
Difference: 357,809


Egg vs SPQR

Side 1:
Tribes: EGG
Side 2:
Tribes: SPQR

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 14
Side 2: 1
Difference: 13


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 139,925
Side 2: 9,657
Difference: 130,268


Side 1:
Tribes: EGG
Side 2:
Tribes: SPQR

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 37
Side 2: 5
Difference: 32


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 357,175
Side 2: 48,723
Difference: 308,452


Side 1:
Tribes: EGG
Side 2:
Tribes: SPQR
Players: SCout1402, roaring dragon, Doozy

Timeframe: Last 48 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 38
Side 2: 2
Difference: 36


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 374,172
Side 2: 19,112
Difference: 355,060


Side 1:
Tribes: EGG
Side 2:
Tribes: SPQR
Players: SCout1402, roaring dragon

Timeframe: Last 24 hours

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 25
Side 2: 5
Difference: 20


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 246,335
Side 2: 48,187
Difference: 198,148


Side 1:
Tribes: EGG
Side 2:
Tribes: SPQR
Players: SCout1402, roaring dragon, Doozy

Timeframe: Last week

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 123
Side 2: 52
Difference: 71


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 1,203,802
Side 2: 500,253
Difference: 703,549


Daily stats and weekly stats will be posted.

Week 1 Analysis

In the first week of war, SPQR players: Wilgore, Phillor, Fendrel got a battering from Egg.

Also, Tff hit: Ras Al Ghul, Fordi & Trudi

Egg players got a hammering from 5/6 tribes on the eastern front: this players included: Amber, Brochan, Mark and Belstars.

I have to say though the Egg/Spqr front in k44/45/55 is very one sided as I have not received any incomings and I have to say they love their Dukes:

[11:19:41 AM] red-star787: you attacked larix i supported larix as quick as possible leaving my village exposed..... i go out get pissed come back and lose a village
[11:19:55 AM] mitchnom: nubcake
[11:19:59 AM] mitchnom: larix has 0 wall idio
[11:20:02 AM] red-star787: (nod)
[11:20:03 AM] mitchnom: (rofl)
[11:20:09 AM] mitchnom: i sent another few nukes

But, sadly for larix he doesn't have nukes me thinks as he doesn't send any attacks :icon_rolleyes: Also, Astute seems to be heavily stacked as well. Showing their love obviously. Also, thats its why SPQR have no players with a top ODA. If you look at the ODA map all the players are on the western side :icon_wink:

They think we want Ceasefire, I no knoez we will seee...
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Nice PnP and good luck to both si...

lol even I couldn't have said this with a straight face

Egg will prevail



ZOMG we own and mitch stole my quote i has proof :

[7:39:49 PM] Glen: SPQR are so dumb they went to the super bowl and asked for a spoon
[7:39:49 PM] mitchnom: i will think of one kool
[7:39:58 PM] mitchnom: (rofl)
[7:40:07 PM] Jarrow Knight Frankelin: (chuckle)
[7:40:24 PM] Glen: SPQR are so small they can do back flips under the bed
[7:40:38 PM] mitchnom: SPQR are so small they can do back flips under their bed
[7:40:51 PM] mitchnom: mine ^^
[7:40:51 PM] Glen: noob
[7:40:53 PM] mitchnom: Ty
[7:40:54 PM] Glen: **** you

Anyway good luck to SPQR you will need it and happy hunting


Lol at the pisture thats me pushing Astutes head into the cake :icon_rolleyes:


This isn't just a bithday PnP this is Egg's Birthday PnP against SPQR.


No mitch, you can do the stats EGG vs SPQR

I am doing TFF AND EGG vs SPQR



WOW HAS IT BEEN A YEAR ALREADY!!!?!?!?! Good to still see my account is at the top of the ranks haha.

Have fun guys from the original lxZerOxl. ;)


I'd like to say I'm nipping at his heels, but he's 146 villages ahead of me.

Darn it, Dee, stop farming so I can catch up!!



I remember you


I was out all day - never go shopping with girls !!!

And I came home to see i cleared so many vills



hows the founders? do they still going strong like u? we started Egg with just 5 of us.. back then we were just trying to survive between rumble and jungle :)
chaser and I just started W6 yesterday :)