

Aw man, how do you start one of these threads?

I suppose with a question works. :icon_cool:

Yes I am leaving. I have a long term trip starting May 25th that will not allow me to play tw anymore. The trip itself by its very nature as well as the fact that it will be the longest duration that I have ever been away from home require me to spend some time in preparation. So I will be quitting now to give myself time for that preparation.

The trip that I am going on will go from May 25th to August 14th. It is a missions trip to the Czech Republic. I am Christian. But I feel it is important to define "Christian." The very word, it seems, has become "Americanized" across the world and has been sometimes used as an umbrella term for many different beliefs. An example of what I mean by "Americanized" would be a story that a good friend of mine tells me of when he lived in Turkey as a full time missionary.

Turkey's state religion is Islam and the majority of people seem to think that every country has a state religion since they have lived in a country that has had one their entire lives. So can you guess what religion they think America is? Christian. But, what celebrity do you think the Turkish people hear the most about in the media? I will give you a hint, mainstream music is probably the fastest moving media in the world and her name rhymes with Ritney Deers.....(Britney Spears if you didn't figure it out:icon_wink:). So putting this all together, the Turks think: American = Christian state, they hear mostly about Britney Spears who is American....therefore Britney Spears is one of their main models of what a "Christian" is....and that is very scary.

There are small differences in different "Christian" denominations across the world, but there are some key core beliefs that are vital to a true Biblical Christian. The two most important being:
- Trinitarian belief (John 14:9, Gen 1:1/John 1:1, John 10:30, John 8:58)
- Christ centered, not works centered, salvation (John 14:6)

I already know that this steps on some toes, I have already done this on my school's campus. But I am saying this so that you are not confused as to me and my identity when I say, "I am a Christian missionary." I am not the hypocrites you see on tv. I am not the Christian only on Sunday. I am a follower of Christ in the true Biblical sense. And it affects everything I do in life, even how I play video games. :icon_razz:

Please, if you disagree with me on any of this, you think I'm crazy, just want to rant at me, yell at me, call me stupid for believing such things, are curious how being a Christian affects how I play video games, want to know specifics of where I will be going and what I will be doing, any of it, please keep it to PM. Please keep it off this forum. You can contact me a few different ways:
PM through the externals
email at
skype at joshua.paul.dietz

I look forward to hearing from you. :)
Make no mistake, this will not affect DOGS' ability to fight in any way. Davemac, who has been co-playing me for over a month now, will be taking the account full time as well as my position in council. I have hardly been on for the past month and I have witnessed him take over already, so I am confident in his abilities to do so while I am gone. Even with my partial absence in the last month DOGS have, I think, reached their peak moment. Killing off the main tribe that was fighting us off in K43/42 leaving it not completely defenseless, but very weak for the taking. DOGS have taken the no1 spot in that time. And the dogs/war alliance has taken more villages from TEAM per day than they ever have.

I would like to give a general thank you to all of you on the externals and in game. The game would not be as enjoyable had not everyone participated in the externals and fought back in game. I remember being very afraid of posting on the externals when I first started reading them, but everyone was very accepting when I did start posting. So thank you for making my experience enjoyable.

As for personal good-byes, my tribe has theirs but I would like to give some shout outs here(sorry if I forgot someone):

darthy/max - though I did not agree with almost anything that came out of your mouths :lol: I thoroughly enjoyed arguing with you guys. :icon_wink: I don't think I would be as well known on the externals had I not had you guys to argue with. Kinda like how batman needs joker :lol:. good times.

jai/juke/khan - loved all your guys' no bs leadership styles. some good talks on skype that helped me a little bit with some leadership choices.

terror - wish we could've fought on the same side (not like w47, but for reals :)) none-the-less you're a star player and, when you want to be, a good tribal leader.

clt - since I'm leaving and am not too worried about getting in a lot of trouble...I thought you were a girl until you went on vacation and someone referred to you as "he had a good time." .....(it's the whole "cat" thing.) :icon_razz: you're an awesome mod, thanks for contributing to my gaming experience on the externals.

tracy - I had very little interaction with you, but when I did, one time in particular, I was not a happy camper. I came to you with a not-so-happy note and you replied calmly and respectfully. I am sure that you deal with many messages a day similar if not worse than mine, so thank you for being such a good CM.

vic - good talks man. Hope we keep up with each other on skype or something (if I stop being so busy). gl to you on your ventures in life.

W~A~R (in general) - you guys are one of DOGS best allies yet. The DOGS/W~A~R alliance will last far towards the end of this world and I think, together, will rival the rest of the world back to back. Thanks for kicking so much butt with us. :icon_biggrin:

DUKES - You need to know that I was rooting for you.....know that

Josephine - It would have never have worked between us darling....I'm sorry

Barik - ....nice hat

This is the day that you will always remember as the day that you....:icon_eek:
(falls backward off a cliff into the ocean below...)


awww, another awesome player leaves... you'll be missed.



Sorry to see you go John, but I can see this is something you need to do that is fundamental to your way of life.

Good luck, and a safe journey.


Just when I return, you come leave!! It looks like I need to send you off with the same send off you gave me..

It was fun fighting on the externals, too bad we never got to do so in game, gl to you.


GL to you john. I hope success to you and your mission to change the wrong beliefs about christianity. :)


Of all the players that have left UK2 we are losing the best today. The forums are losing alot of value aswell.

Good luck with your trip John. Its been a pleasure.


john it has been a pleasure to play against you, and agrue with you, i wish you all the best and hope you find what you are looking for. another time maybe.


aside from this being tragic news for the DOG empire, this is also bad news for the UK2 externals.

one less rational poster....


You mean that means I'm full time now? Right, all Dogs diplomacy cancelled, Max send me that invite, arhahahahahahahahaha

Only kidding, good luck John, I'm sure you know how to get hold of me :icon_biggrin:


Good luck John.
Having been bought up in a millenarian restorationist Christian denomination or "cult" (I view it as a cult even if they claim it isn't) I do have issues with religion in general but I respect everyones right to choose and believe what they want to.
I hope you have a brilliant time in the Czech republic. I love Prague. It's a fantastic city so make sure to enjoy the architecture and beauty of the place.
Maybe when you get back we will hear from you again. Perhaps you will even come back and send some spear nukes somewhere.


[tt]Good Luck John, hope your trip is all that you want it to be and come back and see us soon[/tt]


Have fun these trips can define who you are later on in life :) I know what you mean by a christain state religion but mainly I'd say the majoity of religions in america are Christian denominations just like England is mostly prodestant and catholic

Have fun showing that American sterotypes are not true :)


DOGS say gooodbye to a fantastic influence within our walls and great leader, it truly has been good fun in these wars and at times when our backs (as DOGS) were against the wall you really stood up and 'held the lines steady'

You will be missed.
Good luck on your travels of discovery.


Sad to see you go man. You will be missed on these externals. Good luck on your mission.


Im sorry to see you go Josh.
Good luck mate, look after yourself.

Im sure we'll bump into each other on TW in the future sometime.
Keep me added in Skype. :)


You were the most mature Dog member posting on these forums.

Shame you're leaving.

Best of luck in Rl!


bye john,,,,,,,weird there gos probbaley one of the best diplomats on w2 gl in real life