How many have you made restart?


I understand restart mails are standard, but I don't bother sending them or responding to them. I can be assured some overconfident player is already doing it, so I don't need to.


Only one restarted...
The rest sent me mean mails and I got scared :(


Looks to be that way, should consider restarting some. Not too late.


or we jus make them good farms keep them in tribe and farm them ourselves o_O and they can co play others o_O

No one Is afraid enuff of me an my co ? my co's better than me to o_O they should be running to the hills but are all trying to be tough when they will only approximate to me lossing maybe 20-50 troops in later game, i hate that. yet who knows one or two of them might actually be good

right now you are taking up my farm space and this isnt to be tolerated so if u can please go to settings startover and then enter ur passwor will be much abligied an will prevent future run ins with me and my job of farming those coordinates

Thanks heaps
Sasuke/Rogue assassain uk1

^^^^ my restart mail