Is it just me or...


So i am looking around the map and i see a tribe of 3. I know that no player in a tribe likes to be, or have their players approached by another tribe, however, their profile was a bit depressing so i sent a message:

jay-mat Dec 22,2012 20:34
Hey, i see your in a tribe, one that you created, however looking at it mate, i am not sure it will work in your location. Your tribe seems to be a temporary set up for a short term, however, i would like to discuss a more permanent option.

imagine my surprise when i got the following reply:

.silent.invader. Dec 22,2012 20:48
your deluded and should do your homework some more. id start by reading our profile again. we are not a tribe but a collection of people who make our own rules. we have no interest in joining, merging or disbanding [ally]BM[/ally].

i am also not your mate and think you will find im no noob, i have played many worlds under many names!!

i successfully ran [ally]BM[/ally] in world one with plenty of members who remain loyal to me today, i held a strong alliance with [ally]IWL[/ally] i merged [ally]BM[/ally] into the [ally]IWL[/ally] tribe who went on to rule that world, those members know me by my real name and not my game name and i have many allies all over this K so forgive me but your wasting your time with pathetic mails of so called advice and scare tactics which DO NOT work on me

so i tried to mail him back asking what world 1 he was referring to because there was no IWL on world 1 on or .net, ranked at number 1. There was an IWL ranked 3 though, however he blocked me :icon_cry:

Although this gave me a good laugh, i was wondering if other people are finding that the tempers of some people on the UK server are changing. I remember when people used to laugh and carry on, however this seems to be changing. Or is this only occurring to the people i speak to?


lol, iwl bossed w1............ snigger

i cant say owt ima hot head, though i cant see why at all it warranted that response.

id prefer that sort of mail over blind invites any day, even if i declined.


I'm afraid its just you .... or did you put on the wrong aftershave this morning?

Lynx like - but different



Read his mail - IWL merged into W1N the tribe that won that world

His reply is a bit OTT but no real need to stick it on here


lol tbf the powerhouse that w1n was i wouldn't class the iwl's the cows the lrag's as part of the reason they won, in the end if the win condition was not area of dominance then their would be no need to recruit said tribes like iwl,

im sorry if people dont like, but a lot of the iwl's perhaps the majority just ate barbs and turtled with no real direction


lol tbf the powerhouse that w1n was i wouldn't class the iwl's the cows the lrag's as part of the reason they won, in the end if the win condition was not area of dominance then their would be no need to recruit said tribes like iwl,

im sorry if people dont like, but a lot of the iwl's perhaps the majority just ate barbs and turtled with no real direction

'The powerhouse' .. You are joking right? I am yet to meet ONE good W1N player from W1, just players with ego's five times larger than their skill.


I remember IWL being trapped in between W1N, T4H and FPB (Infact I think they were gone by that point, can't remember them that well).

IWL merged into W1N the tribe that won that world

Did they last to that stage?


Abdo was the best player in w1n from what I remember...Luke Bishop is pretty decent too


W1N uk1 had the best that was left, never easy winning the biggest world the uk ever meet.

they so many could of been winning tribes but the was only one, W1N it was.

Blade-Hog winner of uk1:

That not mean I'm good or a pro.
Joined EXP Vikki ripped it apart, the end of EXP..
FPB joined Dozzy the leader left............
Joined W1N......
W1N won.....
End of uk1....