Just recently, a lot of topics have been hijacked by posters with regards to Jaigosian.
This topic's purpose is to allow any and all players, to post their views, and rake over the old history, so that the other topics can remain spam and flame free.
Also, the mod, has requested numerous times that this be done.
My personal views are not important, and there will no doubt be plenty said about me too.
So, feel free to bring your views here, away from other topics.
This topic's purpose is to allow any and all players, to post their views, and rake over the old history, so that the other topics can remain spam and flame free.
Also, the mod, has requested numerous times that this be done.
My personal views are not important, and there will no doubt be plenty said about me too.
So, feel free to bring your views here, away from other topics.
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