Proud to be british

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not to mention the 5 billion lost from the multiple long weekends in april..
source :icon_razz:

and i did..but why the hell should i have to switch it off.....all channels for god sakes..boot off.


Well, my instant answer to that is do not come on the forums. You are playing a UK based game. The Union Jack is the flag of the UK and we are proud of it.

Furthermore, to all out Irish friends who are belittling Britain, the Monarchy and St George, may I point out that St Patrick was English. So as you are swigging your Guiness, Jameson's or whatever, slagging of the British and raising a glass to St Paddy, you are celebrating an Englishman.

Cody raised a valid point, but all I see from certain parties in inherent racism and anti-British feeling, and that saddens me. Tomorrow is an important day, not just for Britain, but the entire Commonwealth, as our future King gets married.

i have no respec for the english, i come on these forums for the timezone.I dont understand why Irish citizens do repsect the English after what they did to us.


i have no respec for the english, i come on these forums for the timezone.I dont understand why Irish citizens do repsect the English after what they did to us.

Well I'm Irish. I'm also from an area that's let's just say is reputable for certain aspects of law breaking.

First of all, I'm fairly sure that English people don't care much about our respect....why should they? Do you care for theirs?

Secondly, it's an English Flag, on an English forum. Absolute Shocker there! :icon_surprised:

Where I come from, the English flag usually means something else. I'm glad this is only on a game. There's no hidden agenda, motives or reasons for displaying it, other than to celebrate the joyous marriage of two beloved English well known figures. One of whom is the actual likely future King of England. Now I don't have much interest in this, understandable I'm sure, but I understand why if I was English I would be very interested in celebrating it. It doesn't happen every day or year. It's a big occasion.

All this talk about it being wrong to display a national flag, on a website of said country. Has the world become so politically sensitive? Does it really offend people that much to see the Union Jack displayed in a small image on the top of a website on a computer? Really?

And if it does offend you so much as an Irishman, Scotsman or even a Welshman, just please remember, the Union Jack is in essence and ideals, a symbol, of the joining of these nationals into one flag. All four countries flags joined an united into one. Everytime an Irishman looks at the Union Jack with disgust, remember guys, the old Irish flag is embedded within it. As an ideal, that should make you think twice when you look at it. The methods of the unification, well that's another day's banter. The current Irish Flag has a similar ideology behind it, uniting the orange ( loyalist) and green ( irish nationalist ) with the white ( symbol for peace ) in the middle. On paper, both have a similar idea behind them.

You see it's people like you that create a problem where there is none. It's a flag.

You really need to build a bridge

get over it


i respect the british, your cricket team is doing well,,,i just dont get why on earth you would want royals..they do nothing but take your cash..and for what?? so we can see the queen wave at us?? for what, being a pompous old biddy, for drinking tea, for dressing like granny may..they do nothing.. they are giant economic sponges on society. they deserve their place i guess, but do they deserve the amounts of cash they earn FOR DOING NOTHING? no they dont. i certainly dont think that your tax payers should have forked out for the security in such excess..the queen makes billions..let that pompous old tart pay for it, what else can she spend it on? diamond collars for her corgi's rofl...

we are an independent nation, we dont want or need british intervention.. they exiled us, now leave us alone..remove the union jack from our flag. it bears no use to us but to wave at the queen on her once a century visit here..lazzy old git..just look at her, she didnt even smile at the wedding..old fart. someone should smack her hahaha right on the chin. cant wait until shes gone and one of the princes holds sway..maybe then with someone who is in touch with this century and the way things are will we respect the monarchy here again..until that time most aussies cant stand her.

fyi, dirk hartog was first here, not captain the dutch should have more right to fly their flag along side our southern cross :)


i respect the british, your cricket team is doing well,,,i just dont get why on earth you would want royals..1) they do nothing but take your cash..and for what?? so we can see the queen wave at us?? for what, being a pompous old biddy, for drinking tea, for dressing like granny may..they do nothing.. 2)they are giant economic sponges on society. they deserve their place i guess, but do they deserve the amounts of cash they earn FOR DOING NOTHING? no they dont. 3) i certainly dont think that your tax payers should have forked out for the security in such excess..4) the queen makes billions..let that pompous old tart pay for it, what else can she spend it on? diamond collars for her corgi's rofl...

5) we are an independent nation, we dont want or need british intervention.. they exiled us, now leave us alone..remove the union jack from our flag. it bears no use to us but to wave at the queen on her once a century visit here..lazzy old git..just look at her, she didnt even smile at the wedding..old fart. someone should smack her hahaha right on the chin. cant wait until shes gone and one of the princes holds sway..maybe then with someone who is in touch with this century and the way things are will we respect the monarchy here again..until that time most aussies cant stand her.

fyi, dirk hartog was first here, not captain the dutch should have more right to fly their flag along side our southern cross :)

I've stayed away from replying long enough as its just going to descend into me criticising your lack of general knowledge but here we go.
1) The cost to the taxpayer is 66p per person, per year. Thats a total cost of around £42,225,000. It is well known that the royal family pay an estimated £170 million back in tax each year. Already a net plus of £130,000,000 from their presence.
They also attract significantly more tourists to this country than would otherwise come. Particularly when you encounter Americans, their interest is the rich history that the Royals have, and their continued place in this country! The presence of tourists increases spending on Food (whilst here), Accommodation, Transport, and encourages them to visit other attractions. Its likely they'll spend more than 66p in all of those categories also, so will outweigh the cost of our rather pitiful contribution across a whole year. (66p, to generate massive income into the economy is far more worth it in my opinion, rather than not have that income. Spend a little, get more back; or "money makes money")

2) Already answered above, but proven that she isn't an "economic sponge".

3) Are you just thick, or trolling? "lets not fork out for security, and ensure that there isnt a terrorist attack, if there is one, at least we'll be able to say we saved a few pennies". Idiotic statement proves itself. Always better to be safe than sorry.

4) She personally doesn't make "billions". Its through a variety of companies, not limited to but including, The Duchy of Cornwall's food estates, Heritage sites, Employment firms.

5) Most of my Australian relatives (who emigrated there during the 1920s, and their descendants) actually still prefer to have the Queen and the monarchy, and I have yet to hear them say a bad word about them whilst I've known them.

The cost to the economy is also highly debated. The article linked to earlier chose a figure that was published 3 or 4 years ago, and is but one of many, as outlined here

And finally, I really DONT understand the Irish resentment from what is a youthful generation, supposedly against the English as a broad category.
I'm from Wales, if I wanted to bear the chip on my shoulder like you guys do, I could. "They ruined the mines, enslaved our ancestors etc". Most people in England thought what happened in Ireland was terrible, yes, but the pathetic (and frankly it is) whining that is heard from people now is beyond the pale. Feel free to flame away, but you did nothing to improve your own situation (starting a fight during the middle of a world war; bombing things turned out really well didnt it, and trying to blow people up after a peace settlement is really clever), and have lost most of your international sympathies from abroad as you got what was widely recognised as fair!
Judging people based on historical actions is ridiculous, nonsensical, and highly judgemental. By doing so, you in fact are working your own personal "jihad" in the style of many who hate Muslims for past actions, or Muslims who hate the West for past actions. They are decried as being foolish, so I see no reason why you should not be.
Thank god the Irish I know aren't like you, otherwise you would be a laughing stock as a nation.


And finally, I really DONT understand the Irish resentment from what is a youthful generation, supposedly against the English as a broad category.
I'm from Wales, if I wanted to bear the chip on my shoulder like you guys do, I could. "They ruined the mines, enslaved our ancestors etc". Most people in England thought what happened in Ireland was terrible, yes, but the pathetic (and frankly it is) whining that is heard from people now is beyond the pale. Feel free to flame away, but you did nothing to improve your own situation (starting a fight during the middle of a world war; bombing things turned out really well didnt it, and trying to blow people up after a peace settlement is really clever), and have lost most of your international sympathies from abroad as you got what was widely recognised as fair!
Judging people based on historical actions is ridiculous, nonsensical, and highly judgemental. By doing so, you in fact are working your own personal "jihad" in the style of many who hate Muslims for past actions, or Muslims who hate the West for past actions. They are decried as being foolish, so I see no reason why you should not be.
Thank god the Irish I know aren't like you, otherwise you would be a laughing stock as a nation.

Well yeah the Starting stuff during the world war did work out well they might have not got our independence straight away but over the next few years people such as Michael Collins was inspired to go on and get our freedom.
There is still resentment because of all the orangers in the north.
Also Tyrone and fermanagh should have been in the republic because they have nationalist majoritys.
There will always be resentment towards the English thats just the way its gonna be


I've stayed away from replying long enough as its just going to descend into me criticising your lack of general knowledge but here we go.
1) The cost to the taxpayer is 66p per person, per year. Thats a total cost of around £42,225,000. It is well known that the royal family pay an estimated £170 million back in tax each year. Already a net plus of £130,000,000 from their presence.
They also attract significantly more tourists to this country than would otherwise come. Particularly when you encounter Americans, their interest is the rich history that the Royals have, and their continued place in this country! The presence of tourists increases spending on Food (whilst here), Accommodation, Transport, and encourages them to visit other attractions. Its likely they'll spend more than 66p in all of those categories also, so will outweigh the cost of our rather pitiful contribution across a whole year. (66p, to generate massive income into the economy is far more worth it in my opinion, rather than not have that income. Spend a little, get more back; or "money makes money")

2) Already answered above, but proven that she isn't an "economic sponge".

3) Are you just thick, or trolling? "lets not fork out for security, and ensure that there isnt a terrorist attack, if there is one, at least we'll be able to say we saved a few pennies". Idiotic statement proves itself. Always better to be safe than sorry.

4) She personally doesn't make "billions". Its through a variety of companies, not limited to but including, The Duchy of Cornwall's food estates, Heritage sites, Employment firms.

5) Most of my Australian relatives (who emigrated there during the 1920s, and their descendants) actually still prefer to have the Queen and the monarchy, and I have yet to hear them say a bad word about them whilst I've known them.

The cost to the economy is also highly debated. The article linked to earlier chose a figure that was published 3 or 4 years ago, and is but one of many, as outlined here

And finally, I really DONT understand the Irish resentment from what is a youthful generation, supposedly against the English as a broad category.
I'm from Wales, if I wanted to bear the chip on my shoulder like you guys do, I could. "They ruined the mines, enslaved our ancestors etc". Most people in England thought what happened in Ireland was terrible, yes, but the pathetic (and frankly it is) whining that is heard from people now is beyond the pale. Feel free to flame away, but you did nothing to improve your own situation (starting a fight during the middle of a world war; bombing things turned out really well didnt it, and trying to blow people up after a peace settlement is really clever), and have lost most of your international sympathies from abroad as you got what was widely recognised as fair!
Judging people based on historical actions is ridiculous, nonsensical, and highly judgemental. By doing so, you in fact are working your own personal "jihad" in the style of many who hate Muslims for past actions, or Muslims who hate the West for past actions. They are decried as being foolish, so I see no reason why you should not be.
Thank god the Irish I know aren't like you, otherwise you would be a laughing stock as a nation.

sounds like parliament now..coalition v the opposition..there will always be an argument ''fore'' and ''against'' but a new p/hol will always drop economic income dude, for many reasons...and if all you have for tourism is the royals god help your country in the future dude.. rather see a few rare animals and some outback than a huge pile of royal pomp myself..

so what your saying is they could have easily paid for their own security but the tax payers did instead mate..nice one lol

and you made my point already thanx..they suit you lot, so boot her off from here pal...we gain nada from the royals.

i have brit mates, i love them dearly, but man we have some debates over this, and they can see it bears no use on our flag anymore..we are independent from the uk..we have been for a long time now.. there is no need for us to support your heritage in the same manner as you all should and always will.

its time to go........union jack! and the royals are a british thing...nothing aussie about them, never will be never want them to be..stay over there drinking cups of tea :lol:

you want to criticize my lack of general knowledge do so PLEASE I BEG YOU..because the more royal garbage i know less about the better...SNAP!


Sorry but if your Irish and you still hold a grudge against the English you seriously need to let it go. The only people that still hold onto this are the ones that have nothing better to do with their lives. :)

edit; I mean a grudge for the stuff that happened years ago, not a personal dislike of the royal stuff.


[tt]I think its time this thread was closed before it gets out of hand :) after all its totally off topic now [/tt]
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