Quitting Speed.

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i don't know.. but i am hated by pretty much every good speed player, and quite frankly i am targeted before i even join a speed due to matt being pathetic, the german crew with tropez in finding it hilarious, and quite frankly i cannot play anymore with all these haters.


Create a new account and don't give away your identity.


i was tempted.

So this is what is happpening. You are running away from your problems (nod)
Who cares about other peoples opinions. Too many people commit suicide of because of this...
Speed was about having fun and now people taking it too seriously...
I love banter but people like matt and I could mention others ruining this game for others who are just here to have fun...
Cammmy. don't leave


As I said I like you Cammmy. and I think myself as a good speed player so i agree with Lagging-Page Loading don't leave :)


As I said I like you Cammmy. and I think myself as a good speed player so i agree with Lagging-Page Loading don't leave :)

You are not a good player but you have potential with the right help :)
Cammmy, don't let these haters stop you playing what you said you enjoyed when you left SLAP! Which is Speed...
Up to you at the end of the day


it was fun..but now it is a constant battle and it gets to me more than you guys think, i am always trying to beat matt to prove to him that i am good, that is it. i was kicked from SLAP!, the tribe i have loved and it hurt, i made -tuNe to prove that i didn't need them, i nobled him and alex to prove i was good, and well..it is all for nothing because i just want fun and this game never gives it me. i set my alarm every morning in the holidays to play a 9:30 start, to the point that i set my alarm..i woke up to the alarm and just lay there for 3 hours without a care in the world and it was nice.
i have a lief and i don't need this stuff dragging me down because it does. i am 15. not 30, i am not ready to start hating on people because it isn't who i am.


1. Noone will reach matt's expectation
2. Welcome to the kicked list... Your not the first and won't be the last either
3. -tuNe has potential and that's all down to you
4. TW don't give you fun (weirdo) Only kidding
5. Speed is a hobby and shouldn't take you over
6. If you believe speed is dragging you down. Then I think you should do what you have to do!

And btw, You are a good player whatever anyone else says :)


he really get's on my nerves. it is just like this to everyone, i am never good enough and you know what? hmm..would say a naughty word but..

damn you. :L


I haven't played all of this week and it's been a good break. I don't intend to quit, I have only played now and again casually.
Playing every speed round is tiring and isn't worth it, just play when you feel like it and not because of other people. Sure this game is competitive, but playing just to try and beat some egotistical players is just satisfying their craving for attention.

So my advice is, don't quit, just play when you want and not when others want (thats how a game works after all), and if necessary make a new account and play on that one to avoid being targeted. Best of luck to you :icon_biggrin:


Orginal postet by SexySmurf

Create a new account and don't give away your identity.

after 2-3 rounds I will know which account he is playing :D
that will bring nothing

and its good when all vs a little group of the same players is fighting
I hope you all hate TropeZ because, every win brings some new enemies
and I have to much of these wins...

but you cant make nothing - playing for 1,2,3 place


TropeZ... I struggle to understand your nonsensical jibberish. However, I presume you were trying to gloat? :icon_neutral:

I don't see how you could work out who he was, all he needs to do is make a new account, play at his own leisure and stick below radar. Easy enough. Once he starts doing well he might get noticed but I doubt many people would recognise him.


I do not care
every round there is only 1 tribe who is winning the round not 2 tribes or 3tribes
(fast and furios is not affected)

and without a tribe I dont know...


Teen drama again?
you're playing twmasters first though (nod)


I don't play speed much, I'm hopeless at it. But some players on speed need to shut up (TropeZ)


So this is what is happpening. You are running away from your problems (nod)
Who cares about other peoples opinions. Too many people commit suicide of because of this...
Speed was about having fun and now people taking it too seriously...
I love banter but people like matt and I could mention others ruining this game for others who are just here to have fun...
Cammmy. don't leave

How does suicide coincide with making a new account to enjoy the game?


How does suicide coincide with making a new account to enjoy the game?

I think he more meant cammy feels victimized by everyone, so rather than face his problems he's taking the easy way out by quitting. Similarly people do commit suicide for the same reasons.

Quitting gaming and committing suicide are opposite ends of the scale, but the relation lagging made is still there, just in different extremes.
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