Rate the Player Above

  • Thread starter DeletedUser8687
  • Start date


- onetruth

Points 6/10 - Close to the rim so not too high but its not low either
Tribe 3/10 - No idea who they are
Location 7/10 - seems to be a few inactives and barbs around you
OD - to early to judge looks like you cleared an inactive with a few spears though
Rep - 6/10 - seen you post a bit



- onetruth


Points 4/10. You started on the 6th of june. I started 5 days after you and we have the same points that is beyond poor.
Tribe 5/10 - No idea who they are, but your duke seems to be asking the right questions on the forum so he seems to want to improve his game. So potential, if this reflects the rest of the tribe.
Location 1/10 - you have obviously been dryed out by Cory wla and phoenix. Bro i would restart you aint going nowhere
OD -I'mma ignore this. Since you have some od, not high enough to be foolish but it aint zero, so it could just be clearing those 4-5 spears lying around.
Rep - 1/10 - Ain't seen you post before bro, and i ain't heard of you neither.


Points 8/10 given start date
Tribe 7/10 Nauz is scurred
Location 5/10 Eh not the best. Couple guys north of you farming it seems to (I know you're outgrowing them, but it's still an inconvenience.
OD 8/10 Good for stage, aggressive farming and whatnot
Rep 9/10 duh.

Leaf Coneybear


Leaf Coneybear

Points 9/10 - Can't complain
Tribe 7/10 - Would be 10, but ruining any level playing-field for Uk9
Location 8/10 - Bit out from core, but a fair few decent farms
OD N/A - Bit early, but good nonetheless
Rep 8/10 - I've seen a nice few posts of yours before



Kid above me

2/10 - Further into the core than me
5/10 - Because I like small tribes
6/10 - Looks nice but your being outgrown
4\10 - Too high
... - No idea who you are


Points 9/10 - top5
Tribe 10/10 - good premade
Location 8/10 - alot of barbarians,but another top player in your 15x15
OD 8/10 - probably killed alot of spears ^^
Rep 6/10 - I've seen a few posts of yours before



points~7 doing well
tribe~7 only cause you have MS though :)
OD~6 thats quite high, may be slowing you down?
Rep~ 7 :p


Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
Reaction score

Points - 9/10 Started late but still top 20 - wouldn't expect anyless from you
Tribe - 5/10 still think you would of all got the competition you craved if you weren't all in the same tribe but can understand the want to play with your mates rather than fight them...
Location - 7/10 tribe mate pretty close
OD - how cares at this stage
Rep - 9/10 Your post make sense to me and your ego hasn't overtaken your ability




Points - 8/10
Tribe - 5/10
Location - 7/10
OD - 7/10
Rep - ?

Mam@ Mia?


Points 6/10 Could/Should be better
Tribe 1/10 Don't rate them at all.
Location 4/10 Too competitive.
OD 3/10 Too high...
Rep -/10 Never heard of you. Seem quiet.

Leaf Coneybear


Points: 10/10 You're just too good D:
Tribe: 9/10 Missing some players who could replace the lower ones...
Location: 7/10 - Not great farming
OD: 6/10 You've got some...
Rep 10/10- Sjaaaaaayy

Rate Danade


Points: 8/10 - Steady growth
Tribe: 9/10 - 2nd
Location: 6/10 - Looks sparse for farms
OD: 6/10 - Bumped up just recently
Rep: 8/10 - You post often, posts honest and not arrogant
Total: 37/50

IGN: Stormridder



Points 6/10 you are out growing some but not all in your area. If you do have three players on that account - points are crap
Tribe 8/10 I like :) not sure what they where thinking about inviting you and curious george together (one of you should of restarted earlier
Location 7/10 the location for you suggests that you maybe getting out farmed a bit. But your very close to your tribemate, which makes good for protection, worse case senario
OD: 8/10 been hit a bit, but also have a small ODA - thats what you need at this stage, ODA whoring is idiotic at this stage
Rep: 9/10 - Forum presence is good

OOOPS didnt see the others till I posted :S

Points 8/10 - staying ahead of the guys around you
Tribe 7/10 - not hear much about them, but lowish member count and in top 20 - going well
Location 8/10 - not too bad, decent barbs and not that many threats
OD 7/10 - not too much, good at this stage, you should only be clearing inactives and leaving actives alone
Rep 9/10 the only way to learn this game is not to be afraid to ask. I like that

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Points: 10/10 - Completely outgrown everybody in your 20x20 - tripled the points of the biggest guy near!

OD: 7/10 - Good for this stage, not too much!

Positioning: 10/10 everyone in your 15x15 seems to be pretty much inactive...make good farms ;)

Reputation: 9/10 - Seen/heard you a lot on here and you talk sense :D

Tribe: 10/10 - What is there to say :)

Total: 46/50

IGN: DavvaG (SteveDisco is set for delete)



Points: 8/10 - you've outgrown most around you and are doing pretty good considering how late you started!

OD: 0/10 - no OD yet but still early for you!

Positioning: 10/10 - lots of inactives = lots of farms... and you've got loads :p

Reputation: 8/10 - iv only just started using these forums so i cant give an accurate rating for forum rep but from previous worlds id say you have a good rep.

Tribe: 10/10 - top tribe... but i would say that :p



Points: 9/10 - Top 30 and doing prett well with growth

OD: 8/10 - Pretty good for this stage :)

Positioning: 10/10 - A hell of a lot of farms there bro :p

Rep: 7/10 You have been in a couple of the latest worlds and done very well mate...some have heard of you, some fear you :D

Tribe: 10/10 - Our tribe :D


Points: 1/10 - At first, I thought you restarted, then I checked again and lol'ed.
OD: 4/10 - At your point level, it is detrimental to have high ODA as it typically relates to less farming ability.
Positioning: 0/10 - A player above you is 300 points ahead. Literally one space above you.
Reputation: 1/10 - You have early game ranks on your profile as if they are accomplishments.
Tribe: 4/10 - Meh. I recognize a few names, but I can't remember why I recognize them.

Rate: Successfully Scripted


points~7 top 20
OD~7 you're 14th but ive heard your area is bad so i guess clearing was neccessary
Pos~5 bad farming and no noble targets :(
rep~7 dont really know you but MS says your cool :p
Tribe~7 rank 2

ign~ cold-fusion



Points 10/10 - started 4 days after start and still rank 11. (plus well outgrown me even though i beat you too lc)
OD: 8/10 low enough not to have wasted troops
Pos: 10/10 brilliant area when your get your farming done before me ;) plus you got me next door for help if you ever need it.
Rep: 9/10 seen you around a lot plus your next to me so dont attack me!
tribe: 10/10


ign Jackcrop


Points: 1/10 - At first, I thought you restarted, then I checked again and lol'ed.
OD: 4/10 - At your point level, it is detrimental to have high ODA as it typically relates to less farming ability.
Positioning: 0/10 - A player above you is 300 points ahead. Literally one space above you.
Reputation: 1/10 - You have early game ranks on your profile as if they are accomplishments.
Tribe: 4/10 - Meh. I recognize a few names, but I can't remember why I recognize them.

Rate: Successfully Scripted
Can somebody rate me again as that account was cleared for delete a couple of days ago. Rate DavvaG please...that is me!