Rank: 8/10 in the top 100
Tribe: 9/10 Levian is a nightmare waiting to happen on someone.
OD: 7/10 Overall the OD looks decent but it is all attack od. Attacking is good or course, but odd is well... not so great. Has one of the best growth rates in his tribe.
Rep: 8/10 Good solid rep on here. Gets some respectful nods from players in other tribes.
Rank: 8/10 in the top 100
Tribe: 9/10 Levian is a nightmare waiting to happen on someone.
OD: 7/10 Overall the OD looks decent but it is all attack od. Attacking is good or course, but odd is well... not so great. Has one of the best growth rates in his tribe.
Rep: 8/10 Good solid rep on here. Gets some respectful nods from players in other tribes.