The Lessons Commence


Na, thats One Hit KO guide:

Radarr you are right in a one village scenario to a very limited to extent.

Otherwise more villages normally does equal more troops.

BH was talking to me about points not actually being that bad a measure before and they are underrated, though I could be getting muddled >.>

Farms need points afterall and so do the neccessary progression for points etc. etc.

They do not directly equal points I agree, but they are closely linked.

PS - I wub woo <3


I know, but that mail was from UK2 talking about UK2... :icon_razz:.. Sometimes it can be truthful that more points = more troops BUT they made the definition Point-Whore for a reason didn't they?


You misunderstand my point.

I did not make a point about who was winning the argument. The point I made was that his statistics were much better.


Well-Known Member
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What? :icon_confused:

You said about egotistical was a response to him "caning people" in the arguements. It wasn't to say he was a bad player, but to state a fact that he does think he is a very good one or is that just how all his posts come off? >.>

I never claimed to not have an ego. I have stated repeatedly though that I never have and never will claim to be the best at any aspect of this game. People repeatedly accuse me of making such claims, but no one can find an instance of me doing so because it has never happened. There's a difference from thinking you are better than majority, and thinking you are the best. I think, and in fact, know, that the former is true, I also know the latter is not true.


=O Nauz>God

Bt you are sore because you got cleared

I send you some Cookeh!s though =D


Nauzhror what was your alais on w30, its just i play it (rank 600 and somthing, yeah thats right. you can touch me if you want) and don't remeber seeing you ,

also imo w1 and w30 net both church worlds have been the most competitive worlds i have ever played. lots of good players and new stratigies devolping. It suprises me a tribalwars god such as yourselve didn't stick around and show us how its done.
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Well-Known Member
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Nauzhror what was your alais on w30, its just i play it (rank 600 and somthing, yeah thats right. you can touch me if you want) and don't remeber seeing you ,

also imo w1 and w30 net both church worlds have been the most competitive words i have ever played. lots of good players and new stratigies devolping. It suprises me a tribalwars god such as yourselve didn't stick around and show us how its done.

Too Poor For A Name - Goldbar and I co-played the account.

Optimus-Prime on 02.09. at 22:53 Quote
Hey, can you just stick to not posting in Nauzhrors stupid thread please :| your making us look like idiots. Yes those players were point-whoring. They'd been played for 6 days.. I've been playing for about 3 and have twice as many troops as them.

So just re-frain from posting in Nauzhror unless you post something clever.

Damn, I'd wondered why everyone quit posting all of a sudden, guess that's why. You decided to stop bringing attention to the original post which makes your tribe look bad.
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I never claimed to not have an ego. I have stated repeatedly though that I never have and never will claim to be the best at any aspect of this game. People repeatedly accuse me of making such claims, but no one can find an instance of me doing so because it has never happened. There's a difference from thinking you are better than majority, and thinking you are the best. I think, and in fact, know, that the former is true, I also know the latter is not true.

Actually you did say most of your ego was in jest on the 4th or 3rd post of my premade thread, but I think most of us know you know you have an ego :icon_wink:

@Me being cleared I'm really not sore about that at all. I'm sad shadow's quitting tbh I liked him.

/Yawn - Actually luke bishop, john murray and now I are going to bed >.>

Quite a lot of the people you were talking to were british and would not have even seen that post by OP


Nauzhror what was your alais on w30, its just i play it (rank 600 and somthing, yeah thats right. you can touch me if you want) and don't remeber seeing you ,

also imo w1 and w30 net both church worlds have been the most competitive worlds i have ever played. lots of good players and new stratigies devolping. It suprises me a tribalwars god such as yourselve didn't stick around and show us how its done.

Urm knowing people on both sides of the arguments here and having respect for them both , even though Nauz always disses me :p I wont comment on them but to be honest uk 1 and w30 are certainly not the most competitive worlds I have played on personally .

Just all join w3 and battle it out and you just know while you guys are ego rubbing the girls will be owning all your villages :icon_wink:



Cool read. But I still did not get my hug from you.

(I was going to say something, but I forgot.)


Urm knowing people on both sides of the arguments here and having respect for them both , even though Nauz always disses me :p I wont comment on them but to be honest uk 1 and w30 are certainly not the most competitive worlds I have played on personally .

Just all join w3 and battle it out and you just know while you guys are ego rubbing the girls will be owning all your villages :icon_wink:

i've only ever played w14 w30 and so in my case its true:icon_razz:

i don't really get this thread . naz sent a message to some people and cleared them ...made his own thread .....(but doesn't have an ego) and then loads of tw big names start comparing tw records (talking of tw records can't find any mention of you being no1 on world 30 for any amount time)

it then becomes a mass "my ram is bigger than your ram . but even if it isn't it used to be and i know how to use it better" competion

oh and naz doesn't have an ego

have i missed anything???


i have been following this and just wait for the right time to say. i have been playing with Nauz for couple of worlds and of course it has been very competitive. He is a good player, no doubt that and some of you also can see that for yourself. I never judge players ability and comparing one to another just because of of one or two worlds but what Nauz accomplished is more than most of players in TW never achieved, i am sure you have to agreed with me there.

Every one playing this game for fun and some thrills if it provides just that at start up and when it reached a certain time in the game you feel bored .. then quitting is acceptable, I myself never find time to get my account pass 350k in points cause it takes so much more time that i dont have to look after the account then. with the business with Nauz, Luke, Murray and BT also if Teensy want to be in it too then its fine.

I will hits where you guys feel the most.... it is your ego. The best way to solve who are the bests and who are just overated is by going head to head. W3 coming in couple of months, if you guys are not sastified about each other then do compete in that world, in the same K and do prove to us, what you are capable of :icon_twisted:

I would love to see a world with all best members in there cause it would create a ultimate war zone dont you think? :icon_wink:


cant wait till the next episode of :
''fuzzy bunny's how to expand my head some more'' junkies puuuuuuurt !


Nauz doesn't have an ego. His profile states that he plays for 1 minute a day, and yet is still in the top ten. See?

Rough time block according to which co-player is on the account.

0:00 - 23:59: Nauzhror's Ego
23:59 - 0:00: Nauzhror


I played w6 *looks around to get attention* i diededededededededed though, apparently when u say to the rank no1 tribe "you and whose army" he just has to point out the window....who knew?
we said that, we start a war, thrash them and the leader legs it out of the window :lol: