The New Speed Mod.


I am sorry but these rounds that are being created are boring as hell and rubbish.

I rather dislike the limit on how far noblemen can travel.

the length of some of the rounds are way to long (sometimes).

And i purchase Farm Assit with my hard earned money not to be able to use it!! A no haul round whats the point in that, there is no skill involved i may as well just put account manager on....

Would be appreciated if someone could start making some decent rounds!

Regards Calum.


BRO , i agree to you , that raised rounds should have haul in them , yeah .
Raised rounds without hauls are boring .
Rounds should be created keeping in mind the purpose of speed .
There should be some scripts that may be rotated down the week


yeah but i am playing a round now where i started from 21 points with no hauls.... and it doesn't even specify there will be no hauls on the speed overview page...


if its hauls, if anyone good plays than you most likely win, so no haul benefits you. and no hauls to too manic without farming nevermind with farming, its good to have a range of rounds, instead of playing the same ones over and over. but i agree with long rounds, they bore the hell our of me.


No , i disagree ^^.

Hauls are the basic of tribal wars , without hauls , no game , no competiton .

The more hauls , and the winner you are ^^

anyone can set A/m if he has that ;) , i agree that haul rounds are no good when you have like 100-200 villages but 100-200 start with single village afterall


you will only get to 100+ vils if your good, with hauls it will just even more manic and too hard to control. without hauls they're is the same competition with hauls, most likely the better players will win, but thats something we all just deal with, if its hauls then the better players just become even better. AM doesn't grow as fast as a player can grow, it must wait few seconds before it sets its next assignment, and it will usually build up stuff like the wall whilst you want to rush nobles at the start.


yes the current rounds arent good, last week: speed 50 on a sunday <- boring!
and no haul rounds arent stupid, on .de are only no haul rounds with a 26point start
BUT the speed should be 400 or double mine produktion, without its to boring


tropez, i agree , yep .
but it does make sense that RAISED ROUND SHOULD BE haul cause ,
when u get like 10-11 villas , you dont haul too much , then it becomes no haul :p


cant you plan sometimes high stars with mines 30 30 30 and hauls? (maybe with barb nobling too / or without morale)

i never understood those rounds, where morale is on in every single round.

if you could plan rounds like that with constant nobles while the weekend would be very nice :p


haha , nooo lol. morale is surely necessary :p tribal wars principle are -

1. Morale
2. Farming
3. Fake limit
4. Equality given via bout protection or nobleman limit ^^


I bether like short 3-5 hours rounds during weekend so there is time for the social too.


for noobs the morale is necassary, yes

in rounds like that with 3-5hours morale is definately not necassary


fake limit is better off, so you can actually fake, yh, morale are for small player wishing to sneak up the rankings, and finish better than their usual. and perfect, 3-5 hours rounds are the best, haul or no haul, more hectic, and less dragging on moments, and more time off the computer instead of spending all time on a all day round.


fake limit is better off, so you can actually fake, yh, morale are for small player wishing to sneak up the rankings, and finish better than their usual. and perfect, 3-5 hours rounds are the best, haul or no haul, more hectic, and less dragging on moments, and more time off the computer instead of spending all time on a all day round.

you chose better words for planing 3-5hours rounds with high start than myself, nice! :):):):):)


I'd like to bring your attention to this post.

Read it again and consider it's contents please.

It's a thankless enough task moderating speed without having to deal with all the negative criticism when learning how to plan rounds.

Not everyone is going to like every round, but your opinions are listened to when they are feasible.

It's our intention to make rounds you enjoy and want to participate in, why would anyone want to waste their time doing otherwise?

So, with this in mind, please use the suggestions thread, NICELY, in order to achieve the results we all desire.


fake limit is better off, so you can actually fake, yh, morale are for small player wishing to sneak up the rankings, and finish better than their usual. and perfect, 3-5 hours rounds are the best, haul or no haul, more hectic, and less dragging on moments, and more time off the computer instead of spending all time on a all day round.

3-5 hour rounds (weekend) with speed 350-400 (raised start, but not allways the same raised start) makes everyone happy :)


yep . right ^^ raised rounds for 3-5 hrs , then , big hallows :p like we had previous year , where farm capacity reached like 100,000 to trolll others LOl

RAISED ROUNDS for 2 days was nice ^^ but sleep mode should be there + \loyalty 100-100 or 50-50 ;)


yep . right ^^ raised rounds for 3-5 hrs , then , big hallows :p like we had previous year , where farm capacity reached like 100,000 to trolll others LOl

RAISED ROUNDS for 2 days was nice ^^ but sleep mode should be there + \loyalty 100-100 or 50-50 ;)

yes raised rounds for 2 days are nice + sleep mode, but best loyaty is the normal loyalty :D (for me)


please some 26 point start. or 6 pits max cuz if the game start whit building upgraded "In my opion its boring"


no tobi , its not ,

ok lets have everything :) , 26 points start , followed by raised , then bash and then slow etc etc :)

We can have what everyone wants and diversity but yeah THE PARTICULAR ROUND must make sense and must cope up with game tactics ^^ cheeers