Top 10 Tribes


Thoughts on the current top 10 ? New additions such as W.A.R


First one who complete a good review of top 10 tribes gets a kiss x


Someone save the forums and do a top10.

I vote Will or Bluesteele


Blue's Review/Thoughts

As promised i have for you my review of the top, i think ill make it to 10, tribes!

At this point ill just say that my views are in no way affiliated with alpha's diplomacy policy or strategy moving forward. Also i apologise in advance for any offence i may cause in my writings.

Lets do it then:


Initial reaction:

Alpha got a large lead in all categories.
Nearly x2 rank 2 OD
Could mean a lack of troops with lots of high point villas.
WD and ReBooT falling behind
W.A.R new
mayhem and W.A.R growth very impressive.

Rank 1: Alpha

This tribe began life after the previously rank 1 player left the previously rank 1 tribe. (Yeah great start Blue, good english...). Anyway he left and recruited what appeared to be the creme de la creme of uk19. The tribe was significantly strengthened by the additions of CF and PMP; who shortly became dukes. They changed the recruitment strategy and, in my view, have improved the tribe.


Looking at it, they have a lovely spread. rank 1 in both k45 and k55 they look to be in a very strong position being able to dominate half the world with relative ease.

Alpha's conquers are good, with few barbs or internals, i would call it the best list of conquers on the world given they also have some very high pointed caps.

Their issues will come in the near future with the rising of the C.R.A.P tribes. Coalition (of) Rubbish (that) Alpha (will) Poo (on). This is a group of too many tribes to be counted that have joined to try and kill off Alpha, stopping their domination of the two aforementioned k's. This has echoes of uk14 as Inc. dominated early and mid game and was then gang banged by a group of around 12 tribes. Inc. pulled through, with similar leadership, so i see no reason why this lot can do the same.

[12:14:38] Blue (PMP): What is it like being a member of Alpha?
[12:14:44] Tedd: horrible
[12:14:58] Blue (PMP): Any reasons for that?
[12:15:02] Tedd: :D

(Blue kicks Tedd. All his villas are mixed, majoring on spear nukes - fire away.)

Map of Lower k45 and k55, C.R.A.P in black:

The spread is not in alpha's favor and they will have to work hard in order to combat this effectively and maintain growth. Their large spike in OD in the last few days shows they are being worked, we are yet to see them go on the full offensive; maybe this will happen some time soon.


Alpha's 'full offensive' should therefore worry C.R.A.P greatly, given that they are basically just food atm. It is 10-2 in the past week, showing that they have responded well to attacks.

I spoke to one of Alpha's dukes:

[12:11:19] Blue (PMP): cool
[12:11:] Blue (PMP): What do you think of the threat that C.R.A.P pose to Alpha?
[12:12:39] William: Only threat really is SOME of ReBoot
[12:12:42] William: that is
[12:13:08] William: IF our members are teamplayers, follow orders and know how to play
[12:14:22] Blue (PMP): Ah i see. Thus far i think they have shown themselves to be above the majority of players.
What do you make of W.A.R resurfacing again?
[12:16:30] William: Yeah but they are using the other tribes mostly, from all players in the smaller tribes I've spoken to ReBoot are bullying them and acting dominant giving them the advantage over everything
[12:17:56] William: The tribe will do well, great spread and domination. They have absolutely no threats so growth will be massive similar to Mayhem.
[12:18:38] Blue (PMP): I see, wise words as always
How long do you think it will be before a proper war breaks out between some of the top5 tribes?
[12:19:26] William: A long time
[12:19:28] William: month
[12:19:31] William: or so
[12:19:38] William: it'll be ne vs se
[12:19:40] William: most likely
[12:19:48] Blue (PMP): Thanks for your time

They also need to watch for ego's and keep communication up. PMP ego is obviously far greater than CF (rightly of course) so they must be mindful of this and keep working together: Tribe > Account.

Rank 2: mayhem

Looking through this tribe's member list a few names jump out as being potential high ranked players. Volkan, despite his frankly awful nobling record so far, has shown promise in the past and should have at least 2 full nukes to his name and two full def villas given he has not had to work for villas. Divine-Intervention i know to be a decent player who can do well on a uk world. However, you dont look at this list and think, here are three accounts which can occupy the the top 3 places.

The conflict with WD was bizarre and needless in my view, but mayhem have come out on top:

Its pretty terrible reading, and frankly both tribes should be ashamed of their terrible efforts.

mayhem do have room to grow now in their main K, with WD appearing to fall behind. Their recruitment strategy compliments this well. they are using a: recruit the best, kick the lowest kinda thing. With a good number of tribe changes going on. For me, they are doing well and are starting to make in-roads in the large lead the rank 1 tribe has.

I spoke to Volkan, duke of mayhem:

[11:50:50] Blue (PMP): How is the world going so far for mayhem?
[11:51:31] Orhun !: the leadership is pleased with the progress we are making
[11:52:10] Blue (PMP): good to hear, are you making much progress against WD? or do the stats tell the whole story that youre not really doing anything?
[11:54:01] Orhun !: stats dont tell the whole story, the biggest damage we've done to them is them losing their core, which consisted of a lot of their players, 2 of them are with us now, 4 of them left and quit, hence why the stats dont show those.

If we go and look back at the pnp we made fist0fgod was furious with the reaction he was getting during our ops - '100s of fakes in a few days' after he said that 24-48 hours later their core fell apart
[11:54:32] Orhun !: there was also other smaller players but those are significant ofc
[11:55:34] Blue (PMP): Ahh right i see, well answered i must say!
Long-term, if youre willing to say, what direction do you guys plan on taking? Move East, or move South?
[11:56:41] Orhun !: as this is going public ... its best not to discuss those
[11:57:43] Blue (PMP): thats fair enough. (final question) What do you make of W.A.R forming once more with Gix and Clara at the helm, will they be a threat to you?
[11:59:53] Orhun !: ive personally had a couple conversations with them - some making me frown and some pleasing me, looking at their recruitment they are going to be more interested in their own K and racing to the rim rather than challenging us in our K any time soon.

that being said they still have a few challenges in their own K and a lot to do before they are in position to challenge mayhem for ours
[12:00:33] Blue (PMP): I would agree with most of that. Thanks for your time.

This tribe's longevity, i feel, rests upon their diplomacy strategy. Do they diplo east with rank1? do they diplo south with rank3? One has to say that mayhems leadership will be thinking about one of these options in the near future. Looking at the map, diplomacy with W.A.R would somewhat restrict them as they are already close to the k54 border. Diplo with Alpha allows them some growing room into the core so doesnt interfere with growth at all.

Rank 3: W.A.R

Now what can be said about Gix and Clara? Clara's timings are on point, check. Gix farms like a machine, check. They build acad at a bizarre time, check. They have a power complex? perhaps...
Or so it may seem as they cannot be in a tribe when not duke and duchess. Once more they have formed their Uk10 tribe going for a hatrick of Uk world wins, only achieved by KnK on the uk server. Now this feat cannot be equaled as KnK played all worlds with very similar member lists, W.A.R have not.

They are, effectively, (.S.) with a new, name, duke, and a few new members. because of this, morale may be low as wolfsbane, who was usurped, remains in the tribe. Could he be spreading discontent?

Now this is a spread i love to see:

Home k domination achieved and are ready to move onwards and upwards. Their nobling record does have a few barbs in it already, but they are of a decent size so not too much to worry about there.

I would say the same about their diplomacy strategy as i did for mayhem's but i would go further. right now, PATB account holds the most power on the world. Undoubtedly PMP and CF wield large influence but W.A.R are the hot topic, the one most people want on their side. Given that Gix is a master of manipulation, this will be interesting to watch. Ego may get in the way, but this half of the world is poised, anything could happen here.

Rank 4: WD

This is the first tribe that im going to write disparagingly of.

When i joined the world i looked at the map and rankings and though:
'hey, now look at WD! There is a tribe that could be rank1 and dominate.'
In fact, i was in their premade for a while until i was tempted away, and im very disappointed with how they have done. In their ranks they have experience, knowledge, previous success and good teamwork. all of this combined presents no reason as to why they should fail so spectacularly. They should have had the quality to dominate their k, a contributing factor has to be their idiotic decision to pre-register. they were warned it would cluster them but they did it anyway.

However, a week or so ago i learned they were to be trimming down, ridding themselves of the poorer members. They appear to have done so which places them in a stronger position than they were before.

WD Duke:

[11:15:13] Blue (PMP): can you tell me how the world is going for WD?
[11:16:22] Nibbler: best world for a while good fighting noughts been easy for a change
[11:17:04] Nibbler: war with mayhems still pretty even 4_3 to them although they have managed to recruit a few off us
[11:18:10] Blue (PMP): Sounds good, have you managed to strengthen your membership as you sugegsted you might? or are D.I.C still running independently?
[11:19:21] Nibbler: DIC due to being on the rim are still independent but reduced in numbers they are starting to grow fast and just had a successful op on mayhem
[11:19:59] Nibbler: WD have become more grouped for easy defence still have the odd isolated player that's causing us issues with defence
[11:20:25] Blue (PMP): I see, ty man, much appreciated :)

This is encouraging stuff for WD loyalists, and fans may want to renew their season tickets soon as the work D.I.C is doing is encouraging. They will not be included in this but i think, once they join up, WD will be infinitely better off on the quality side of things.


Now i hate this spread with a passion. WD (green) are stuck in the core with no where to go, stunting each others growth and farming all over the place. The addition of D.I.C wont do much for them, but will help a bit.

Overall, i think they are in a bad place atm, but their situation can be rectified through some decent diplo, recruitment and some well planned ops.

Rank 5: ReBooT:

Now Press, ReBooT, Press to ReBooT or whatever they are called now. They certainly did need to press something to reboot their tribe after the breakaway of #Pony earlier in the world. their leadership has gone through several changes, one being publicly documented which lowered global respect for this tribe. Having dealt with the leadership both from within and from a diplomacy sense i can say i like it. One is level headed and makes good choices, while the other is more calculated. This is what a tribe needs, tho the calculated one can come across a bit of a nut at times. For me, if this tirbe had better members, it could go far. If you look at its list, tbh it isnt good enough to challenge for the top 3 spots.

There isnt one account in the tribe that you would say could be top 3 or top 5 in the account ranking. Perhaps bar 1 (but that lost both its nukes and its train).

Their joining C.R.A.P is interesting, and could present problems to Alpha as ReBooT will be able to apply pressure to k55 members of the top dogs (or wolves), and have made dents with some decent attacks. they have also harmed themselves with some poor defending and some dreadful attacking. meaning they have lost 7 villas to Alpha.


This map shows the conquer areas for Alpha and ReBooT for the last week. As expected, Alpha dominate both k's, but the others appear to be nobling well and in good strategic positions. Given that they are run well, they may prove to be more of a challenge than anticipated. I wouldn't count them out, they have a role to play in the shaping of this world. Could these two become the new Ruffus and lead the lambs to the slaughterhouse?

Conclusions to be drawn:

Best tribe: Alpha
Tribe with most potential: W.A.R
Tribe id most like to be in now as a 10k player: W.A.R
Best Spread: Alpha/Mayhem

I must apologise for only doing the top5, this took ages and the missus is nagging me as always to go out. i am paying golf later so couldn't do more. I had hoped to add chats with the dukes of W.A.R and ReBooT but Gix ignored me and so it appeared did James.

Tis not my best work; but i hope decent and will be appreciated, it took a long time....

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Blue, actual stats for the Alpha war if we include everyone are;
Side 1:
Tribes: Alpha
Side 2:
Tribes: Greece, Greec_, I.B, L.B, T LOG, CRUMBS, COOKIE, ReBooT, TW1TS, RebeI!, Rebel, Rebel!, TDR, nV

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 32
Side 2: 6
Difference: 26


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 123,538
Side 2: 34,368
Difference: 89,170


Good review. I'd say best spread goes to Mayhem or W.A.R. Best tribe couldn't really go to anyone imo right now.


I missed out teh Rebel lot as we havnt actually had anything from them yet, and i heard they were causing issues on teh communications front fro C.R.A.P
