Top 20 Tribes Opinions


Right-o, obviously a little early to be making any grand sweeping statements but here's my opinion of the top 20 based on a brief look at maps, stats, profiles and any other information i can be bothered throwing in. Too early to be reading too much into averages and ODA etc so I'll just deal with basic stats first.

Top 20 Tribes - February 28th

1 +NRS+ Top 40 - 8k, Total - 18k, Members 107
Second biggest tribe and as far as I can see probably mass recruiters. Checked out the map and their all over the south with a few scatters in the north. Those will probably get picked out soon enough or move into other tribes. Possible core in south, south-west but will see what happens....Claim to be a pre-made but have obviously expanded.

2 -X- Top 40 - 8k, Total - 16k, Members 99
Another tribe I ran into on w3, joined late but where doing alright up until i got bored and left. Now they've got their foot in early could be something. Core in the SW which appears to be where NRS is also based (if they have a base) so could be an early power struggle.

3 G.G Top 40 - 7.7k, Total - 15k, Members 100
Prodominatly in SE, the other area with a strong NRS base with a few isolated members in SW. Have obviously spent some time on the profile, first part is generic, second part is boring. there is even a youtube link. Still people who have too much time on their hands usually prove to be decent tw players (or at least stay a little longer then others)

4 DJLS Top 40 - 7.6k, Total - 18.8k, Members 118
The biggest tribe in terms of members and numbers. Seem to have a core in the NE but again alot of scattered members else where. I recognise a few of the names off w3 tho although at least one was in the disaster that was MH. Oh well, no sign of a family tribe yet at least....

5 IG 40 - Top 40 7.4k, Total - 14.4k, Members 94
Like above, core in the NE but scattering in other places noticably the western rim. Also known as 'Forbidden Troops'....hmmm ominous sign if they're not allowed to make troops....also why are they IG then? ooooh Impirial Guards!! yeah....well not much to say...

6 NorthA Top 40 - 7.4k, Total - 13.5k, Members 89
Hmmm any tribe that has the exact minute they were formed worries me....Typical 'You mess with one, you mess with all message followed by a line of picachus. Um...I'm struggling for other comment....

7 T*U*D Top 40 - 7.4k, Total - 16k, Members 102
Again in the NE overlapping quite stongly with one of the other tribes above. Full name is 'The Under Dogs', don't under dogs normally have less people then the over dogs?

8 SCRE4M Top 40 - 7k, Total - 11k, Members 72
First tribe predominatly NW (though again with isolated members). Lower member count but my initial hope was quickly dashed by reading their profile. "Formally known as NEW" formally when? "Join us or die, and tremble in our wake!!!" um yeah,!

9 L-W Top 40 - 7k, Total - 9.8k, Members 64
Based in SE and no strays so off to a good start. Lot of generic bluster in the profile though. "Enemies
The Dishonourable, The Usurper's , The Liars, The Cheats, And the Scum of the Earth"...wouldn't want to get on their wrong side then...

10 RPS~E Top 40 - 7k, Total - 7k, Members 42
First off, i'm happy to get to them as they have less members and a higher everage then the other members of the top 10. Focused in the SE (with one stray) so another tick. Full name Rampaging Saints:Elite is a little worring (Where are the regular Rampaging Saints) and profile is a lil generic, but nothing made me grind my teeth. Out of the top 10 probably the most likely to be a decent tribe although it's still too early to judge any tribes (I'm just doing thus cuz I'm bored)

11 BL Top 40 - 6.8k, Total - 9.6k, Members 65
Based in SW so overlap with some big tribes. Lot of members but lowester average so far. Profile doesn't say much but tbh i prefer that to a profile that is lame.

12 R_O_T Top 40 - 6.8k, Total - 8.6k, Members 55
Another SW, (probably the area most likely to kick off?) but with more than their fair share of strays. Another long winded profile I can't be bothered to read. "If its a red dot -SCNDR IT" Is anyone else oblivious to the definiation of SCNDR? What ever it is they'll be doing alot of it i guess...

13 ~Q~ Top 40 - 6.7k, Total - 7.7k, Members 47
Nice focus in the SE, no strays so a good start. Low member count and average average. Little bit of gumph on the profile but on the whole seem alright.

14 Theory Top 40 - 6.66k, Total - 6.66k, Members 36
Another tribe I was looking forward to getting to. Best average in top 20. A name with no squiggles or hyphens too. In the crowded SW tho. Nice picture, no gumph. Think they've very likely to have a go at it providing they don't get ganked in their home quadrent.

15 Sons! Top 40 6.6, Total 8.4, Members 57
Prodominatly NE. Not much else of note other then they're a little bit spread out although generally in the same area at least.

16 WH4K Top 40 6.6, Total 7.8, Members 53
Not good I'm afraid. As if L337 on the name wasn't bad enough they're spread *all* over the north. Can't see them ending happily. Hmmmm after reading there profile tho.....Liking the full name "World 4 Clown Killers (W4CK) and the profle is nice too. I havn't looked at the pre-made list but i'm wondering if they're disparate locations is part of a devious plan? I'll hold judgment for now as I think they could be promising.

17 TRUE Top 40 6.6, Total 11.5, Members85
Yet another SW tribe, but probably the weakest so far with the lowest average points in the top 20. Another one-for-all tribe (arn't they always they ones where no ones supports anyone else?) with something against all reds. And to make matters worse a family tribe!

18 W4RTop 40 6.5, Total 7, Members 45
Is it me or is every other A and 4? Bad spread. I guess they're based in the NW but its hard to tell. Have a picture which is nice and generic profile. But unless they're another tribe with a spread out masterplan i think they're in a bit of a soft spot.

19 +PEST- Top 40 6.4, Total 6.4, Members 36
Another tribe with a good average. So thats 3/20. In the NE so they have some space. Profile is fine. Proportedly founded by experienced players and I think they might also be worth watching. Full name Pestulance, hmmm and we have where is Death and Famine? (or is it polution these days?)

20 KNK Top 40 6.3, Total 6.9, Members 48
Again SW, wow it's busy down there. Profile seems a little more serious then some of the others. From w1 so possably one to watch out for although currently their averages are nothing special.

Tribes to watch out for:
Have been reasonably impressed with RPS~E (even though I don't know where RPS~Normal is), Theory (although they might have trouble in the over crowded SW), W4CK (more by their profile then their averages or location) and +PEST-. These tribes stand out at the moment more than the others although it's still early days.

Also you can't discount iHATE who have by far the best average player size currently.

The above opinions were formed on limited facts. I've not had time to catch up on all the forums so please don't think my opinions are set in concrete or mean more then my own ramblings. If you disagree feel free to write your own opinions.


That is probably one of the best i have read especially with the information at present being so limited.

Nice Work



That is probably one of the best i have read especially with the information at present being so limited.

Nice Work


Thanks, i got into doing the top 20 weekly on w3 when i got bord in the evenings. Not much to go on like you said but at least next week i can post whose gone up and down....if i can be bothered ^_^. You've got to start some where.


they're spread *all* over the north
We were joining from a different world we joined at the start and the system overwrited our direction
because too many people joined that direction
and maybe we do have a devious plan


We were joining from a different world we joined at the start and the system overwrited our direction
because too many people joined that direction
and maybe we do have a devious plan

Sounds a bit crappy for you. Still, it's only over two k's not over 4 and you have a nice profile. I certainly wouldn't want to attack a tribe with a nice profile.


aimee who? ^_^ would it be a bad thing if i*ahem* she was back?

and on topic: 5 top 5 tribes now have over 100 members. Are we going to start seeing academies soon?


aimee who? ^_^ would it be a bad thing if i*ahem* she was back?

and on topic: 5 top 5 tribes now have over 100 members. Are we going to start seeing academies soon?

Academies and the associated family fail no doubt, but that'll change once 3/4 of the membership become farms.


Right, this thread seems to have died a little so I thought I´d inject some love. Before reading though I must apologise for the truncated nature of the evaluations. Am still
traveling around Peru, Bolivia and Chile so havn´t found the time to read through all the forums so I´m just going to blast out some quick opinions with the promise of a better effort next week.

Top 20 Tribes - February 28th - 8th March

1 DJLS ^3 Top 40 19k, Total - 43k, Members 119 (Last Week 7.6k/ 18.8k/ 118)
Are they going to be the first tribe to 120 members?

2 R_O_T ^10 Top 40 19, Total 40, Members 84 (Last Week 6.8k/ 8.6k/ 55)
Less members then several below them, but average is not much different from the above.

3 G.G - Top 40 - 19k, Total - 37k, Members 105 (Last Week 7.7k/ 15k/ 100)
Probably mass recruiters like #1. Think I saw some dirt on them on forums but can´t be arsed finding out what it was. (Will do next week)

4 SCRE4M ^4 Top 40 -18k, Total - 36k, Members 102 (Last Week 7k/ 11k/ 72)
Big jump in members in the last week.

5 RPS~E ^5 Top 40 - 18k, Total - 29k, Members 84 (Last Week 7k/7k/42)
Was happy to see them last week as they looked a bit more serious then those above but having doubled their numbers they appear on the surface to have become just another tribe.

6 IG v1 40 - Top 40 17K, Total - 31k, Members 92 (Last Week 40 7.4k/14.4k/94)
Dropped two members and one place. Is this a sign they´re resturcuting...?

7 Virtus NEW ENTRY Top 40 17K, Total - 19k, Members 47
First tribe this week that I´ve seen anything (from my casual glance) to suggest that they could be something. Average of 409 per player is the best in the top 20. There are however at least 3 tribes outside the top 20 with a better average. However they could be a sticker.

8 ~Q~ ^5 Top 40 - 17k, Total - 25k, Members 72 (Last Week6.7k/ 7.7k/ 47)
Back down to "just tribes" again on the surface.

9 WH4K ^7 Top 40 17, Total 13, Members 97 (Last Week 6.6/7.8/53)
Another tribe whose recruted extensivly in the last week and seemingly pulled their quality down.

10 Fianna NEW ENTREY Top 40 17, Total 25 Members 72
New tribe in the top 20 or new name. I dunno. But they don´t stand out from those above.

Right, am short of time and most of the top 20 won´t be around in a month so I´ll mention a few tribes who probably will be.

18 Mad Top 40 16, Total 16, Members 44
Second best average in the top 20 and a member count of 44 suggests they´ve had some selection in their recruitment.

21 Pest Top 40 15, Total 15, Members 35
Might have dropped out of the top 20 but have not been forgotten.

23 iHate Top 40 15, Total 15, Members 28
On the cust of the top 20. Obviously the strongest tribe. Close to 100 average points per player above their closest rivals. Point whores? I think not. Be nice to them.

27 MH Top 40 14, Total 14, Members 31
Their w3 downfall was on due to mass rectuiting. They´re obviously trying a different tract now.

32 Insane Top 40 13, Total 13, Members 30
Very nice average.

39 HD Top 40 11, Total 11, Members 28
The final tribe in the top 40 over a 400 average. Of course points don´t mean everything but they´re usually a fairly useful indicator on how active a tribe is.


Phew, glad thats over, I´m off to the pub! Apologise for the limited opinions (frankly I´m not sure most of the top 20 are worth an opinion anyway to be honest) as stated before I´ve had little time to catch up with the politics of the game or the forums (i promise this time i´ll read other threads) but will endevor to do better next week.



Very well done again Bella .... Your forsight on this topic is excellent , we have been awaiting your next Update and it was nice to see the last opinions struck so true over the time period.



NRS changes name to ~Q~ (or was ~Q~ just around to pick up members?)

-X- Changes name to Fianna

It appears both takeovers had good effects. The villages I have been farming are finally receiving reinforcements.

Not enough to prevent me from smashing raks and stables and making a general mess.



nope... just around to pick up members, i was one of them lol


I´m sure they´ll be pleanty of name changes and merges in the coming weeks. Still, i think some of those mentioned may be around so it´ll will be interesting to see how quickly they rise and just at which point iHate´s domination becomes apparent. Still, with MHs merge with iLove looks to have made at least one other tribe to be reconded with.

Thanks for pointing out some of them Saint, was wondering what had happened to -x-. I guess they realised calling themselves exclusive and mass recruiting was a bit ironic.
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