UK28 Win Condition 80% Dominance for 10 days


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  • Speed 1
  • Unit speed 1
  • Noble Coins
  • Smithy Simple tech
  • Archers yes
  • Paladin Yes (New system) (More information Here)
  • Bonus Vills Yes (old version)
  • Barbs/bonus grow 1500
  • Church Yes
  • Choose start Yes
  • Beginner Protect 3 days
  • Tribe Limit 20 No outside support
  • Fake Limit 2
  • Morale Points/time based
  • Militia yes
  • Attack/support gap 100ms
  • Quest system yes
  • Hauls on
  • Flags yes
  • Premium Trading Enabled
  • Win Condition 80% dominance for 10 days.
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Not sure how we will get along with this system but time will tell. I would like to name them though. Can this be sorted?


Well-Known Member
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Not sure how we will get along with this system but time will tell. I would like to name them though. Can this be sorted?

This is already part of the current system. When you make a paladin it asks for a name. To rename it simply go to your statue and click the icon to the right of the paladins name, ie:


to the right of where it says Nauzhror I can click that icon to rename my paladin.


Skill Books

Was wondering how these are handed out. Is it just a matter of luck? My Palli has been home for most building projects, I have lvl 10 skills and have not yet received one Village book. Plenty of Offence and Defence. Seems a bit strange to have 9 books and not one for the thing the Paladin has been doing most of. Anyone got any ideas as to why?


Pretty sure its random, you can reroll for in the inventory for pp


Worlds are becoming ever so small. TW might need to spawn a few more barbs to make the worlds slightly bigger, might make it a bit more competitive again?


Worlds are becoming ever so small. TW might need to spawn a few more barbs to make the worlds slightly bigger, might make it a bit more competitive again?

More barbs = more resources to farm = less PP spent on resources = less Tribal Wars profit.
They are milking it for the final stretch the game has. I believe that's why barbarians are so scarce now.


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More barbs = more resources to farm = less PP spent on resources = less Tribal Wars profit.
They are milking it for the final stretch the game has. I believe that's why barbarians are so scarce now.

I don't think this line of logic actually makes much sense. Right now you can have premium, but if you try to buy resources with it the market is often devoid of resources.

I'd argue more barbs = more farming, = more resources to sell to people who have premium to spend.


I haven't played a normal world since the UK teen worlds. I have never been outgrown by, even the largest, PP spenders.
From an outsiders perspective it seems that it'd be impossible to outgrow the large spenders today.

The line of logic I said in my previous post, was the only reason I could think of as to why the barbarian count is so much lower today than it used to be. Seems to be around 20-30 less barbs per 100 players than when I played before.

What do you think is the reason for this? I'm genuinely curious and I trust you will have a good reason, or theory, for me.


Who cranked up the Bot Protection thingy? It happens soo many times now it's bound to get in the way of critical launches.


I concur with the above comment. The more protection against bot users the better I'd say however is there a guarantee that it will not appear at critical times for a player?


The first few minutes upon logging in? That surely still has a chance to get in the way of sniping/antisniping


The first few minutes upon logging in? That surely still has a chance to get in the way of sniping/antisniping

He means when it first appears, it doesn't affect the game play. If you ignore it for a while then eventually it will.

Marcus the Mad

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As Brutal says.

If it pops up, you still have a few minutes to finish what you were doing. If it'll take longer than until you need to snipe or anti-snipe, then you should just pass the bot protection. It's not a questionnaire you got to fill in so it really does not intervene in gameplay all that much.


Ahright, when sniping you see, i cancel on village overview, and it bumps the page down a notch. So could just make me hit the wrong command or miss the one I want to hit altogether?
I haven't seen it yet on the village overview screen, or at least remember. As long as it doesn't push the page down on that screen it's fine.

Marcus the Mad

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As far as I am aware, it only appears when you refresh a page (or when it gets auto-refreshed). So unless you do something like that, it should not pose a problem.

It does push the screen down a little when it pops as you say.


As far as I am aware, it only appears when you refresh a page (or when it gets auto-refreshed). So unless you do something like that, it should not pose a problem.

It does push the screen down a little when it pops as you say.
So like, changing to barracks. Sending an attack using Loot Assistant also does a small refresh of the page?

Marcus the Mad

Senior Forum General
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Don't pin me on this, but I think it really is page refreshes, not the loot assistant stuff.