Village Setup


There is bescause lots of people keep asking "whats the difference between 24/25 barracks".


The hiding place is the most inconsequential building in the game. For the insignificant cost of 26 points and 8 population per village, you are able to save the measly sum of 2k of each resource.

Basically it is just a preference.

Anyone who can market dodge effectively can save more resources with a level 10 market.

Also, a little known fact, a level 0 hiding place actually saves 113 of each resource, which is enough for the first level of wall. By the time the first level is done(assuming you have decent mine levels) you will have more than enough resources for the next level of wall, etc., etc.


Is Workshop on a def village even needed? After you do what you do with it, it may be demolished to lvl 0.


I keep it to have no point difference between Offensive and Defensive villages, some have it because Catapults are decent defenders, great with the Paladin weapon.


"Defensive Villages

Include the use of:
For worlds with archers:
4005 Spears
3250 Archers
2000 Heavy Cavalry
100 Scouts"

so on archers worlds u dont use any swords?
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"Defensive Villages

Include the use of:
For worlds with archers:
4005 Spears
3250 Archers
2000 Heavy Cavalry
100 Scouts"

so on archers worlds u dont use any swords?

Personally in archers worlds I don't use swords, I know people who do and people who don't, but once again there isn't a best defense our best offense for every situation, there is just a best defense for this or that situation and in archers world, assuming that the standard nuke is something around 6000 axes, 600 MA, 300 rams and rest (around 2200) LC, then no you don't need swords at all.


Personally in archers worlds I don't use swords, I know people who do and people who don't, but once again there isn't a best defense our best offense for every situation, there is just a best defense for this or that situation and in archers world, assuming that the standard nuke is something around 6000 axes, 600 MA, 300 rams and rest (around 2200) LC, then no you don't need swords at all.

ah ok. thanks


Personally in archers worlds I don't use swords, I know people who do and people who don't, but once again there isn't a best defense our best offense for every situation, there is just a best defense for this or that situation and in archers world, assuming that the standard nuke is something around 6000 axes, 600 MA, 300 rams and rest (around 2200) LC, then no you don't need swords at all.

I'd generally build atleast ten in tech worlds. It can be handy to have another "time-slot" to send off a snipe or support that has to be timed.

In non-tech worlds, I like a combo of sp/sw/hc and Archers if of course it is an archer world.


I keep it to have no point difference between Offensive and Defensive villages, some have it because Catapults are decent defenders, great with the Paladin weapon.

I don't really care about point differences. Myself, I've got many types of defensive and offensive villages, depending on area.


so wht if u want to kill any excess troops ? i want to restructure my village to defensive & get rid of all unwanted troops :icon_wink:


If you want to get rid of troops you simply have to slaughter them. Send them on a suicide mission against someone you'd attack anyway.


i really like this defensive set (21.000 pop)

5000 spear
4000 arc
2000 h.c

barrack time: 529:26:40
stable time: 415:33:20

average defensive strenght
32,14 / 25,95 / 22,86

the stable trains almost 4 day faster but you use the h.c more often, for exemple, supporting other villages, supporting noble attacks, sending fast attaks on poor defended villages
sometimes, i think stable and barrack can break even in training time

i think is wise to let the stable work (a little) faster
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I've read that I shouldn't build both spears and axes in the same vill. I've also read about defensive vills and attacking vills. Each time I read about this, the examples given are always numbering troops in their thousands.

Speaking as someone who numbers his troops in hundreds (ATM), can somebody please give me a thumbnail sketch of the ideal attacking village and the ideal defensive village.
I'm not really interested interested in whether 213 rams is better than 216 rams, I just need to know what types of troops to build.
I have 2 smallish vills, should I be building spears and swords in one of them and axemen and archers in the other one? What about mounted troops? The vills are close enough to readily support each other.
Not having played other worlds, I didn't know that they had different troop and academy options so I'll give a list of troops available to me.
I can have...

Light Cavalry
Mounted Archers
Heavy Cavalry

The Academy uses coins.
Please, can somebody produce a guide for us new players that is written in plain English, without resorting to either jargon or text speak.


I've read that I shouldn't build both spears and axes in the same vill. I've also read about defensive vills and attacking vills. Each time I read about this, the examples given are always numbering troops in their thousands.

Speaking as someone who numbers his troops in hundreds (ATM), can somebody please give me a thumbnail sketch of the ideal attacking village and the ideal defensive village.
I'm not really interested interested in whether 213 rams is better than 216 rams, I just need to know what types of troops to build.
I have 2 smallish vills, should I be building spears and swords in one of them and axemen and archers in the other one? What about mounted troops? The vills are close enough to readily support each other.
Not having played other worlds, I didn't know that they had different troop and academy options so I'll give a list of troops available to me.
I can have...

Light Cavalry
Mounted Archers
Heavy Cavalry

The Academy uses coins.
Please, can somebody produce a guide for us new players that is written in plain English, without resorting to either jargon or text speak.

These types of threads are generally about large village setups, ie if someone has a lot of villages they won't be micromanaging them all and just want an approximate troop count to aim for. If you have 2 smallish villages, it depends on what you've been building, but as a general rule you should only build defensive troops in def villages and offensive troops in off villages, and you should divide your villages up into those. New/less active players often like to use a 3:1 ratio of defensive villages to offensive, for example if they have 8 villages they'll have 6 def, 2 offense.

Defensive troops are spearmen, swordsmen, archers and heavy cavalry (which can also be used for offense if you're either really desperate or are using a certain type of strategy in 15 tech worlds, which I won't go into here. PM me if you want more info on that).
Offensive troops are axemen, Light Cavalry (or LC) and a few Mounted Archers (or MA). Out of these, if you need to defend, LC are the best but they're still pretty bad at defending.

In your case it depends how many troops you have in each village, I'm guessing you have a few hundred of each troop as that's mostly what newbies do, it's okay, we were all there ^.^ but you should start specialising. If you have lots of people you consider threats nearby, you might want to just build defensive troops in both villages. If you have a bit more room to expand, go for def in your main one and offense in your second village. If you think there's no one nearby to threaten you, go for offense in your main and def in your second.
But remember the importance of farming early on, you need to build a decent amount of lc and spearmen to farm with in any type of village.

You can PM me with any other questions you may have (including troop ratios which I didn't go into) if you want, and anyone else can as well.
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At last, something that I can understand. As far as threats go, I'm tribeless since the leader of my last tribe decided to disband it, and I'm stuck between two largish tribes who are sworn enemies. I suspect that if I join either of them, then the other will attack me but, ATM neither is attacking me because I'm too small for them to worry about me. Having said that, if one of them reads this then it will probably push them into attacking me.


If you arn't looking to fill level 30 farms, as in Richard's case, the need to specialise is less important. The point of village specialisation is to maximise the power of nukes - if you're not building full nukes anyway, there is no further harm in building defensive troops in an offensive village. There is never any harm in building offence in defensive villages, except that it is not very efficient.

Supposing he's looking to fill about 2000 farm slots in each of his two villages...
The more defensive village: 500 Spear, 500 Sword. 100 Scouts, 200 Light Cavalry. Perhaps a few catapults, too.
The more offensive village: 300 Spear, 300 Sword, 400 Axe. 25 Scouts, 200 Light Cavalry, 25 Mounted Archers. A few rams.

Both villages can farm, both have sufficient defence to discourage routine farming attacks. The offensive village should be able to deal with stragglers and spikes, and keep the walls in his farms down. If one of his villages is hit, the other still can provide some means of defence and farming.

Not ideal, of course. But then far more important than specialising would be to get that farm up, and start building in the thousands rather than the hundreds. A cautionary note about specialising: it is certainly the most efficient way of organising your forces, but it does require fairly high activity. If you only log on once a day in the evening, and you have pure OFF/DEF villages, you may come online to discover your OFF village was scouted then cleared very cheaply. For the player who can't afford to check his account several times each day, a bit of defence in every village is no bad thing, even if it means you will never be able to provide the full punch to be found in a pure OFF village.


Guest - Unit overview in the help section, each troop has a different attack and defence value along with the speed they move at. Along with the simulator (found in the rally point) and some future planning skills you will be able to answer your questions yourself, of course you will have to use your head and think logically i.e. if you think you or your tribe (if you join one) will need alot of defensive power in a short timeframe then opting to build quicker building defence at the expense of population and resources may be logical.

Don't count on people to spoonfeed you information with guides or calculations, think for yourself and your success will be more probable. :icon_wink:


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If you arn't looking to fill level 30 farms, as in Richard's case, the need to specialise is less important. The point of village specialisation is to maximise the power of nukes - if you're not building full nukes anyway, there is no further harm in building defensive troops in an offensive village. There is never any harm in building offence in defensive villages, except that it is not very efficient.

Incorrect. The more defense you have made in a village the less offense that can exist in it. This is due to more than the 24,000 pop limit, like perse, build time. You can't build axes and spears at the same time so therefore having more spears in a village does indeed mean its offense is weaker than otherwise long before you have reached a 30 farm.

onetruth said:
Supposing he's looking to fill about 2000 farm slots in each of his two villages...
The more defensive village: 500 Spear, 500 Sword. 100 Scouts, 200 Light Cavalry. Perhaps a few catapults, too.
The more offensive village: 300 Spear, 300 Sword, 400 Axe. 25 Scouts, 200 Light Cavalry, 25 Mounted Archers. A few rams.

Both villages can farm, both have sufficient defence to discourage routine farming attacks. The offensive village should be able to deal with stragglers and spikes, and keep the walls in his farms down. If one of his villages is hit, the other still can provide some means of defence and farming.

By the time you have a second village you absolutely better have FAR more troops than either of those two setups. Neither of those has much more than 2,000 troop pop. In fact that's less troops than I'd expect even a mediocre player to have at 1,500 points.

More realistic example:

My World 49 account:
1581 points
150 scouts
797 lc
98 rams
400 spears
20 swords
1152 axes

onetruth said:
A cautionary note about specialising: it is certainly the most efficient way of organising your forces, but it does require fairly high activity. If you only log on once a day in the evening, and you have pure OFF/DEF villages, you may come online to discover your OFF village was scouted then cleared very cheaply. For the player who can't afford to check his account several times each day, a bit of defence in every village is no bad thing, even if it means you will never be able to provide the full punch to be found in a pure OFF village.

That's a terrible idea. If you're worried about being hit offline either send your troops out of your village before going offline, or send defensive troops to all your villages as SUPPORT, not make defensive troops in each village.


You can't build axes and spears at the same time so therefore having more spears in a village does indeed mean its offense is weaker than otherwise long before you have reached a 30 farm.
Fair point.

By the time you have a second village you absolutely better have FAR more troops than either of those two setups.
I agree, I was responding to Richard's question as "someone who numbers his troops in hundreds".

That's [mixed villages] a terrible idea. If you're worried about being hit offline either send your troops out of your village before going offline, or send defensive troops to all your villages as SUPPORT, not make defensive troops in each village.
On this point I will stick to my guns. Richard does say that his villages are close, so supporting may well be practical, but sending troops out before going offline is only going to work if you have agood idea of when you'll be back. Also, if you only have, say, twenty minutes to play, and a significant number of your troops are already out of the village supporting, you may not have time to withdraw them and then send them out to farm; you certainly wouldn't be able to send them back to support the village after their run.

Your w49 example is (I have no doubt) good for a player of your calibre, but for someone still getting to grips with the basics I think it would be a very inviting target.


You really shouldn't mix, the only time you should mix is when you have one village, even then it should mostly be offensive or defensive. offensive is better for more active players, heres what my 2220 point village looks like on another world

160 spears, 30 swords, 1000 axes, 100 scouts, 700 lc, 65 rams, 1 paladin.

As you can see from that, my defense is very small, which was built early on for initial farming and basic defence. during the time i sleep, my troops are on a long farming run, meaning they can't be killed by someone attacking my village. Theres not really any reason to mix 50:50 as someone that has gone mostly offense can wipe out all your defence & offence, and someone that has gone mostly defence will be able to kill all your offence with ease.

you should definitely not mix villages when you are on multiple villages, with the exception of replacing lc with hc on nukes (this counts on 15 tech worlds and 10 tech worlds[you don't really see these anymore])

you really shouldn't try to teach people to mix villages either.