W1N vs.TR family

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As for examples of off topic, look no further than your colorful and illustrative characteristics of my head and my behind.

That made me lol :)


As for your point, correlation does not imply causation, so arguing that olo7 became a liability because he was kicked is a logical fallacy.

On the other hand, olo7's actions was detrimental to his tribe's, proving that he was a liability which falsifies his third point.

Oh Dubby you've always got to get the last word in don't you - try looking up probabilistic causation and then comment. You always spout from the same school of thought one in which probabilistic causation excludes btw.

Anyway we are not here to argue schools of thoughts that is neither here nor there.

As said W1N are kicking TR behind - soundly.

Maybe TR can offer you an account Dubby :lol: As they say - put the money where your mouth is.


Mr horse of Thunder, my comment remains. Correlation does not imply causation, so arguing that olo7 became a liability because he was kicked is as earlier noted a logical fallacy.

As for W1N drawing the long end of the stick as the saying, that much is indisputable. And olo have been a factor in that with his actions.

As for me putting my money where the mouth is, I have already warred the numero uno tribe for over half a year with a positive track record to show for it.


As for me putting my money where the mouth is, I have already warred the numero uno tribe for over half a year with a positive track record to show for it.

I thought this had died but you obviously think we still care. You didn't ware w1n. Think of it this way it is whoever got the other one to quit is the winner. Are you still there? Didn't think so... end of.

If you carry on going on about it then(with the backing of a few others) I will petition to get you band because all you do is spam. When was the last time you added something to the conversation without offending a tribe or large groupl of players?


Well the war is done TR disbanded, kinda dissapointed some of there biggest mouths quit rather than face up to the issues and problems they had denied for so long and came to bare when attacked by real people with real armies rather than Barbs.

Now we await to see if that Vulture called namely ORC or any of its family now recruit the refugees of TR to try and gain some terriorty despite the fact they did nothing to deserve that ground by either attacking TR or helping them agaisnt us. But thats what vultures do is it not sit in high trees watching and doing nothing until the coast looks clear.

Surprise its already happening

Redhead TR ORC 30th June 2010 - 10:58:53 901,650
Dsole TR. ORC² 30th June 2010 - 08:01:00 797,265

So lets see there tribe page:


Think that needs to be removed from your tribes front page now don't you.


Because if you are taking in the refugees from a very poor TR surely it should read only refugees and farms accepted.


LOL, They really are The Runaways NOW!!!

Run, RUN! While you still can!!! But beware.....bellys gonna get ya.



I've yet to get started in this war (nobling wise) and hoped after all the big talk
and praise from their cheerleaders (mainly Kilroy) that TR would at least try to
prove me wrong and put up a challenge! :icon_cry:

Now I knew they were poor, however, even I never expected them to
collapse and "Runaway" exactly one month after they declared on us! :icon_eek:

This is a sad, sad day for me personally, and it just goes to show how weak this
server is with us taking down the former rank 2 tribe within 31 days, whilst we
had wars on every other front!

However, I'm not about to leave UK 1 just yet, I made a vow to get a piece of
the Runaway Pie, and that I shall...

...albeit from their new tribe, the "Official Runaway Club!"

I just hope the New Runaways put up more of a challenge, even without the
support in our last war from the Old Runaways to stack their frontlines high!

You have dug your own grave for taking in these refugees, ORC and my
vote will be to bury you alive for this cowardly act! -.-

You could have shared the spoils and hit TR from the north, to strengthen
your position against W1N for our next war -- instead, you chose (at your peril)
to expand in the typical Runaway fashion:

Mass recruiting the n00bish TR, rather than going for the kill... Vulchers!

But I'm not surprised, I have said all along you are basically part of the same
family and today you have proven just how right I was! :icon_cool:

Lol at those Runaways who think they are now safe from W1N -- you are
nothing but cowardly refugees and...

...we will NEVER stop until we have totally annihilated YOU! :icon_twisted:

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Wow - new record for the timeline -

30 days is just pathetic. We hadn't even got going properly.
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