What makes a good player..


[la]If you're interested in improving your game, they're worth looking into. The number one aspect of being a good player is wanting to learn, putting the effort in to play good. If you have that desire, and can put in the effort, do it.[/la]


They dont really improve your game though, they just detract from it. A lot of people use them so they can co play across different worlds and across different servers. By having scripts, people can log in, do a few things, hit a script, builds loads of crap to a pre defined defence or offence build, hit another button a couple of times and do loads of farming, hit another button send out hundreds of fakes at someone, launch there nukes and noble trains, precisly timed to under the second no doubt because people who generally use scripts are the people who have the most experience in the game, then log into another account, and repeat the process. You should put the effort in to play good I fully agree, I just dont agree with using scripts. Sorry if I seem to be arguing but im really agasint the ones which allow people to take no effort in there account other than to nuke people cause there bigger than everyone else cause they used scripts and the other people didnt. Wheres the skill in that. People keep developing more and more advanced scripts, its a natural progression for coders as there always looking to make things better and more efficent. Im still waiting too see the follow through on the accounment that they were removing them all but incorporating some into the game over time. I really hope it goes ahead so it gives everyone a level playing field where skill becomes more important than your ability to take advanatage of browser based webs games only draw back. Scripts and hacks.


They dont really improve your game though, they just detract from it. A lot of people use them so they can co play across different worlds and across different servers. By having scripts, people can log in, do a few things, hit a script, builds loads of crap to a pre defined defence or offence build, hit another button a couple of times and do loads of farming, hit another button send out hundreds of fakes at someone, launch there nukes and noble trains, precisly timed to under the second no doubt because people who generally use scripts are the people who have the most experience in the game, then log into another account, and repeat the process. You should put the effort in to play good I fully agree, I just dont agree with using scripts. Sorry if I seem to be arguing but im really agasint the ones which allow people to take no effort in there account other than to nuke people cause there bigger than everyone else cause they used scripts and the other people didnt. Wheres the skill in that. People keep developing more and more advanced scripts, its a natural progression for coders as there always looking to make things better and more efficent. Im still waiting too see the follow through on the accounment that they were removing them all but incorporating some into the game over time. I really hope it goes ahead so it gives everyone a level playing field where skill becomes more important than your ability to take advanatage of browser based webs games only draw back. Scripts and hacks.

i totally agree with this statement.

but on the other hand , some people may not have the time to play even a single world efficiently but still want to play, scripts might be helpful, all leagal scripts should be within the game when PP is purchased.

or ban all scripts .

the game should be the same for all, none having an advantage over the other.

and what makes a good player ?
well what i can think of now are:
-be talkative
-solving problems
-fast thinking (correctly)
-can manage under pressure
-willing to sacrafice time
-ability to learn quickly
-keeping the map on ur side and watching progress of the world ur in
accordingly thinking and planning . drawing a strategy.
-knowing how to position
-have a decent knowlege of the games basics:toop builds/village builds/positioning churches/sending fast trains(MS not necessary, 2~3 seconds are affordable in most cases)/sniping/backtiming etc....

-team spirit
-and above all , to know when to fight,and who to fight. players fail sometimes bcz of rushing.
-being creative, and always try to improve the book, many think that all the tricks and flicks of TW are revealed alleady , but theres always something new to discover if u keep thinking and looking for it.
-determination,and finishing.


Friends in high places
LUCK <--- I swear that's the most vital role

You are right on everything thing else will come to those that are lucky :)