Awsom...The Best Tribe On W3...


well , it seems to me They have Ran Out of O already ... although attacking us with D could hurt and actually kill all my D ... trust me Its alot :S

AWESOM ... I'm scared ....

Jack .. hang in there lil buddy :p


don't think i will disband. ive just gt more time and now jackcan step down and let the real matsre do his work. me

I think its probably time i destroyed your village then,[sarcasm] you do seem a threat to us..[/end]


lol,your constant insulting is laughable :D

Your constant *failing Nubbishness thoughts about how you have a chance
losing Stupidity Uselessness Lack of knowledge about this game creation of tribes is laughable.

*(I couldn't think which one was better, so i put them all in)

That did not work as well as i wanted, but meh, i haz my excuses.



Your constant *failing Nubbishness thoughts about how you have a chance
losing Stupidity Uselessness Lack of knowledge about this game creation of tribes is laughable.

*(I couldn't think which one was better, so i put them all in)

That did not work as well as i wanted, but meh, i haz my excuses.

fyi,i don't lack knowledge...yes,i admit,we appear a lost cause...but wait until the battle's really started...and a true skilled tribe has NO need of spies...anyone with a decent knowledge of the game can telll you that...


keiran999 today at 20:13
do you like my new tribe name

BloodFilth today at 20:16
Yeah, its great!

But you know nothing about the game or pros.

keiran999 today at 20:18
wait yeah i do

BloodFilth today at 20:19
What is backtiming?

keiran999 today at 20:20
whats backtiming mean

BloodFilth today at 20:20

Its seems one of your leader has made a brother tribe.( Look forword to Pros2, Pros3, Pros4, Pros5, Prostitute, Prostate etc.)

Alot of awsom members have left also. :S

Good team spirit there.


Erm, actually, a skilled war lord will use all tools at his disposal. Even Sun Tzu advocates and indeed encourages the use of spies... and he was one of the greatest strategists of all time, Check out his book The art of war. Chapter 12 or 13 I think. Now most of it isn't relevant to TW, but a fair bit still carries over. Read it though, it's enlightening :icon_biggrin:


fyi,i don't lack knowledge...yes,i admit,we appear a lost cause...but wait until the battle's really started...and a true skilled tribe has NO need of spies...anyone with a decent knowledge of the game can telll you that...

No tribe needs spies. They just make it a hellava lot easier and save a lot of casualties etc.


Britain wages war with france. Britain can:

A: Poison the waters with a poison that kills french civillians very quickly and painlessly.

B: Send in 100,000 troops and suffer 25,000 casualties.

Which would you choose? Use logic.

Tribes can decide wether they want to use them or not, but it makes sense, dosent it?


Both Jackster and Kerian has given up on Awsom o_O

keiran999 today at 20:23
im not in awsom annymore but i feel like i owe them something at least. so i would like for peace between the two tribes. no trick left because of jackster. i don't want to fight with someone who wrecked the good name awsom. mass recruiting. i recruit properly. not him though. then he told me im wrecking the tribe. but he said he might leave so i might go back
jackster95 today at 20:26
you win i quit. your a good leader gears and i hope on the next world we meet we will be good friends
maybe even on this world i hope


Erm, actually, a skilled war lord will use all tools at his disposal. Even Sun Tzu advocates and indeed encourages the use of spies... and he was one of the greatest strategists of all time, Check out his book The art of war. Chapter 12 or 13 I think. Now most of it isn't relevant to TW, but a fair bit still carries over. Read it though, it's enlightening :icon_biggrin:

will do ;P
erm...yeah,but that's kind of different to what i'm tryoing to say...RL's way and how the game works are completely different...
you ppz,no,you're wrong,keiran didnt give up...long expplanation,but they got into an argument,keiran left,and then jackster left;keiran is back... =\
i knew you'd find out about this soon...yay,now people are going to be annoying us evermore...


Spies work the same in this context, the tell us whats going on. But I digress, I thought you said keiran was back... He's showing in a little 2 man tribe er, HaHa! or something :S


Im guessing he told you he would rename it to awsom5?

Awsom members are constantly leaving now.

The point in the war was to create some space and get some farms. That is easy when theyre in a large group. Now theyre all going elsewhere.

Wilko, give up your arguments. The whole world accepts that spys are useful. (MI6, CIA, etc)


Spies work the same in this context, the tell us whats going on. But I digress, I thought you said keiran was back... He's showing in a little 2 man tribe er, HaHa! or something :S

he is...long story...but he is ;P

annd so,we may just become one tribe once more.i say good. :)
you did us some good,,there will never be an Awsom4,let alone...a 5...hehe...and now we'ere no longer as large a goups as we were;exactly ;P
it simply got rid of those looking for just shelter...and kept the loyal players...the good players :D

i was quitting with my arguments, i may aswel continue with you deciding to continue on with,i just cba...too tired...i lack alot of sleep these past 2 days;not fgetting to sleep until 4 am...not my usual argumentative and happy/many other emotions guess self... =[


fyi,i don't lack knowledge...yes,i admit,we appear a lost cause...but wait until the battle's really started...and a true skilled tribe has NO need of spies...anyone with a decent knowledge of the game can telll you that...

Please tell me i'm not the only one who fell out of my chair laughing at this.

The question of the necessity of spies is irrelevant. The fact of the matter is that tribes use them. If it comes down to two equally skilled tribes, it is often the case that the winner is the one who had a better spy network.

Wait until the battle has already started, you say? I wouldn't be surprised to see your tribe disband before "real" fighting starts.