Chess Update


Im sure I should of, but I had spoken to vukso, either way i know he's experienced.

If he is a fraud then he's left. We have a new leader, Im sure he can make things posotive for us.

Me, not the point (he was btw? Im not really shure...), the tribe still has an unlogical recruiter o_O

Can someone check if the new leader is claiming to be an old .net vet and see if he/she is a fake if he/she says yes? xD

Your...well...unbelivable, you know that? o_O


Well If the tribe has unlogical members then we will fall, hardly any evidence that Ive seen has been posted here, If the dark thing would get skype then he would of seen other parts of it... But oh well, we will all base our judgement on a couple of screenshots.


Ok the Tribe has TOTALLY new leadership... can we just move on people instead of COMPLETELY labouring the point!?


How logical am i? All Ive done is stick up for my tribe...?

You will stick up for your tribe even to the point of ignoring things that are crystal clear to everyone else?

Anyway, after all this it is clear that Vukso was definitely another fake. Evading questions + eventually resigning = just trying to postpone the shame.

We all know that if he had just changed his w1 profile, we would have believed him. However, that was obviously "too hard and stressful" for him to do... So instead of that he quits. Yeah, fake. And CHESS members, even if you still believe that he was the real Vukso, did you really want a leader that would rather quit than provide very simple evidence? I certainly hope not.

Have fun being though of like scum "Vukso". Good luck with a third new leader CHESS. Unless he is fake too :icon_eek: :icon_wink:


and now they threatening me :p

[url=]The Dark Thing
today at 21:38
Sorry just had too, they was fakers and everything pointed to it, ohh well, I'll see you around and wish you all the best :)


Sonic X today at 21:38
Will you be continuing W3

The Dark Thing today at 21:39
Well I ain't planned on quitting anytime soon...o_O

Sonic X today at 21:41
Well, you wont last....

The Dark Thing today at 21:42
Last? what do you mean..? meaning im going to be nobled?

The Dark Thing today at 21:45
or catapulted?

Though they won't go far with players like this :icon_confused:


This is USEY talking about the amount of points the tribe have..

and this is indigo shutting him up... :)


this is him making a excuse... about his post..


this is madog explaining the rules to him


...but they do have a few good players, just need to do some clean up here an there and if they going to go with their plan of taking out ~*MH*~ :icon_wink:.

I do like indeed like Indigo, roboex and maddog and wish them all the best, just hope -TRANFORMER- does a good job for them, which I suppose he will!


Well If the tribe has unlogical members then we will fall, hardly any evidence that Ive seen has been posted here, If the dark thing would get skype then he would of seen other parts of it... But oh well, we will all base our judgement on a couple of screenshots.

Well If the tribe has unlogical members then we will fall

Ohai there..

hardly any evidence that Ive seen has been posted here

Proof of lack of logic :icon_rolleyes:

If the dark thing would get skype then he would of seen other parts of it... But oh well, we will all base our judgement on a couple of screenshots.

Who where totaly fake...

Well, you lack all that logic stands for so CHESS cant get any further by recruitment...hmmm...good luck new leader of CHESS, do you by any means have any past as a highranked player on .net........?


Maybe they would like to recruit me? ....according to Nauz and Pervie I am Child in Time. :icon_razz:



Well, you lack all that logic stands for so CHESS cant get any further by recruitment...hmmm...good luck new leader of CHESS, do you by any means have any past as a highranked player on .net........?

and have evidence to back it up...:icon_eek:


No need to prove anything LMFAO... If he where the real one he have a name to protect on w1... especially that high ranked. He should have learned by now that things are slowly spread over the worlds... if it was fast I would have stopped my impersonator 2 months ago!


Omg it was true......Im so sorry vukso.
I guess modesty was wrong :)
Or she might be an impersonator of the modesty from

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I doubt it, thats the exact text font. And how can you remove the other text that was there?


I doubt it, thats the exact text font. And how can you remove the other text that was there?

The font is verdana or tahoma.

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