Conquer the World - The Long War


The basic fact here is Fluoride is a toxic substance. There are common medical conditions, like Dental Fluorosis, ADHD. Yes, a study was done on rats who were given fluoridated water. The rats offspring were more hyper and active than the control group.


Fluoride is toxic, I agree completely. But at the levels it is used in water, it is perfectly fine. The only 'medical' side-affect to have any basis whatever is minor dental fluorosis.

Countries around the world today wouldn't have been using this for over 50 years if it wasn't safe.

The argument against water fluoridation when it first began was that it was a communist plot to ruin public health. If we lived back then, would you be arguing that as well just because there were people who believed that?


Fluoride is toxic, I agree completely. But at the levels it is used in water, it is perfectly fine. The only 'medical' side-affect to have any basis whatever is minor dental fluorosis.

Countries around the world today wouldn't have been using this for over 50 years if it wasn't safe.

The argument against water fluoridation when it first began was that it was a communist plot to ruin public health. If we lived back then, would you be arguing that as well just because there were people who believed that?

We bring communism in here as well?

/accidental troll win


I am only saying that when the US first began using water fluoridation, that was the argument against it. People actually claimed that it was a communist plot against public health.


Anyways, I'm partly to blame for this, but can we not argue about what I'm doing in my turn?


COUCH!!!!! If you don't post a big update, I'll put you on the curb come garbage day.


I would volunteer but that would feck up the pricing for the other people doing project X.

So xinryr should do it.


I would volunteer but that would feck up the pricing for the other people doing project X.

So xinryr should do it.

You could always do a part-refund and have the prototype schematics go boom :icon_wink:


Play the RPG I made on .net!

But I guess I could try doing it if no one else wants to.

Your choice, want me to do it or do you want to?

I'd quite like to keep playing as Bolivia if you are willing to GM it, however if you aren't then I'll be GM.
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Well I should be able to do it at lest for a coupel of turns, we'll see how it goes after that o_O

Everyone repost your turn cos I'm not gonna go looking for them >.> Also if everyone could keep a turn archive that would be helpful, I would but I am not the owner of the first page.

Well, we could also start in a new forum if ya want.