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You've been a huge dick, about time you realiseI can be honest I've been a "dick", however it is something you and I should be able to look through. My point with this thread was my
discontent with how you and the others were towards a tribe helping you. Aki was shocked, sad and angry at the same time.
I also laughed that you bragged about sniping some trains and telling how much of a pro you are, because it was not impressing anyone a slightly bit.
Aki knew from day 1 that I was unhappy with being a part of TMD, when I constantly said I was gonna quit and didn't want to be a part of that world anymore. I was part of council, and kept trying to make changes that would benefit the tribe, but was constantly ignored. I backed down from council and sat back and done my own thing and watched what council done, and when the decision for TMD and HATE's alliance to end, I was like "okay here we go, might get a good war", but instead of actually hitting when the alliance first dropped like a good part of the tribe wanted, council decided it'd be better to war UWS, a tribe with something like half a million points, and this war took 2 months, if not longer to actually win, which by this point, I had made my mind up that I wanted to leave and not be a part of a tribe which 0 communication and a tribe who didn't listen to each other.
I never bragged about my ability to snipe or how much "of a pro" I am, I'm just stating facts that TMD suck at trying to take villas off me and had to spend far longer than it should have trying to cap a cluster in the middle of them....