Merry Christmas! [PP up for Grabs!]


Yh, its Christmas a time for celebrations and joy. It would be nice for everyone to ahve 5 pp. Also, as you yourself ahve confused and muddled everyone you shoudl give everyone 5 pp. As the riddle it self contradicts.

1st statement. If today is tomorrow's yesterday ----(friday)


2nd statemnt. tomorrow's yesterday was the day before today, -----(contradicts 1st statement)

what day would it be two days from yesterday's tomorrow now if today was friday?

The answers is sunday.

If you ignore the 2 statment as its jibberish and take the last statement you get sunday.


Crude? More insults! lol, i know what you mean. but can i add this 'Standing on the shoulder of giants'
My answer, as crude as it was allowed people to comprehend and therefore eleborate in a more succinct way. surly you can not give the points for the most polished answer or else you might as well take the last one :p

I can sucinctly write out einsteins thiory of relativity (E=MC2) but that does not mean i should have Einsteins noble prize. Give it to who you like but i would like it very much ^_^

Einstein wouldn't get a nobel prize if he didn't understand his own theory of relativity... Or if none of the rest of the world could understand him when he tried to explain it.

Now as for the PP... I would very much like it as my current PP ends in a day I believe, but I'm not going to beg you for it. Give it to whoever. Do what you like, I really have no intention of making myself look like a jerk by arguing riddles, grammar, and semantic. :icon_neutral: The heart of the thread wasn't to give out PP, it was to lighten the forums, and have fun with some riddles. The intention wasn't (initially) to bash Krieg's 5 am grammar.
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Einstein wouldn't get a nobel prize if he didn't understand his own theory of relativity... Or if none of the rest of the world could understand him when he tried to explain it.

Bueno. Hoy es la ayer de mañana. verdad. La preposision que mañanas ayer fue ayer es falso. ¿supongo ignorara esto? Si eso oraciones no es importanta y solo la ultima parte es importanta ´¿que es la dia dos días antes de hoy si hoy es viernes? el solucion entonces es sabado.

Sabado es el solucion.

¿Clearer for you now Einstein?

I understand both of these!!!! Do I get bonus points?

[ke]As for suds, that makes no sense. >.<"[/ke]

Sorry I think in math terms and I barely understand those :icon_redface:

What I meant by that whole thing was a simple mathematical property known as the transitive property. By using this and assigning variables

If today(x) is tomorrow's yesterday(y) and tomorrow's yesterday(y) was the day before today(z), what day would it be two days from yesterday's tomorrow now if today(x) was friday?

y=tomorrow's yesterday
z=day before today (which also can be stated as yesterday)

The question states basically (at least in my head >.<) If x equals y and y equals z for the first part. This means that x must equal z since x=y=z which means that today is interchangeable with yesterday (not grammatically, but mathematically and for arguments sake metaphorically). Since today can equal yesterday in this riddle, I simply substituted that into the last statement in the place of "yesterday's" so yesterday's tomorrow becomes Saturday (Friday being yesterday and the tomorrow of Friday being Saturday).

Thus leaving me with the conclusion of Monday :)

Yes I know I'm crazy...
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As for suds, that makes no sense. >.<"

Maybe suds makes perfect sense we're all just not intelligent enough to understand it. i think suds should get the points! he's obviously operating on a higher plane of thought then the rest of us dullards.


The question states basically (at least in my head >.<) If x equals y and y equals z for the first part. This means that x must equal z since x=y=z which means that today is interchangeable with yesterday (not grammatically, but mathematically and for arguments sake metaphorically). Since today can equal yesterday in this riddle, I simply substituted that into the last statement in the place of "yesterday's" so yesterday's tomorrow becomes Saturday (Friday being yesterday and the tomorrow of Friday being Saturday).

Thus leaving me with the conclusion of Monday :)

Yes I know I'm crazy...

Not crazy no. i got the same thing earlier as well. i did the math thing and mathamatically, assuming the names of the days are an arbitrary factor not linked to reality the answer is monday. Give the points to suds, he gets my vote.


give the points to gmaster... for hes riddle which no body has worked out yet
GMASTER gets my vote


If today is tomorrows yesterday. = same day. If it was the day before today = -1 day. What would it be 2days later -1 day + 2days = 1day

so Friday + 1day = Saturday

Because tomorrows yesterday is the day before today ;) Its not about thinking logically, its about thinking the way the riddle has put it



Skip the first part of the riddle as it is to confuse you.

What day would it be 2days from yesterdays tommorow?

Yesterday = -1day
Tomorrow = +1day

so basically the day doesnt change, its still friday.

but then if you add 2days to friday, its sunday

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[ke]Hmmm, I am having trouble picking a winner, aimee was first to explain it in a way that makes sense, but it (the explanation) was crude at best.

Drunkenmonkey went next and his explanation is much better then aimee's....

Then Discord went and his is the best of all.

As for suds, that makes no sense. >.<"

So the real riddle is; does the person who makes the most sense get the winnings or the person who explained it first get it?[/ke]

Since it's Christmas time why not give 5PP to everyone who tried and gave a fair explanation? :icon_razz:


Come on lets just give everyone 5pp on everyone who tried to explain/answer the riddle


[ke]I'm to sick and tired for this. :icon_neutral:

And Aimeekitty, I had already thought of that, hence why it was such a dillema for me. I do have the answer now though. :icon_wink:[/ke]
I'm going to draw straws. Lol.


[ke]I'm to sick and tired for this. :icon_neutral:

And Aimeekitty, I had already thought of that, hence why it was such a dillema for me. I do have the answer now though. :icon_wink:[/ke]
I'm going to draw straws. Lol.

Awww sorry to hear that, hope it's not proved ore trouble then its worth :( it was a very nice gesture. i think *you* deserve the 5 points ^_^


[ke]Lol, invisi text is for the win. ^^

Due to a lack of straws, I instead resorted to different sized cigarette butts :)lol:), aimeekitty was the winner as she was the shortest cigarette butt and I picked that one.[/ke]


whooo yay for the win! i can eat this month!! hehe. thought it would be crass to mention this any earlier but am actually volunteering overseas this year and so wasn't sure if i investing money in a premium account was a justifiable outlet of my megre resources. nice to know it won't come down to a choice between tribal wars and food this next month ^_^


i feel cheated... i succumbed to an innuendo... may i have the pp to cheer me up ? XD


whooo yay for the win! i can eat this month!! hehe. thought it would be crass to mention this any earlier but am actually volunteering overseas this year and so wasn't sure if i investing money in a premium account was a justifiable outlet of my megre resources. nice to know it won't come down to a choice between tribal wars and food this next month ^_^

[ke]Lol. Whats your in-game name?[/ke]