Our Stories


My turn beyotches!

It was a while back, around the end of May. I noticed a OT recruitment thread in the Off-Topica section on the .net forums. It was made by TjDarkness, a well known OT regular. I noticed the recruitment was for a upcoming TW server, co.uk. I ventured into the thread, and noticed many OT were planning on joining, including some well known players such as Dark Chaos, h0llygh0st, Pillowcase, and Lord_Castellan. I wasn't sure if I wanted to join, since I hadn't played since W17 on .net. Eventually I decided why not.

There was the talk about where we would join, our names, and so on. Eventually W1 opened, and we rushed in like a wild pack of dogs, dogs with smelly feet and no bottom teeth. Similar to a horny hobo chasing a naked prostitute who just got robbed by a four year old. Anyway...we joined, and since we had a good member base, we stayed in the top 5, tracking a lot of attention. A lot of unwanted hype began to build up, and since we were a mix of good, ok, and rubbish players, we didn't want the hype. But of course, we defended our position of how we joined for fun and then became serious. But then, problems began.

One of our diplomats, h0llygh0st was cleared, ending with him leaving. He wasn't focused on the world, which was sad, as he is a great player. Luckily we had Hastyr, but unfortunately, he went inactive. It left us with two dukes, Tj and Pink_Pony. Unfortunately, Tj had some serious problems going on I will not discuss, leaving PP to do the duty(and get some booty :O).

We were going good, with a few members leaving here and there, but coming to a solid core. I was doing ok, but not happy with my start up and location, but nonetheless, I was doing ok. I noticed duff wasn't updating his interview thread, so I began the one and only *claps* The MontyPython show. I first interviewed John Murray, since he was leading the big bad wolf tribe so far. I then decided, I wanted a big opening, with good info and some comedic chats thrown in there. So, I interviewed Epileptic Porcupine Love and Pink_Pony. Put them together and had a grand opening. I received praise for it, and decided to continue, leading to my interview with BnM, and TnC. It was a crazy interview, a lot had to be edited out, but it was fine.

I continued the show for a good bit, updating regularly. Got my name out there, which is great. (I love having friends :D) But then things began to take a turn for the worse. BnM and FishandChips began an OP on PP, nobling his main villages. This led to Pink_Pony deciding on quitting, but is better than you may think. PP was spending a lot of time on the game, and he actually wanted to stop playing because of it. I guess you could say they helped and pissed off Pink_Pony at the same time.

When it happened, there was little we could do. Since, going all O at start is the new moon walk these days, we didn't have enough D to stop Fish. He took the village, making a daring move. It led to a lot of OT wanting war, rebellion, and eventually PP handing over dukeship to FearAndLoathing. We decided to bring in Shadow into the mess, promising that we would merge into them. Unfortunately, nobody did, as we had plans to join STD!. It was sad, as the low point members/inactive ones of {OT} were left out. Although some went with 12azor to StaMin.

Eventually a lot of us were in STD!, and we rose up the ranks like BusinessTime when he gets an erection. Unfortunately, rank 1 still had a chastity belt, and we didn't want to break any special parts. I was happy being in STD!, eventually nobling my first village. Shadow disbanded, leaving no war, sadly =(. But it looked happy, as a while later, we would war with StaMin, but again, it seemed we were too infectious. Our STDs were too strong, and StaMin disbanded =(. No war again, leaving W1 to be very boring and stale, despite the amount of sex we have in STD!.

But, I am happy otherwise. I've made a lot of friends, new ones and renewed old ones. Even leading to me leading my own tribe, WaR - Whiskey and Rum for W2. Well, leading a premade, curse BT for not joining =(. I guess you could say W1 is boring on one side, but slightly appealing on the other. Kinda how you can be drunk at a bar in the middle of nowhere, that doesn't have electricity. The bar is lit by torches, kinda old school. You feel out of place, but there's something warming happening. You see one ugly woman, just UGH! But when she turns around, than behind is so fine, you decide, "Why not!".

Cheers, MP


That was one mighty hot post there MP <3 Dw MP we can share spam forums on w2 :icon_wink:

"BT when he gets an erection" - We rose a lot of ranks :icon_razz:


Its of fairity, there was no reason for you to be the only duke :icon_confused:

Sigh... yes there was BT and you know there was :icon_confused: As much as I know you didn't want to read a certain guide it is in there the reasoning :icon_wink:


Oooh Ooooh My Turn My Turn!!

One day in a lonely jungle lived a barbarian. His name was dave, one day dave decided to go to the local shops and bought Tim Tams. He ate them and became allergic. THE END!!

Now the feature presentation of... GECKO'S DIARY!!

WARNING: This diary may scare the following reads:
- Moderators.
- Althalos

One sunny day, the Gecko got bored and thought "I know I will dominate K74" so I played russian roulette a few times and finally got to K74. After a bit of being there, I got invited into Blink. It must have been the reputation of blink, but I received a few poor attacks. I got really offended!!

They got out dated :(

Not too long after, I blinked and I left to join TEC (worst mistake ever mad by checky.). So during my time in TEC, I got bored, then god had spoken to me just to lighten up my day :)

Zalastian on 10.07. at 15:25


Gecko on 11.07. at 00:32
LoL, You are number 1 in the world with like 6 or more villages.

What a funny person you are.

I had to reply. I mean who wouldn't??

So after that, TEC got disbanded hooray for -AD-!! Checky (my brother from the same mother = Soop) wanted the spam squad to join F-War. So here I am in F-War and currently dominating K74 with an iron fist!!

Oh did I mention I met some nice people on the external forums and ingame mails??

Gecko on 27.07. at 08:16
Hi. I was wondering if you can be my friend??

I need a friend. Do you need a friend??

We can both be friends, what do you think??

Rena Ryuugu on 27.07. at 10:33
Nee, friends is overcalcuated:(

Gecko on 27.07. at 11:42
But, But??

Ok... :(

Rena Ryuugu on 27.07. at 18:25

Rena Ryuugu on 27.07. at 20:22
Wait...ille be your friend!:O

But i want a loveletter!>.<

Gecko on 27.07. at 23:11
Hi [player]CheckY.[/player] here im sitting gecko why the hell has he sent you this lol he sent it to all the top 20 players sorry about this reena he is a bit of a nut case

Rena Ryuugu on 27.07. at 23:16
Hmm, i have a feeling that this is gecko:eek:

He always calls me Reena>.<

Cute tho<3^-^

Gecko on 28.07. at 00:01
no seriously it is checky fine i will call your mrs rena then

Rena Ryuugu on 28.07. at 00:20

Neee, i dont belive you o.o

Gecko on 28.07. at 00:23
ok mail me then

Rena Ryuugu on 28.07. at 01:02
Nee, mail me o.o

Gecko on 28.07. at 01:09

Rena Ryuugu on 28.07. at 01:20

NANyway, i dont care about this, i got a new friend (but i need a loveletter:S)^-^

Gecko on 28.07. at 05:04
listen im not writing no love letter rena gecko can im not :p

Gecko on 28.07. at 05:04
and im sure as hell know gecko will not write any love lette he alredy got a gf

Rena Ryuugu on 28.07. at 11:21

Gecko on 28.07. at 11:39
Hi rena. Gecko here, Checky. being a cow like usual.

Do you still wantz a love letter??

Rena Ryuugu on 28.07. at 14:49

YEA o.o

Gecko on 28.07. at 22:42
Dear rena your eyes are like sparkling saphires and your lips as smooth melting ice if i have the luck to win you as a gf on tw i better role the dice

you like a gem in my heart and you melt me from the inside as much as i like you nothing will put are love aside

aka written by teh checkster aka [player]CheckY.[/player]

Rena Ryuugu today at 00:58

Gecko today at 01:50
its me checky sitting gecko i made that one mrs ryuugu

Rena Ryuugu today at 01:58
How cute<3

Gecko today at 03:31
Rena your that only star that lights up so bright in the sky my love for you its too much i could melt inside and die my heartbeats when i see you it show just how much i love you

I was going to write a love letter to you but checky stole my ideas. :(

Gecko on 27.07. at 08:04
Hi. I was wondering if you can be my friend??

I need a friend. Do you need a friend??

We can both be friends, what do you think??

John Murray on 27.07. at 14:38
i always need friends :) lol

Gecko today at 07:39
Oh that is so cool. Can we be friends??

Gecko on 27.07. at 08:15
Hi. I was wondering if you can be my friend??

I need a friend. Do you need a friend??

We can both be friends, what do you think??

Fear and Loathing on 27.07. at 09:59

Do you like Ice cream?

Gecko on 27.07. at 11:43
I love ice cream!!

Do you use topping?? I like chocolate topping.

Fear and Loathing on 27.07. at 11:45
I prefer Strawberry actually. D:

Gecko on 27.07. at 11:51

*Runs to the nearst store to buy some strawberry topping*

MmmmMmmM Tasty. ^_^

Do you like cookiez??

Fear and Loathing on 27.07. at 11:52
No. They are the devils spawn.

Gecko on 27.07. at 11:58
D: That is an outrage.

I need to get out more!!

What about mufins?? good or bad...

Fear and Loathing on 27.07. at 12:11
I was in a tribe called muffin once.


Gecko on 27.07. at 12:13
WoW That is cool. I wish I was in a tribe called muffins.

Did they sell muffins to anyone??

Oh well, I will be in a tribe called MARBLE in the next world. It is gonna be fun. :)

Fear and Loathing on 27.07. at 12:19
Special Muffins.

To special people.

Gecko on 27.07. at 12:22
Am I special??


Fear and Loathing on 27.07. at 13:29
Yes, , yes you are special.

Gecko on 27.07. at 13:35

And that's from THE F&L. I am happier than a happy person eating a cup of tea.

Such a nice guy you are!!

Gecko on 27.07. at 08:18
Hi. I was wondering if you can be my friend??

I need a friend. Do you need a friend??

We can both be friends, what do you think??

Roch2001 on 27.07. at 08:29
I dont have any friends, no one likes me :'(

Gecko on 27.07. at 08:31
Do you wantz to be my friend?? :)

Roch2001 on 27.07. at 13:51
im mean and moody, no one likes me, you wouldnt want to be my friend.

Gecko on 27.07. at 13:56
That my friend is called a period...

Oh, so I have read.

Besides, you haven't been mean to me yet. To me your like a pretty rainbow!!

Roch2001 on 27.07. at 14:11
Well I suppose I can be your friend if you want

Gecko today at 07:42

I will always like you Roch <3


Ok. The Gecko and the Canary are friends now.

So... Any tips on getting me into STD!??

I just hate love those guys


Ok. The Gecko and the Canary are friends now.

So... Any tips on getting me into STD!??

I just hate love those guys

Dont tell anyone i have told you...

But, If you lock up martin, And then wait a few months. When we notice he is missing after a couple of years. Then offer to free him in return for you joining the tribe.

Shhh though. ;)


Sigh... yes there was BT and you know there was :icon_confused: As much as I know you didn't want to read a certain guide it is in there the reasoning :icon_wink:

I'll give you it had some logic, but I think it would've gone down better if someone else had proposed you instead of you yourself somehow :icon_razz:


Started in K44 - Home continent, wasn't planning on playing properly. Was part of -TnT- but fell just before it started to fall apart. Joined another established tribe however since I was going on holiday a few days later it was pointless me staying there, as I could have had a sitter but when I'd have returned my area wouldn't have been how I would have wanted it. I restarted with a new alias in K75 and Two-Face sat me while I was away.

When I came back from my holiday I was behind most. I didn't like the look of any of the tribes in our continent so I made my own with a few established players, it kicked off after a couple of days and before you knew it we were rank #1. Ranks #2, #3, #4, #5 didn't like the look of this and made an uber idiot clan which made marking them easier. With propaganda and a few fakes they fell apart and scattered. We now have complete control of K75 - entitling our tribe K75.

Couple days later Unperturbed mail me on very short notice a request which would save him in K74 where he'd deliever his continent to us. With around a 20 minute decision scale before it would be too late we decided to do it. We saved him, destroyed alot of troops for the time the world was at. Contacted some people and K74 almost fell into place as perfectly as K75 did.

We renamed ourselves w00t! as we were no longer just K75, after teyla, alphabonkers and litwol, made our way up the Ranks and aim to stay there.

This is our story, so it goes without saying;

w00t! w00t! and f**k the rest!


restarted twice cause of lack of activity, (no sitter caused me to get cleared, useless noob tribe) now just chilling in an inactive section of K77, pretty sweet down here just no noteworthy tribes to join.

Bp ending 2moro so farming will be fun fun


Roman Story Time

So I Got Bored With .net And Decided To Join Co.Uk. Well I Joined And Was The Only Person In My 15x15 Yay Me.....Not Really. So I Saw That Scotts, (TSA Now) Were Top Dogs In K36 And Looked Like Pure Nubs So I Didnt Wanna Deal With Them So I Started VANDAL (Vandalism) But Since Scotts Were Top Dog Pointwhores Everyone Joined Them So I Had To Look For A Small Based Tribe Between 4-5 Members To Merge To Kinda Hype The Tribe Up. I Found One And Started Catching Attention Then A Member From W17 BoK Asked If I Remembered Him And I Did :D So He Joined As Well And We Then Changed The Name To Vodka! Pure Perfection We Stayed Aggressive And Only Recruited The Ones Who Are Active And Proved Past Exp Yada Yada.. So We Began Catching Scotts Attention They Wanted Us To Merge Our 15 Into Their 45... We Denied And Thats Our Happy Tail

Viva La Vodka! :icon_wink:


well im a veteran from the many world wars on world 6. Thats all I got to say bout that