Ok, I'll put this another way.
Say for example a TW premium account. What does it give you that you can't do (albeit less conveniently) than a f2p account? Nothing. Same with farm assistant, same with account manager. HOWEVER, purchasing flags, speeding up building times, resource camp production speed and trading res for PP are all p2w features. Arguably the premium account, farm assistant and account manager are "cosmetic" features designed to give a better game experience.
Say for example a TW premium account. What does it give you that you can't do (albeit less conveniently) than a f2p account? Nothing. Same with farm assistant, same with account manager. HOWEVER, purchasing flags, speeding up building times, resource camp production speed and trading res for PP are all p2w features. Arguably the premium account, farm assistant and account manager are "cosmetic" features designed to give a better game experience.