The EXP Story. BH Adventures Chapter 3 ;)


There are a few reasons why this has been put here. One is that often players on the world decide to keep information to themselves, in the old slogan of information is power. This has a negative effect on a world. So here I am, telling the story of EXP. Part of that is my second reason for posting here. I believe the members of EXP to have suffered an injustice, an injustice they have to get on with. An injustice, I think should be more widely known. My last reason, is this is some story, it was a pleasure to experience and will be to write. This is a long piece, but I have put in a load of spoilers to make things easier to read. There is also a summary at the bottom of the post.

The story starts with the W1N/CHE!!! merge. As can be seen on the forums, where I offered no strong opposition or opposition of any kind to it, it was obvious my approval was nowhere to be found (not that it needed to be). That being so, my account was not being invited into W1N, so I was bored and quit the account.

Now at this point, some would say, you are nothing to the world, leave it. I had no motives of any revenge, no desire to bring anyone down, and no loyalties to anyone other than friends. But still, fun was to be had in the world, so fun I wanted. I decided this fun would be in EXP. Contacting a contact, who shall be named unknown, I spoke to him about EXP. After a while, I fed him the idea very slowly, of me joining EXP. However, instead of then asking for an account in EXP, I persuaded him that I would be in the best position on the negotiation table, as it were, if Vikki came to me asking me to join. The contact persuaded vikki, and during a group conversation, I agreed to take up an account with the conditions of baronship and diplomat for EXP. Having learned that Vikki had several times threatened to quit from Leadership from another source, I knew it would only be a matter of time for an opportunity of a takeover if I wanted to be leader. Though I was undecided on that one.

Not long later, the next day even, Warpedthunder and four other barons (known to me but will not be named for certain reasons) voted Vikki out, with Warped taking over. However, they were very clumsy. They intentionally excluded some from voting (which Vikki even obtained a quote of) and they way in which they overthrew her was rushed and set Vikki against those who she knew were involved. Vikki also had control of hers and horsychen's account, both of which were the only dukes. Therefore, they had to approach her directly to get her to stand down. Lukcily for them, she did, and gave them duke.

Below is the takeover mail from Warped.

warpedthunder on 28.04. at 10:33
I placed this note in the Tribal News Area, but I am aware that not everyone is Forum Active, you know who you are!! So, I am sending this to the full tribe.


You will have read by now that [player]Vikki Venom[/player] stepped down in the early hours of this morning. Nobody is more sad than myself that it has come to this. Vikki has been an amazing servant for EXP long before I was around.

This all happened after some intense discussion within the whole of World 1. 5 Members of the Council met and the consensus was that we needed a new direction, and so we made this request to ask Vikki to step back from the top job. Nobody removed her rights, Vikki did the decent thing, which shows her character. Nobody wanted her to leave the tribe, she is an excellent attacking player and a damned good person aswell. Vikki is currently still in EXP, and I sincerely hope it stays that way.

We are well aware that many won't be happy with what has happened, and that may include some in the council who were not available at the time, but we have to act quickly and decisively to ensure our long term survival. We are being attacked from all sides and there is feverish activity in the Diplomatic Circles around W1 as W1N threaten to overtake everyone.

A new Council will be put together quickly and new K and War Roles will be created. If anyone is interested in taking the step up, please mail me asap.


However, following that, just a couple of hours or so later Vikki slammed the decision to replace her on the forum and ranted on how she had been victim of a coup. Some were asking, why did she give up dukeship? However, a very large amount got angry at the leadership and Vikki had quite some following. She came to me on skype asking if I would also leave with her when she did, to form her own tribe. I told her it was madness, and that she would split up the tribe and cause irriversable damage on the tribe, the war effort and a number of players. She was hurt, angry, even enraged. Below is the interesting conversation between myself and Vikki on the same day.

[28/04/2010 11:31:28] Vikki Venom: hi are you there?
[28/04/2010 13:21:16] Rob: hey
[28/04/2010 13:21:17] Rob: i am
[28/04/2010 13:21:18] Rob: ;)
[28/04/2010 13:21:34] Vikki Venom: ok
[28/04/2010 13:21:41] Vikki Venom: as you know things happened last night
[28/04/2010 13:21:51] Vikki Venom: i'm about to leave EXP and make a new tribe
[28/04/2010 13:22:02] Vikki Venom: i know a lot of exp are coming with me
[28/04/2010 13:22:05] Vikki Venom: are u in?
[28/04/2010 13:22:26] Vikki Venom: there was no majority council vote
[28/04/2010 13:22:54] Rob: to do this will only harm EXPs chances more...
[28/04/2010 13:23:03] Vikki Venom: well
[28/04/2010 13:23:06] Vikki Venom: it won't
[28/04/2010 13:23:14] Vikki Venom: because 90% are coming with me
[28/04/2010 13:23:30] Vikki Venom: :)
[28/04/2010 13:23:37] Vikki Venom: management has lied again
[28/04/2010 13:23:49] Vikki Venom: the discussions are on in the exp room right now
[28/04/2010 13:23:58] Vikki Venom: one thing ppl know about me
[28/04/2010 13:23:59] Rob: and those who dont will either be left to die or go to fpb
[28/04/2010 13:24:04] Vikki Venom: i'm true to my word
[28/04/2010 13:24:14] Vikki Venom: thats why they are coming
[28/04/2010 13:24:49] Rob: is this the only solution?
[28/04/2010 13:24:58] Vikki Venom: yep
[28/04/2010 13:25:04] Rob: why did you not hold out for a majority council vote
[28/04/2010 13:25:33] Vikki Venom: because they wanted me all the 4 council voter out, no one else was asked
[28/04/2010 13:25:57] Rob: then u shud have constructed a proper confidence vote surely?
[28/04/2010 13:26:09] Vikki Venom: as for the rest of the council im sorry but we knew you were too close too vikki to include you in any discussions
[28/04/2010 13:26:21] Vikki Venom: that was ran al thor last night
[28/04/2010 13:26:32] Rob: then why did you not wait and do your own vote
[28/04/2010 13:26:33] Vikki Venom: and this is precisely why a fresh start is needed
[28/04/2010 13:26:35] Rob: werent you duke
[28/04/2010 13:26:44] Vikki Venom: because i was told to demote myself
[28/04/2010 13:26:54] Rob: you didnt have to
[28/04/2010 13:26:59] Vikki Venom: they demoted chen as well which isn't good at all
[28/04/2010 13:30:41] Rob: im just very concerned
[28/04/2010 13:30:48] Vikki Venom: don't be
[28/04/2010 13:30:58] Vikki Venom: i have all but about 4 ppls backing here
[28/04/2010 13:31:13] Rob: all being how many?
[28/04/2010 13:31:24] Vikki Venom: i have 4/5 ks coming with me
[28/04/2010 13:31:29] Vikki Venom: the rest will follow
[28/04/2010 13:31:33] Rob: solid numbers
[28/04/2010 13:31:35] Rob: how many people
[28/04/2010 13:31:49] Vikki Venom: i have the back of K55/56
[28/04/2010 13:31:54] Vikki Venom: K67
[28/04/2010 13:32:07] Vikki Venom: proably the whole of the north members
[28/04/2010 13:32:22] Rob: how many
[28/04/2010 13:32:25] Rob: have said they will
[28/04/2010 13:32:47] Vikki Venom: about 20 so far
[28/04/2010 13:32:59] Vikki Venom: more will foloow as they come online
[28/04/2010 13:33:19] Vikki Venom: everyone is sick of the backstabbing which won't happen once its started afresh
[28/04/2010 13:33:32] Vikki Venom: everyone who comes knows they can depend on each other
[28/04/2010 13:34:13] Rob: if this happens there is no chance of fpb reconciliation
[28/04/2010 13:34:45] Vikki Venom: it's already happening
[28/04/2010 13:34:50] Rob: how so?
[28/04/2010 13:34:56] Rob: broken wing and doozy wouldnt agree to it
[28/04/2010 13:35:00] Vikki Venom: i'm not being stabbed in the back twice
[28/04/2010 13:35:29] Vikki Venom: they only left because they made a huge mess of things
[28/04/2010 13:35:45] Vikki Venom: and the tribe lost interest with doozy being duke
[28/04/2010 13:38:24] Rob: so they will come back?#
[28/04/2010 13:39:10] Vikki Venom: some of the 'rabbits may join the new tribe
[28/04/2010 13:44:09] Rob: this will create irriversable damage :(
[28/04/2010 13:45:34] Rob: it is the wrong decision
[28/04/2010 13:45:38] Rob: however i did pledge to help you
[28/04/2010 13:46:44] Rob: so yours I am
[28/04/2010 13:47:04] Vikki Venom: :) we'll be fine
[28/04/2010 13:47:19] Vikki Venom: and i can probably get the FW nap too
[28/04/2010 13:47:43] Rob: mm
[28/04/2010 13:48:20 | Edited 13:48:34] Vikki Venom: just need a good team of dedicated players and no bloody backstabbing
[28/04/2010 14:05:13] Rob: backstabbing doesnt happen without cause though
[28/04/2010 14:05:22] Rob: i did say u needed to cement your position
[28/04/2010 14:05:39] Vikki Venom: this will happen with the new tribe
[28/04/2010 14:05:52] Vikki Venom: everyone who comes over will 100% behind me
[28/04/2010 14:06:01] Vikki Venom: just need to write amail

First thing you will notice, is that there was the avoided point that she demoted herself. Obviously, at the time, she decided she would not lead and demoted herself. Later regretting this however, she as seen took this course of action. The second thing that can be noticed is there was a large attempt to take as many as she could. She wanted everyone but those involved in replacing her.

Disagreeing already with what was happening, during a conversation with Warped I wrote him a quick circular to write to the tribe to try to salvage his position. It is important to note, he did not know who I was, but seeing the sense in the strategy, agreed and sent it to the tribe.

warpedthunder on 28.04. at 14:38
EXP, we are on the brink of ruin. Internal disputes between leaders have gone on for months. Our enemies close in on us, and our old allies join them. Our once great empire had resorted onto infighting and power struggles. The first of our fallout was [ally]F.P.B[/ally]. A struggle between [player]Vikki Venom[/player] and [player]Doozy[/player] for tribe leadership. The fallout from that dispute has hurt us much. Still more leave us, dissatisfied with the fractured [ally]EXP[/ally].

Yesterday, myself and a number of others on the council thought it best, that the solution to this, was for us to take charge so that we can unite the tribe and bring back F.P.B into the fold. To make our tribe great again. But I see we were wrong. I was wrong. What was meant to be a way of saving us, has only threatened to split us more. At this point, as many of you know, [player]Vikki Venom[/player] seeks to make a new tribe. To split away from the tribe and start a fresh. It hurts to know that I have caused this, as I only ever took actions that were to be for the best of the tribe.

But it is not me, nor Vikki, nor Doozy who will solve these problems of ours. It is you. So caught up have we been in an eternal power struggle, we have forgotten who really controls a tribe, forgotten who we are. The last thing I want is to split this tribe up more. All I want is to unite it. But I cannot do that alone. You the members have to grasp the impossible from the jaws of defeat. You the members have the power, the decision. I call on everyone now, to unite us, bring us together, and be the tribe we created. One of truth, honour and loyalty.

The infighting stops here. We must go to those who have left us, talk to them, unite ourselves. I do not see my role as duke as one of power and decision making. I see my role now as reconciler. Together I want us to reunite this tribe. Once that is done, discussion and voting for who our leadership is will begin.

This is not a power grab; this is a desperate attempt to save our tribe.

But who decides whether we live or die, is not me, but you.

Mark ([player]WarpedThunder[/player])

As you can see, the tone is largely apologetic in the middle. The strategy being to mild the situation, and stop any split, with talks with Vikki.

However, unfortunately due to Warped being away for a while, Vikki sent this mail just a few minutes before also:

Vikki Venom on 28.04. at 14:27

With sadness I have to regretfully inform everyone i am leaving EXP.
It is a shame that it has come to this.

Last night a 'coup' of 4 council members voted me out of the leadership. Not all council members were asked, as it has come to light today.

[01:35:31] Rand Al Thor: thats why the MAJORITY of the council met tonight and agreed that it best you step down
[01:36:02] Rand Al Thor: A decision has been made will you honour it if thats the councils wishes

So with sadness I removed my privs as i was led to believe that the council had voted for this.

[01:40:09] Rand Al Thor: as for the rest of the council im sorry but we knew you were too close too vikki to include you in any discussions

Anyone who was known to have backed me was NOT asked to vote.

I feel let down and unhappy at the way this has been forced upon me.

I feel it is a great shame to do this, but with the demotion of horsychen and the trashing of the tribal file also made my mind up to leave.

I promised everyone i would stay, and stay i did. However, with this hanging over me i feel inclined to leave EXP and form my own tribe.
At least this way i will be able to trust and rely 100% on those that follow.

Its been fun leading you all within EXP but i feel now is the time to move on and achieve great things within W1, if you would like an invite please mail me for one, as i will not 'poach' members.

I thank you all so much for your friendship and backing.

Yours Faithfully

Vikki x

I spoke to vikki once again, telling her to look at the tone and content of what Warped had written. The conversation is below:

[28/04/2010 14:39:25] Rob: powerful circular
[28/04/2010 14:40:13] Vikki Venom: :) i have ppl wanting invites already
[28/04/2010 14:40:42] Rob: though his circular
[28/04/2010 14:40:48] Rob: is also
[28/04/2010 14:40:49] Rob: very good
[28/04/2010 14:41:05] Vikki Venom: mine has the proof on it though
[28/04/2010 14:41:12] Rob: his does not need proof
[28/04/2010 14:41:15] Rob: he makes no claims...
[28/04/2010 14:41:20] Rob: thats a silly comment to make :S
[28/04/2010 14:50:54] Rob: once you split it will be very hard to go back
[28/04/2010 14:51:16] Vikki Venom: there is no going back
[28/04/2010 14:51:26] Rob: right now not everything is lost
[28/04/2010 14:51:55] Rob: warpedthunder appears to be
[28/04/2010 14:51:56] Rob: quite humble
[28/04/2010 14:52:36] Vikki Venom: yes he realised he fucked up!
[28/04/2010 14:52:55] Rob: and you will not accept that and try to move forward for the best of exp?
[28/04/2010 14:53:07] Rob: how things were done was not the right way of doing things
[28/04/2010 14:53:09] Rob: we both know that
[28/04/2010 14:53:18] Rob: but if they accept that, do we still throw a paddy if they apologise for it
[28/04/2010 14:55:29] Rob: you once said "I had always stated i would duke EXP until a better duke is found or Horsychen himself returns."

I am not saying that anyone is better than you or not, but it does seem you are feeling hurt for what happened, and not thinking clearly. You wanted to do what was best for EXP before. It can still be that now

She did not respond after that. Still annoyed and angry, she split off the tribe, taking what she could with her. I asked her to join again, teling her a vote would be won by her. Each time she refused, now in love with her own creation. This can be illustrated below. It also shows something I was quite disgusted by.

[28/04/2010 21:41:39] Vikki Venom: hiya
[28/04/2010 21:41:51] Rob: sorry havent joined
[28/04/2010 21:42:02] Rob: like a couple of others, wanted to stay behind to get ur arse back over here in leadership :p
[28/04/2010 21:42:22] Vikki Venom: they don't want me in leadership though
[28/04/2010 21:42:33] Vikki Venom: the tribe has proved beyond doubt they do
[28/04/2010 21:42:34] Rob: and if they then do?
[28/04/2010 21:42:36] Rob: if the tribe
[28/04/2010 21:42:38] Rob: get a vote
[28/04/2010 21:42:40] Rob: and say yes to you?
[28/04/2010 21:43:57] Vikki Venom: i'm here now and everyone is happy
[28/04/2010 21:44:14] Rob: are they?
[28/04/2010 21:44:16] Rob: is exp happy
[28/04/2010 21:44:19] Rob: the ones who dont know whats happened
[28/04/2010 21:44:23] Rob: who odnt understand
[28/04/2010 21:44:24] Vikki Venom: fire is
[28/04/2010 21:44:27] Rob: who just want EXP united?
[28/04/2010 21:44:35] Vikki Venom: my mail should have said it all
[28/04/2010 21:44:36] Rob: and all those players not in FIRE but still want u here?
[28/04/2010 21:44:56] Rob: FIRE players will still be taken out by W1N
[28/04/2010 21:44:59] Rob: it will be even easier
[28/04/2010 21:46:22] Vikki Venom: ppl are still moving over...
[28/04/2010 21:46:28] Vikki Venom: i have mails unanswered
[28/04/2010 21:46:33] Vikki Venom: on here and ingame..
[28/04/2010 21:49:26] Rob: yes
[28/04/2010 21:49:29] Rob: doesnt mean u shud come back
[28/04/2010 21:49:49] Rob: would chen want this
[28/04/2010 21:50:26] Vikki Venom: would have wanted to see me stabbed in the back no
[28/04/2010 21:50:38] Vikki Venom: but at least i will look after anyone that wants to come
[28/04/2010 21:50:47] Vikki Venom: i'mm only sending out invites on request
[28/04/2010 21:50:47] Rob: u cant look after those here?
[28/04/2010 21:50:57] Vikki Venom: ppl are disgusted with what happened last night
[28/04/2010 21:51:18] Vikki Venom: and tbh
[28/04/2010 21:51:27] Vikki Venom: i want ppl i can trust and who trust me
[28/04/2010 21:55:15] Rob: is that really best
[28/04/2010 21:55:23] Rob: does it have to be about what you want?

You may have not seen it, since I am sure many gloss over it. But to emphasize with what was said on a EXP chat by a Vikki supporter:

[28/04/2010 22:36:17] buchaillog: She was told that she would be better off away from the stress of the council no one wanted her to leave the tribe
[28/04/2010 22:36:31] IncomingIain: so if your tribe doesnt want you, do you take everyone you can to form a new tribe at detriment of your old tribe?
[28/04/2010 22:36:42] buchaillog: not in my book
[28/04/2010 22:36:47] IncomingIain: not in mine either
[28/04/2010 22:36:48] john15051985: anyone she has taken has mailed her and asked

A claim that Vikki had only been mailed, did not mail anyone. A claim Vikki made to me in the skype convo above when she said "i'mm only sending out invites on request". However, this is totally disproved in the same conversation, where she asked me to join and said she had 20 already confirmed. It's an incredible lie. One that was made to make it look like she did not have to rally for support. With no major opposition it was an easy lie to get away with, but a hugely destructive one. She did not leave and have some people go hey can I join you in that one personed ambitionless tribe, rather she wanted revenge, a mark of her own.

Though this is not a rant at Vikki. But I think the conversations above can show you that it was quite remarkable what happened. I have misplaced the mail, but it is in very similar terms to the Doozy leaving and making FPB that she rallied against. He declared on CHE!!! in a circular, claiming it his last act as leader. Destructive and irrisponsible. A move that damaged EXP a huge amount. Vikki had now done a very similar action, also damaging the tribe.

I was reminded of the comparatively subtle argument with Adellion on the other thread about the merits of following loyalty and of thinking for yourself. But this had hit a whole new chapter. These leaders believed they deserved loyalty. I kept thinking the same question.

When did leaders start believing they were there to be served instead of knowing they were there to serve??

The EXP account I had, had no support, and although Vikki assured me that it was because it had just come out of bunnies, I still wondered why it didn't have support before that. Whilst others said this was not uncommon. (Edit: Evidence has been given to this, but sensitive information means editing it out).

From the start, EXP had no organisation, co-ordination was useless, with the only thing I saw was bragging about old co-ordination.

[27/04/2010 23:41:49] Rob: your forum and way of co-ordinating is pretty messy
[27/04/2010 23:42:10] Vikki Venom: u not seen one of my co ords lol
[27/04/2010 23:42:19] Vikki Venom: i haven't co orded since january
[27/04/2010 23:42:30] Rob: as in general co-ord
[27/04/2010 23:42:35] Vikki Venom: last one took 50 vills in 2 days and killed RES in a week
[27/04/2010 23:42:37] Vikki Venom: LOL

But onto now on the next part of the story. Players were leaving all over the place. FIRE gained a huge amount, and some went to FPB. EXP was in complete disarray and Warped knew that whatever it was they had planned, it had failed, totally failed. By now Warped had made me baron, so that I could clear a few areas of the forum up, which was a complete mess, so that I could start clamping down on the hate talk, and clear up a few loose ends :icon_wink: One idea that had quickly gained momentum was that an election should be held. For the tribe to decide who should lead next. However, things were looking like there wouldn't even be enough time. I told Warped finally who my old account was, and told him to make me interim Duke whilst elections went on. To steer the boat through the storm. Warped convinced the council to make me duke, and so it was, me, Iain666, was duke :icon_wink:

I got to work, clearing things up, talking to other tribes, and making sure to talk to enough, get some reassurances on temporarily staying, to get enough support for people to stay long enough. I started bringing EXT into EXP to beefen up the numbers, since there was now space enough for just one tribe also.

Talks with other tribes were mostly uninteresting. Fire were being stubborn, Doozy was being communicative in respect to helping us co-ordinating, effectively trying to help each other, but ruling any possibility out of returning, despite Vikki having left. He also seemingly had grown attached to his new tribe. Interesting phsycological lessons for any who are keen enough to spot them.

However, there was quite some talk with T4H that was amusing. First of all, the original talks that led to T4H vs. EXP.

Now, having been given the talks that led to EXP vs T4H, I can say the actions of anyone even in the council of EXP should be questioned. This was such an abusive, aggressive, and reckless move by them to take in TEA. I do not know who was the main driving force behind it, but critisize anyone who stood for it I must. Yet more leadership failings in EXP.

But the T4H talks... well I can say unless they change tune any time soon T4H and EXP are staying at war for some time. But what must be noted was the power grab at which T4H tried to reach. They offered a merge of the whole of EXP. Telling them they could move into the 4 tribes of T4H. That FW would stop the war, with some inactives compensation, and that W1N would stop using the friendship they had with them and the inactive compensation, added to active players giving 5-10 villages each. Leading to this glorious quote:

[30/04/2010 01:43:25] BrianL: perhaps if you said that to allow us to continue to play the game we will need to sacrafise a few vills as an incentive to stop tribes calling refugee status on us, or the alternative is to continue to figh and be rimmed
T4H as a tribe, seem oblivious of anything to do with W1N. They even believe they are in more control than W1N are of negotiations by the sounds of things. Is quite incredible. When did merge wars start becoming common practice on this world? When did leaders start only looking out for themselves?

And so we come to the end of this story. There are tiny details I have left out, but the majority of the story is here. The vote in EXP went onto be a one horse race, as the new leader made an excellent speech, which no-one else opposed with their own.

Whilst for myself, maybe it's time for something new :icon_wink: I also have a W47 tribe I really should be leading right now... :icon_wink: But I shall end with a few summary points:

- Yes this did happen in under a week. Yes I did become EXP leader, the at the time rank 2 tribe, in just two days. Thank you for those who have managed to call me amazing, God, a master of subterfuge (cheers Timmy :icon_wink:) and tell me I suck all within around 3 days. Though really, I didn't actually write this for myself, but for those in EXP. So no comments on that.

- There were remarkable failings by the old EXP leadership. Both Doozy and Vikki seemed to lead for themselves. They both had less regard for the actual players in EXP, and the players in EXP have been very hard done by.

- Some players in EXP should be commended for their loyalty and efforts. Instead, they are rewarded with downward looks, jibes and their old leaders who have done them wrong getting away with it. On other threads some of these leaders even look like angels. This is wrong.

- T4H offered to merge EXP. An interesting development. Whilst T4H seemed badly led and disorganised.

- EXP is still very much active, with a new elected duke.

- What will happen? It is likely Fire will fall at some point. At the moment it will continue to do very well in its honey moon period. EXP will likely go on for a while, but unfortunately, despite some players actions being commendable, I believe they will stumble. F.P.B, however, I believe will go from strength to strength. Critical I have been of Doozy in this thread, and he does have large flaws. But he is a strong leader with a steady grip on things from what has been seen. I can see F.P.B becoming a light version of EXP/EXT. Though ultimately, the role they will have on this world will be small. The centerpiece of the world that is W1N, will likely not see any threat for some time from this side of the world, leaving TR, Flux and Orc the main components in a possible world war against W1N. Though what any of these tribe's status' are are largely speculative.

Hope you enjoyed the read :icon_wink:

Bye bye
Blue :icon_wink:
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Here it states that after you told warped of who you were you got given duke. Yet he had already said to another player that he would become duke. Another player that you yourself admitted would do an amazing job. Someone you said who could actually make a difference.

So why didn't you say to give it to him? Why did you not give it to him yourself? Why bother pushing for duke if you had no intentions of actually doing anything?


Here it states that after you told warped of who you were you got given duke. Yet he had already said to another player that he would become duke. Another player that you yourself admitted would do an amazing job. Someone you said who could actually make a difference.

So why didn't you say to give it to him? Why did you not give it to him yourself? Why bother pushing for duke if you had no intentions of actually doing anything?

I did have intentions of doing whilst duke and I did. I'm totally confused by this other player you mention. In fact I find myself in the dark... I have never herad of this other player who I said could make a difference...


The player stekflott had repeatedly asked for duke and you had agreed that he would be a good choice did you not?


No, I said the opposite.

All he was was a FIRE player in the EXP chat, trying to tell everyone he would be a good duke when Warped said he was standing down. Warped disagreed, I disagreed (mainly with his attitude) and Vikki told him to "pack it in".


how come i have convo's of warped and him then? Where warped says he is amazing for duke and i have also been given a convo between vikki and him regarding that matter. you wanted his co-orporation and said he was good. I also have those convo's


how come i have convo's of warped and him then? Where warped says he is amazing for duke and i have also been given a convo between vikki and him regarding that matter. you wanted his co-orporation and said he was good. I also have those convo's

I have conversation's saying otherwise. I guess there is two sides to every argument.

Though this isn't even really a part of this post. I'm not sure what you are getting at?

Edit: I realise at the point in the convo where he may have used to make himself look good. He offered to go for co-leadership with me. Where I told him it wasn't an option, but may serve under me if he wished.

Still doesn't go anyway to what you previously claimed however. He is a talker, someone's whos ego even rivals Adellion. :icon_wink: But egos have their uses.
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nice to find out "The story" as with all PnP its only one side of what seems to be a few sided story =\ i came back to world one 2days ago and it annoyed me to see EXP the tribe my first account had been in since before EXP was top Tribe in K66, so im hopeing and praying horsy(or someone else) will come back and sort it all out, so we can give w1n the fight they want.


- What will happen? It is likely Fire will fall at some point. At the moment it will continue to do very well in its honey moon period. EXP will likely go on for a while, but unfortunately, despite some players actions being commendable, I believe they will stumble. F.P.B, however, I believe will go from strength to strength. Critical I have been of Doozy in this thread, and he does have large flaws. But he is a strong leader with a steady grip on things from what has been seen. I can see F.P.B becoming a light version of EXP/EXT. Though ultimately, the role they will have on this world will be small. The centerpiece of the world that is W1N, will likely not see any threat for some time from this side of the world, leaving TR, Flux and Orc the main components in a possible world war against W1N. Though what any of these tribe's status' are are largely speculative.

Blue :icon_wink:

When EXP was first noticed on the external forums they dismissed us as mass recruiters and no treat.. see how wrong they were then?..


I have conversation's saying otherwise. I guess there is two sides to every argument.

Though this isn't even really a part of this post. I'm not sure what you are getting at?

Edit: I realise at the point in the convo where he may have used to make himself look good. He offered to go for co-leadership with me. Where I told him it wasn't an option, but may serve under me if he wished.

Still doesn't go anyway to what you previously claimed however. He is a talker, someone's whos ego even rivals Adellion. :icon_wink: But egos have their uses.

My ego is not big. I just know what im talking about


Thank you for that BH, must of took sometime to write! I was wondering were you've been the last few days, hehe.
Chat to you later buddie, got some news ;)


nice to find out "The story" as with all PnP its only one side of what seems to be a few sided story =\ i came back to world one 2days ago and it annoyed me to see EXP the tribe my first account had been in since before EXP was top Tribe in K66, so im hopeing and praying horsy(or someone else) will come back and sort it all out, so we can give w1n the fight they want.

When EXP was first noticed on the external forums they dismissed us as mass recruiters and no treat.. see how wrong they were then?..

True. Mine is only an estimate, all random variables considered.

And sounds good joney :icon_wink:


Who is this stekflott you're going on about? i never heard of him, and i wouldn't want him as duke xD.
Now we have this settled... ;)

I must say i was delighted to read this post of yours, Blue Hunger. I feel it is an accurate reflection of the past events, although you had more involvement and were closer to the facts than i was.
Who am i? just a regular member in EXP. Hell, i even made this forum account just to say "thank you for making this post".
Finally another point of view, instead of the constant idolizing of the ones who left.
This story had to be told as well, thank you for doing that.

best of luck leading in W47!


Lol glad to see she shows her true colours more and more everyday also noticed how 5 of those accounts that joined her were EXP accounts she was sitting probably the only way she could get people to join her and the Fact that she stole Chens account from EXP exceptional work you show your true self more and more each day


Good job BH. What will you do now tho?

Goodluck :)

The the person above me. The account is in under her trust, EXP wouldn't of wanted it in their with her incharge of it. GTFO.


You wonder why we didn't invite you over. I think the above speaks volumes. I already knew you had no intention of playing the account we gave you unless you were provided with a position of power to procrastinate and have your fingers in all the pies. Unfortunately, it looks like those in EXP have been seduced by the idea of the great bloodhood helping them and its came around and bit them in the ass. Still, I have to admit, its impressive you managed to get duke. It goes to show how totally naive and foolish the exp leadership are.

I feel a bit sry for Vikkie though, you have taken someones misplaced faith in you and abused it, like you do with most things, to post a long winded 'look at me speech'. I am teh BH. I wouldn't be surprised if you had direct involvement in having her ousted in the first place. Mere speculation, but given your flair for manipulation and playing sides against each other for your own gain at the expense of everyone else I have my suspicions.

Still, I have to say well done on this one. You have right royally screwed over exp, all its members, and a few other tribes thrown in for good measure. People should learn that you don't play with fire, and letting you have your way is definitely playing with fire :icon_razz:


There is one point in all this that seems to have been completely forgotten about, the fact that Vikki was ousted by only 4 council members without the rest, or the tribe, having their say!

We have a general election coming up. If something like this were to happen, talk of vote rigging, court cases, and prison sentences would be flying about.


Roch, i cant see that he has screwed exp over, he have just taken the posision as duke in a tribe....again>.<

Well, if you mean that he is now the leader, and thats what screwed exp over, then its just a matter of opinion and predictions witch may/may not become true :3

Well, the other exeption may be if your theory that BH managed it so vikkie was trowed out, but that may always be a mystery...would be cool if it was so in my opinion, even when i feel sorry for vikkie>.>

Playing with fire did so the human civilisation is what it is today, it cant be that bad if done with vigilance ^.^


No no, god knows what he was doing in EXP, he has screwed them over by making them an even bigger laughing stock. He has taken all there dirty laundry, private conversations and aired them in one massive post for the rest of the world too look and laugh at them, while taking plaudits and grabbing some head line attention for himself.


Ohh, thats what you meant!

But i thought that was normal and acceptable when it comes to pnp~

I cant see anything wrong with that, if thats what he intended to do, and i cant see that this humiliates exp that much, only a few members :/

It was well done in my opinion, it was entertaining and informative (nod)

I kinda love those kinds of things....especaly speculations and conspiracy theories about how things really was done afterwords.....>.>

BH....shure that you have told us everything about how it was done...?^.^