The Guide To The Paladin


Welcome, fellow forumies (heh, saw this one somewhere)!

As you can see and have noticed this is a guide on how to use the paladin. Maybe not the most needed guide but definatly helpful to our litttle newbies asking questions everywhere.

The guide is divided into 3 spoilers: "General Information", "Paladin Weapons" and Advanced Paladin Tactics". The names of the sections do obviously tell you the topic of them.

I've tryed to make the guide as accurate as possible and try to cover as much as I can remember but I know I've forgotten something. If you got any ideas of how to improve the guide PM me, do not spam the topic!

Hope you'll enjoy it!

Insane regards,

Every player may have one paladin. To recruit a paladin you need to go to your statue. You can also rename your paladin if you want to. If the paladin dies a new one can be recruited right away.

The paladin is a good addition to your farming troops in the beginning of the game. He reduces your losses greatly and can carry quite a bit. The paladin is also a very good addition for your defense. He is most affective when a lot of friends or tribe mates send their troops together with their paladins to one player. By doing this even very big armies can be defeated without big losses. The bonuses are added up if more than one item is available. If more than one of the same item is there, the bonus is still only used once.

Later in the game the role of the paladin changes a bit, but he does not become less important. The paladin increases the walking speed of your defensive troops. Every support you send together with your paladin marches as fast as the paladin does. Sword fighters walk more than twice as fast than they would without him. As soon as you've constructed multiple statues you can move your paladin between the villages.

Statue requirements: Wood: 220 - Clay: 220 - Iron: 220 - Villagers: 10
Cost: Wood: 20 - Clay: 20 - Iron: 40
Farm Space: Villagers: 10
Strength: Offensive strength: 150 - General Defence: 250 - Cavalry Defence: 400 - Defence Archer: 150
Speed: Minutes per field: 10
Haul: Amount of resources: 100
Research: None

You'll find all needed information here. With Thargorans permission I'll copy & paste the thread.

How to get a weapon? In your Statue there's a Weapon Chamber. In there you'll see your progress towards finding a new weapon. That progress goes up by 3% every day, extra when you kill other players' troops (or is it enough to gain OD. If anyone can confirm thins, please contact me). Your Statue doesn't have to be build to gain progress and your paladin doesn't have to be a part of the attack to gain extra progress.

Support Speed Up: When you support with your paladin all troops travel by the same speed as the paladin, e.g. the spears take 18 minutes to travel a field, with the Paladin it only takes 10.

I suggest sending all troops who are faster alone and then all the slower ones with the Paladin.

The Use of the Weapons: I will only be mentioning the weapons with a special effect.

Kalid's Telescope: The scout weapon. If your Paladin is has this weapon equipped he attacks and defends like a scout and can see troops outside of the village.

Aletheia's Bonfire: The Catapult weapon. The reason that it's under the list of the weapons with special effect is that it increases the Defensive strength of the catapults by 1000%, or 10 times. This makes a village full of Catapults and a Paladin equipped with this weapon a very strong defence.

Vasco's Scepter: The Noble weapon. This one can be extremely useful, mainly when nobling villages using 1 noble but also when sending trains. It makes sure that the nobleman decreases the loyalty by atleast 30. That means you'll need to send less attacks when using 1 noble, but it also means there's a lot greater chance for you to noble a village using a 3 noble train and you're almost 100% to get the village using 4 nobles.

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I don't see any troop's speed difference with or without my paladin. Do I need an item?


It only works when supporting and it only speeds up troops walking slower then the Paladin, it slows down faster troops.


Surely the chances of you nobling the village with vasco's scepter are 100% not almost 100% because 4x30=120, which is over the max loyalty of a village


But you only have one paladin to send with your three waves of noblemen, otherwise the loyalty will go up again every time you have to wait for your noble+pally to hit the village and come back, hit it and come back etc.


Surely the chances of you nobling the village with vasco's scepter are 100% not almost 100% because 4x30=120, which is over the max loyalty of a village

Like he said, it would be 30+(20x3)=90.

Unless you have the worst luck ever, you will get that village.


When supporting w/ :paladin: w/ item, item bonus affect:
Troops sent w/ :paladin:?
All troops of player's :paladin:?
All troops in the supported village?
No troops at all? (I don't think so)


PS: :paladin:


All troops in the supported village. If there are two paladins carrying the same weapon they do not add the bonus to the unit twice.


Thanks :icon_biggrin:

Then 2 or more :paladin:s w/ different items adds each bonus to the troops in the village?

For example: :paladin::spear: / :paladin::archer: / :paladin::catapult:.

Thanks again. :statue:


That would add a bonus to the spears, the archers and the cats.


Is there a way to influence the paladin item you get? Like if you used catapults to get OD would you get the bonfire?


It's not so much information about it... if our noobies in the game use their brains they will also find out how a Paladin works.


Sorry to break it to you, but it looks like you've copy and pasted this article: The first spoiler.... Though the other two are good and its nicely sorted out... I also thought it went up 3% a day and then an extra one each time you attack? I don't know, maybe a developer (Morthy?) will know.


Yeah I did copy it. Just thought I'd add all information though.

And I'm very confident that it's OD and not the amount of attacks. You probably saw Thar's thread. I don't think he receives about 60 attacks in one day.


One thing I have never been sure of... When you have the nobleman weapon, does it increase the chances of all noblemen from that village, or just the nobleman in the attack? I am guessing the latter, and that is why you still have a chance to fail with 4 nobles.


That is actually a damn good question. Now that I think of it, it should increase all nobles in the village the Paladin is in.


That is actually a damn good question. Now that I think of it, it should increase all nobles in the village the Paladin is in.

I have always assumed that it is the single nobleman in the attack, and thought that it was definitely the worst weapon out there... but now I am thinking perhaps not.