The Human Race


Alright, here come the first huge question on the UK off topic. Apart from all the others.

~~~~Are humans above animals?~~~~

Any views or ideas?

My point of view:
we aren't above animals, despite obviously being the dominant species. having said that, there are more insects in the world than homo sapiens.
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I beleive we are above everyone else.

I don't see why I should obey to some animal :lol:.



Yes but why should they obey to us? What gives us the right to breed them and stick them in fields? And what gives us the right to eat them? (yes, I'm a veggie)
They don't eat us, so why do we do it to them? Surely that's no better than putting our own people? And that's not legal!


Just because there are more of one thing doesn't make them dominant (talking about the insects)

Anyway yeah I think we're above the animals in terms of intelligence and conscienceness, which leads us to be the dominant species which shows that we're superior to animals. Which makes us above them. That's just my opinion, my animal loving brother would argue the exact opposite, I doubt we'll come to a conclusion.

Edit: They don't eat us because they can't, give a lion a chance to catch and eat a human it would, the lion doesn't care what it's eating as long as it gets its fair share of food.


fair enough. Having more insects than humans doesn't mean they're dominant, but it does make them successful.


Yes but why should they obey to us? What gives us the right to breed them and stick them in fields? And what gives us the right to eat them? (yes, I'm a veggie)
They don't eat us, so why do we do it to them? Surely that's no better than putting our own people? And that's not legal!
Why would we eat? Do you think we can make vegestables enough to feed the entire population of the earth?

I mean seriously, think about it. We eat pigs so we can get something to eat. But around these pigs there's a giant industry providing thousands of people jobs so they can buy vegestables.

We have to slaughter the animal, move it around, put it into gorgeous plastic boxes, sell it, advertise it, and there's probably much more.


Yes but why should they obey to us? What gives us the right to breed them and stick them in fields? And what gives us the right to eat them? (yes, I'm a veggie)
They don't eat us, so why do we do it to them? Surely that's no better than putting our own people? And that's not legal!

Because we have evolved to become the dominant species on this planet, this solar system, and possibly this galaxy. This signifies that we should be able to use the resources(yes including animals) available to us to continue the betterment of our species. So to not eat animals, use them, etc. would be a total waste of the evolutionary process.


Because we have evolved to become the dominant species on this planet, this solar system, and possibly this galaxy. This signifies that we should be able to use the resources(yes including animals) available to us to continue the betterment of our species. So to not eat animals, use them, etc. would be a total waste of the evolutionary process.

You've got a point. But surely we have evolved to become smart enough to make our own food, like meat substitutes. I don't think that's a waste of evolution. You may think it is, but I still don't agree with taking animals lives away from them. That's a waste of their evolutionary process!


You've got a point. But surely we have evolved to become smart enough to make our own food, like meat substitutes. I don't think that's a waste of evolution. You may think it is, but I still don't agree with taking animals lives away from them. That's a waste of their evolutionary process!

They evolved too slowly to become the dominant species, this in turn makes them liable to be used by humanity to further our drive into the future.

Plus meat substitutes are terrible, I was granted the intelligence and physical ability to hunt and kill my food, so it is my privilege to do so... or pick up a burger at a drive through.


I don't want them to evolve, what happens if they evolve into something evil =P

I think we eat meat because we have to (for protein) but mainly because we like the taste. I've tried the meat substitutes that are around and they don't taste anything like meat.


What if you heard on the news that Tesco had started selling human flesh as food? You'd be appalled, right? So what makes animals not-so-appalling? OK, they're pretty thick compared to us, but they've still got feelings, they still deserve the life they've been given.


What if you heard on the news that Tesco had started selling human flesh as food? You'd be appalled, right? So what makes animals not-so-appalling? OK, they're pretty thick compared to us, but they've still got feelings, they still deserve the life they've been given.

Because humans are equals.


and animals aren't equal?

Also, you say we're the dominant species, who are we to say that?


Animals kill other animals in the wild- so why is it wrong for us (really clever animals) to also kill animals?

Humans have been meat eaters for millions of years, that isn't going to change anytime soon. Mainly because I LOVE my meat


If we were to not eat animals we would be hurting them.

They would become overpopulated and they would not have enough food to go around.
I know you may say we breed them ourselves but we are top of the food chain. Because on the 5th day, god created the AK-47 :)


Not 'above' them but the only sension species so we have the privilege to look after them.. but what comes with privilege? responsibility.


Here's the gig;

Whatever we do as humans, won't matter 500,000 years from now. We're killing species left and right, and who knows, we may even cause a mass extinction with nuclear weapons, global warming, or whatever.

At the end of the day though, specifically, 500,000 years from now. Whatever we do, will not matter at all.

So to the question at hand, are we the most dominant species on earth? Yes. But we're just the flavor of the month, in order for our species to survive, we'll need to leave earth. Because one thing we do not hold dominance over is nature.


nuclear winter is possible, i just don't know how. Maybe we will have to leave earth, who knows??

and secondly, in the 21st century we have lost the siberian ibex and the undeveloped polish horse, do you miss them?