The Human Race


You're kidding right? There is a reason why we are at the top of the food chain, and not at the bottom eating leaves and grass. Want to know why? Because we've adapted in order to survive as a species.

Originally, humans were herbivores, our standing on the food chain then was at the bottom. We adapted though, had to, in order to survive. So we became carnivorous and began to eat other animals. As our intelligence grew, we were able to take on bigger and more dangerous prey. This is because we adapted to our surroundings, by becoming more intelligent. Humans were not given strength, speed or quick reflexes, like other animals on earth. We were given two things and thats it. Thumbs and intelligence. These two adaptations have given us the ability to come to the top of the food chain.

And now, you are suggesting that we revert ourselves back to the bottom? What a ludicrous idea. In order for that to be feasible, we would have to make every sq mile on this earth, farm land. Do you know what kind of effect that would have on the enviroment and other species? We would kill them all.

No, we are at the top of the food chain, because we create a balance in the world. I do think we over-step our bounds when we kill creatures, for reasons other then food. But, when we kill an animal for food then our actions are completely justifiable and we keep the natural cycle going.

Do you know how many nukes the US has? A lot, and a lot more then any other country.

I agree with everything you say their eg. Animal testing is wrong etc.
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TBPH (to be perfectly honest) If we were to not eat animals we would be going against a system that has been going for thousands of years, and has worked.

We were given intelligence and opposable thumbs and so, yes we do have a responsibility.
but consider this the world is like 100million (give or take 100 million) years old and so far we all havn't died, why change?

This made me *face-desk*

The earth is over 6 billion years old, and homosapiens have been on earth no more than 200,000 years, according to science.

Where do you get your facts :icon_confused:

Also, I don't think that animal testing is wrong. The indians and many people still today believe that you should use all part of the animal you kill. Is that not what animal testers are doing? I think that humans, with consent, can be tested biologically on as well.


This made me *face-desk*

The earth is over 6 billion years old, and homosapiens have been on earth no more than 200,000 years, according to science.

Where do you get your facts :icon_confused:

Also, I don't think that animal testing is wrong. The indians and many people still today believe that you should use all part of the animal you kill. Is that not what animal testers are doing? I think that humans, with consent, can be tested biologically on as well.

did i say that the homosapien was 100 million years old!?!?! no i said the world. i know the dinosaurs are at least 35mil years old. so me *face-desk* owned.

with consent, can be tested biologically on as well.

This made me laugh a bit, this is a way for big companies to exploit people who do not have enough money, do you think prostitution should be allowed with consent?


did i say that the homosapien was 100 million years old!?!?! no i said the world. i know the dinosaurs are at least 35mil years old. so me *face-desk* owned.

with consent, can be tested biologically on as well.

This made me laugh a bit, this is a way for big companies to exploit people who do not have enough money, do you think prostitution should be allowed with consent?

I believe prostitution should be legalized and industrialized so that all prostitutes are checked regularly for diseases.

BUT this is not the place for it. Make a thread about this subject and I will more then gladly debate you on this subject. :p


But speaking of dinosaurs, note how the T-Rex was always a carnivore, and the stegosauras was always an herbivore. And back then, the ecosystem was fine and things were balanced. I don't suppose anyone has ever thought of what would happen if a group of T-Rex's decided to go vegetarian? Figuritively speaking, it could have created a massive overpopulation of herbivores, causing a dramatic decrease in plant life, causing other herbivore's to die out from starvation. It would also lead to less oxygen in the atmosphere, and more CO2, warming up the earth and helping to kill out all the rest of the T-Rex's(lack of herbivores from decrease in plants) that ate normally, plus all the other dinosaurs.

Look, vegetarians wiped out the dinosaurs. Another reason they are bad.
did i say that the homosapien was 100 million years old!?!?! no i said the world.
but consider this the world is like 100million (give or take 100 million) years old and so far we all havn't died, why change?
The earth is over 6 billion years old, and homosapiens have been on earth no more than 200,000 years, according to science.
i know the dinosaurs are at least 35mil years old. so me *face-desk* owned.
The dinosaurs were actually around for about 160ish million years, but have been gone for approximately 65 million years. But they way you say 'are at least 35 million years old' makes me think that you believe they are still around, or you posted this from the cretaceous period and it just arrived.

This made me laugh a bit, this is a way for big companies to exploit people who do not have enough money
I'm pretty sure I didn't say 'force poor people to submit to biological testing'. They don't have to do it. It's their choice, thus it is not exploiting anyone. It's like saying poor people are forced to sell drugs or organs for money.


I don't think we would get the protein we needed back then if we were vegetarians/vegans (I never knew the difference).

Just to clear this up, Vegetarians don't eat any meat, Vegans (who are strange in my opinion :lol:) don't eat meat and animal products such as eggs and milk.


I'm pretty sure I didn't say 'force poor people to submit to biological testing'. They don't have to do it. It's their choice, thus it is not exploiting anyone. It's like saying poor people are forced to sell drugs or organs for money.

imagine you are poor, what lengths would you go to to earn some money, in this way, they could be exploited.


A ham is a slaughtered animal that was living, the chicken in the egg didn't even get to live.

the egg was never fertilised if we are eating it. Although my friend once got an egg that when he cracked it open, a dead chick dropped out, that was traumatising for him. But back to the topic, eating something that never lived should be fine for... anybody. except vegans


So vegetarians can kill unhatched chicks in the same way it's legal to murder unborn babies.

Everything has a loophole :D

thats not right at all, its like menstruation..... just it comes out in an egg, not with blood.


It's a baby chicken.

its not, is an unfertilised, ovum (human egg) a human? no!?! thats why girls have periods because it doesn't get fertilised, it is the saem with chickens but instead of monthly its daily


The Human Race. Well, I don't believe that we should hunt for the fun of it, or anything like that, because we need to respect the animals rights. If you kill an animal you should eat it, and use the remainders for something. I think it's fine to keep pets and stuff though, providing you look after it/them.


Yes but why should they obey to us? What gives us the right to breed them and stick them in fields? And what gives us the right to eat them? (yes, I'm a veggie)
They don't eat us, so why do we do it to them? Surely that's no better than putting our own people? And that's not legal!

What rights (other than human privileges handed to me by other human beings(+ regulations/laws that i have to follow) do I need to eat/kill/breed other animals? Mind being in the same cage with a tiger?

It's survival of the fittest.

hmm. I think that phrase is wrong.

You're kidding right? There is a reason why we are at the top of the food chain, and not at the bottom eating leaves and grass. Want to know why? Because we've adapted in order to survive as a species.

Do you know how many nukes the US has? A lot, and a lot more then any other country.

Perhaps you mean something else but no, I don't see a lion or tiger taking on a elephant.

I heard Russia has more nukes than US does.
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Wow, ok I'm going to have to respond to this thread later as I don't have much time right now.

I'm in an environmental ethics course at university and our last class was about animal rights. We looked at it from the two different sides of philosophy being reason and experiences. I'll see if I can find links to the articles we read (if they're even online) for any who are interested.


When animals can come to court and make a few demands, I say we give them rights.