TW Gone Puff


This is becoming almost a daily thing now, either completely stops working or lags like hell. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH


Wasn't there something on BBC news about Website servers being crashed by some sort of hack


I have noticed that some has left tw completely because of all the crap that has happened lately, and I have to say that I understand why.
Yeah it is a game, and things like this happens from time to time. BUT... some of us actually pay money for this game, and I think it would have been nice if all players had been treated the same way. If some people get their villages back, why not all?? If some people get their troops back, why not all??
I am not happy about the tw staff not treating all players equally and have to say that I wonder why......


Things happen but this is just getting silly now, just put the thing into peace mode for a day or two and get it fixed, impossible to snipe or do anything at moment.


according to microsoft 5 mins ago about 500,000 to 1.5 million servers are currently experiencing problems

“Microsoft is aware of reports of an ongoing SQL injection attack. Our investigation has determined these sites were exploited using a vulnerability in certain third-party content management systems. This is not a Microsoft vulnerability.” I did not, however, get a hint as to the identity of the “third-party content management system.”

SQL injection attacks take place when malicious code–essentially commands to a Web server to do things it’s not supposed to do–are inserted into routine queries of a Web site’s database. A basic way to carry out these attacks is to add extra commands into the URL bar of a browser when visiting a vulnerable Web site. It’s not entirely clear exactly how this series of attacks has been carried out.


and lagg is better than a shutdown

I totally disagree ... with shutdown you know where you are.

With lag, it is painfully slow, I've just bought a shed load of PP, now wish I hadn't :mad:
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What an absolute joke as other people have said some of us pay for premium...ok its not much but come on!!!

This is the last time...I'll be quitting after this out of pure principle if this isn't sorted this time


[tt]Im told that its been fixed and things should be returning to normal I can only apologise for this [/tt]


yet again!!

best thing is i got this message when i tried to dodge a attack

service is temporary not available ...

... in the meanwhile you may like to try one of our other games:

no actually i would not like to try another game that will lag/freeze stop and then expect me to pay again???? for a game that i dont want to play???

and your introducing 3D soon aswell, i suggest that innogames get the server issues sorted first before clogging up this system

what excuse will be heard then??

getting tired of the problems, world1 is closed anyhow, and most on, were happy with the way things were, so why change a world thats closed???

stop spoiling the game!!:mad:


[tt]Im told that its been fixed and things should be returning to normal I can only apologise for this [/tt]

Your update is appreciated, we only grow despondent when we don't know what's happening :)


Yes thanks Tracey your response is appreciated....but this is getting silly now!


[tt]Its very difficult to make an announcement as I as yet have not been told what is going on, all I know so far is a system admin is on his way to investigate, we are not the only server experiencing issues. When I know something I will let you know [/tt]

Thanks for the Update Tracey.

We appreciate that you are only the messenger in these circumstances.


(Off-topic note: SoE = Sony online entertainment - for the person who asked - they totally ignored the player base at least 95% of the time in various types of MMO).


yes thanks tracey i appreciate that your workload at the mo maybe a little overstretched with server issues and having hundreds of tickets to respond too :icon_biggrin:

but having the time to respond to my ticket aswell!!

thanks :)


I thought so too Chubbs, it still on the login page though...


It was an April Fool's, and shouldn't be on the TW home page anymore.


yet again!!

best thing is i got this message when i tried to dodge a attack

service is temporary not available ...

... in the meanwhile you may like to try one of our other games:

no actually i would not like to try another game that will lag/freeze stop and then expect me to pay again???? for a game that i dont want to play???

and your introducing 3D soon aswell, i suggest that innogames get the server issues sorted first before clogging up this system

what excuse will be heard then??

getting tired of the problems, world1 is closed anyhow, and most on, were happy with the way things were, so why change a world thats closed???

stop spoiling the game!!:mad:

Is it me or has Everyone fallen for an April Fools joke on this 3D?

Just noticed the posts above, sorry, but this isn't the only time it's been said >.>