Since last time i rated these we have seen the ghosts formation, and the ridding of visser. Both for me have interesting implications on the leadership of sky.
So animal leaving can be interpreted as either bad leadership in that power grabbing never goes down well, or could go down as solidarity, people will make their own minds up, personally i disagree with the sky stand point, however tribe being held together regardless shows despite this their definitely some stability in this tribe.
I will critise the family tribe thing, its really not necessarily, in fact i think its quiet disrespectful of players, instead of having a large umbrella for plenty of players, having such a huge member potential seems to make players of all shapes and sized recruited as a punt, then thrown away after often time being treated poorly, like if u want a elitist tribe make one n stop pretending, i get that it edges your bets, but i don't like them and will critise any duke/council, that use and endorse them, in my long tw career, many times duking, ive had 2 acad tribes, both short term and more about logistics, this method of casting the net out far and wide just to try catch a worthwhile player seems a tad pathetic to me.
Diplomacy is a hard one, keeping out the wars has done sky a huge favour in that its had time to take a strong lead in k45, i hopes they don't hug no more though, like i dont really wanna see ghosts get bashed, but would sooner see sky involved in some way than afk farming, tw really shouldn't be a pve game.
For me k 55 is the important one, unlike the north it seems more 50/50 ghosts/sky, not only that, the rim is full of space to wrap around. honestly i imagine they will play passive which i will see as weak, but no doubt they could claim a huge share of 55 if they wanted.
kings of pp lol, Honestly, i think sky have some strong players, some very willing to enhance this with huge pp expenditure, i do feel out of the top 3 they have the lowest average skill count, but perhaps have a couple more diamonds in the rough than wotn??, i dunno but at rank 1 they cant all suck can they.
At first they seemed very timid to me, but slowly coming out of thier k, and somehow have done some serious k control any core tribe at this stage would be jealous of. FAMILY TRIBES, like ahhhhhhhh, im not gunna be any nicer than i was with sky (fairness n all that) but yea, did no one read the 35 member limit when they joined the world, did no go, look the player ability of tw's average player is actra abysmal these days and i bet i cant find 10 players in a k who are worthy of my tribe, never mind 35, never mind 70..... have to fault leadership on this, i know u dont care like, but minus points!!!!!
So they should proly win this entire thread on this, like u couldn't plan a better village spread, plenty of safe area with room to grow in non war zones, then a nice front thats easily secured and offers a array of opping opportunities
So thinking the consensus is that these guys have been under rated, i mean not saying they are pro stuffs (we all remember the early nukage
, but quiet good participation all round and tearing hr a new one by looks of things, i would say they have the second best average member skill level i think but maybe the lowest number of stand outs, i know hypno n catsup supposed to be good but i think both sky and ghosts have a few more gems than wotn, even so high all round member level usually wins against just a few stand outs, so all good stuff.
Ghosts (prepare for serious arse licking peeps!)
dunno if its a evil animal dictator, or their sum kind of council but in actuality i think mistakes have been made.
Like i like the initial move from ani, but then the jist im getting from wotn is that nap was impossible due to some recruits, like had ani of gone even more elitist and kept member count lower could of hit a sweet spot where they had room to grow and get big, but also maintain some diplo, seems a few too many iffy recruits fr as wotn was concerned made diplo hard, maybe it wont matter, but maybe just maybe a trick was missed.
I think they have the highest average member ability and also more than their fair share of the stand out players.
This tribe with wotn or sky's position would be a real force to be reckoned with, unfortunately its not the case, weather they got enough in the tank to turn it around remains to be seen, sky's next move could make things pretty interesting, whatever happens with this tribe i think lab could be set for a late blooming rank 1, just a hunch.
sky 6/10
wotn 7/10
ghosts 8/10