W.A.R vs Mayhem


Yeah, because a high ODD rating suggests you handle incomings well. :icon_rolleyes:

tag incommings--request support--stack villages--snipe where needed--recapture--stack

pretty sure your not reading this correctly, he never said he handles them well, which your wrong BTW. he said he done the best he could.

I handled the incoming as best I could, I lost villages but I also killed a lot of nukes and nobles, reflected by my ODD rating.

volkan knew about the op days before it, He even asked me himself! will asked for support and didn't receive it so was left facing 1500 incommings and most nobles launched between 34min-1.5hr considering the op covered the majority of his villas I would say he done pretty well killing all that giving his experience and lack of help.


Only person on w19 that I don't know.

I don't think I know you.

As for Will there are always 2 sides to every story and while I agree the time you put into your defending while being opped several times is commendable your way of asking for support just doesn't cut it at all which lead to your downfall. Your last ditched late call for support sucked in detail as in there was none. Your first post said I think I might be being opped I will post a list later of villages that need stacking. You never did you just asked for people to mail you.

Secondly a week or so before this all players on the front lines were asked to provide me with a list of villas they felt needed covering so we could try to get them covered. I have checked the thread and my mails and nothing from you. I also cant find the account sit request for your weekend away when you dropped your sit on Volkan without asking if it exists I apologise just saying I cant find it and knew nothing of it. So while I think kicking you was a harsh move you really were the dealer of your own downfall in my opinion.

This is not meant as a dig just saying before you come on here claiming to be whiter than white there were many many things you could have and should have done better.


tag incommings--request support--stack villages--snipe where needed--recapture--stack

pretty sure your not reading this correctly, he never said he handles them well, which your wrong BTW. he said he done the best he could.

volkan knew about the op days before it, He even asked me himself! will asked for support and didn't receive it so was left facing 1500 incommings and most nobles launched between 34min-1.5hr considering the op covered the majority of his villas I would say he done pretty well killing all that giving his experience and lack of help.

In a situation with the amount of incomings he is receiving, there is no advantage at all in having a village stacked with 3 full D's when you have 8 nukes hitting before the nobles (for example) in that situation attacks should be tagged, maybe have the odd village or 2 with 7+ Full D's and use those villages for re-caps and snipes, it wont give you a good ODD though. A high ODD just suggests nukes were allowed to hit troops which is what the enemy want to do, the idea of the nukes is to kill troops, if you dodge out the way of those nukes enemies have wasted days travel time for the nukes.


Yeah but it was weird that you just randomly said that you didn't know me.


I'm surprised that you don't know me... Probably haven't been on UK long enough to anyway :icon_sad:.


You must of been hiding in the shadows then :icon_rolleyes:.


In a situation with the amount of incomings he is receiving, there is no advantage at all in having a village stacked with 3 full D's when you have 8 nukes hitting before the nobles (for example) in that situation attacks should be tagged, maybe have the odd village or 2 with 7+ Full D's and use those villages for re-caps and snipes, it wont give you a good ODD though. A high ODD just suggests nukes were allowed to hit troops which is what the enemy want to do, the idea of the nukes is to kill troops, if you dodge out the way of those nukes enemies have wasted days travel time for the nukes.

ask problem child if he agrees as he lost 80 nukes to us the other day on two villas. we took care of the problem as it arose and stacked it accordingly, or def can recover alot quicker than is off.

I agree with you if you stack a villa it allows the local troops be used but in this case he was the most vulnerable mayhem player they had and should have been pre-stacked before this.

I sat an account a while back and had to deal with over 30 snipes with 3 hours notice, I struggled as i was busy with other accounts also. I can only imagine how a relatively inexperienced player would cope given he had to deal with 60+ trains with most being launched from 3 hours out. Considering his spread, he could not set up many long range snipes as they were being added from close range from all directions so in his case I think his best bet was to stack his villas and go for recaps, that is hoping that our timed support is not sufficient enough to kill his attempt.
of the villas I had taken there was not a single incomming support from his tribe, even though NB was less than ten minutes away and would provide an excellent cover


been here over 7 and nope cant say i do i recongnize fidel as an in game name but not with fearless :]
i said from the word go war should win this world with the players i know they had,
but alot can change in a world and i also no mayhem do have some good players,
i think i read somewhere mayhem has no other problems other than war as they have recruited everyone,
this is wrong as bandit are still around and they do have the odd decent player that can snipe had a good battle with them when they were on zink account :]


been here over 7 and nope cant say i do i recongnize fidel as an in game name but not with fearless :]
i said from the word go war should win this world with the players i know they had,
but alot can change in a world and i also no mayhem do have some good players,
i think i read somewhere mayhem has no other problems other than war as they have recruited everyone,
this is wrong as bandit are still around and they do have the odd decent player that can snipe had a good battle with them when they were on zink account :]

that was me playing on the zink account that day, the only reason you didn't recruit bandit is because you tried and they told you no because they didn't wanna backstab their allies NA, then you went with the exact same offer to na and jet accepted it.

I'm just wondering if you guys instruct the members you recruit to write like an oscar winning performance "goodbye" post in the announcement forums of bandit every time you recruit a new one? Catatonic's was particularly touching - it was probably a good 1000 words, "honor" "i will never attack any of you" "its been great to fight and i know you guys will hate me for this" - literally 90 minutes later started attacking people.

That problem is side 1, bandit (5m) vs mayhem, mayhem 2, mayhem 3, mayhem, mayhem daycare, mayhem academy, mayhem here come da pain, god made me recruit but forgot to give me brain and fist (83million), not the most balanced fight ever, just the few people on .co.uk who don't want to win a world by recruiting 200 people then internalling 170 of them


Doesn't anyone know me from w5 fighting SAXANG and w12 fighting top tribe that won and w15 with second top tribe and w16 with HOLY! and checkmate and A.F.A???


Doesn't anyone know me from w5 fighting SAXANG and w12 fighting top tribe that won and w15 with second top tribe and w16 with HOLY! and checkmate and A.F.A???

Didn't play that far back mate sorry, And you were never checkmate lol :)


So you don't remember TEOD! or U.W.S both originally founded by me? (btw the U.W.R on W71 was copied from my idea)


Catatonic's was particularly touching - it was probably a good 1000 words, "honor" "i will never attack any of you" "its been great to fight and i know you guys will hate me for this" - literally 90 minutes later started attacking people.

I changed my mind ^.^

You gotta do what you gotta do to win. It is after all just a game :)