W1N - Mass recruitors

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sounds like angry talk to me....i didnt stack..well technically i did, i supported from one village, i have attacks coming on all villages so i couldnt stack.

I think its because our tribe members arent point whores and work together, lrag just see a smaller village and throw their troops around...you dont like it because it didnt work this time. your member lost. face the facts as he will with his other attacks. lrag only joined forces with win because they couldnt stand facing a battle.

win are the daleks...lrag the OOD


Don't try to get involved in high world Politics if you don't know what you are talking about.

LRAG have secured and continue to take Flux, AK and KA villages in our continents. We're winning this war. We were outnumbered etc. and we turned it around. We hardly see a larger village and throw our troops around, we see a village in our continent that will be a nuke village, it will be under the LRAG banner.

Adam tried to tell me in mails that LRAG don't have team work, and we hate battles! Now that is the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever heard.


Don't try to get involved in high world Politics if you don't know what you are talking about.

LRAG have secured and continue to take Flux, AK and KA villages in our continents. We're winning this war. We were outnumbered etc. and we turned it around. We hardly see a larger village and throw our troops around, we see a village in our continent that will be a nuke village, it will be under the LRAG banner.

Adam tried to tell me in mails that LRAG don't have team work, and we hate battles! Now that is the biggest pile of rubbish I have ever heard.

hold on hold on...you didnt answer me...does the report exist?? yes it does..anyone wants it mail me same name. yes i did say all that. bragging doesnt bring the 10k axe and 1k lc back :icon_rolleyes:


Minor casulties. You should get ahold of a Flux account and see what they've got incoming. There seems to be alot of their accounts going spare.


i want one i want one...:)...im not interested in flux or anyones wars...i just enjoy amusing myself and having witty fun.

10k axes, 6 atatcks, 60k axes considering he sent same plus any noblemen...ide say theyre not minor..i rest my case...



That's just the tiny weak tribe thoughts on losing 6 nukes. 33 on one settlement would be high.


low points doesnt make a tribe weak! as our members troop number demonstrated..a 30k point player won against a 1 mill point lrag member...and will continue to win.

maybe your tribe should stop thinking points and click on the barracks...its very helpful..theres little buttons you press and troops appear over time.

to saya tribe is weak because of tis points is damn right ridiculous, a tribe is about commitment, teamwork, perseverance and troop numbers. not about throwing your points about and expecting people to back down!


Adam get a grip.

Onion be gracious he's excited that he's killed a few nukes.
congratulations Adam you killed a few nukes -Well done.- I'm sure you're happy

But in the scheme of things it's a drop in the ocean Ant' won't be worried about his losses it's part of the game some villages you get with hardly any losses others you take unexpected hits, he'll have them rebuilding as they were lost and like most of us will have nukes to spare.

But apart from that you're not in the same league as most of the players in LRAG in fact you'd be hard pushed to get into lragfo

As for the rest our stats speak for themselves
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yes im excited, thanks :icon_biggrin:

and why would i want to join lragfo...unless obviously there was nowhere else to go.. then maybe.

well im bored of this now so good luck in your war etc. and good luck other side. im off to kill more nukes :icon_razz:



My point was really you wouldn't qualify to get in our academy tribe.

but enjoy the game thats what it's mean't to be fun.

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