W1N - Mass recruitors

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What has happened to world 1? and even more surprising what has happened to W1N???

We're still rank 1, like we have been pretty much the entire world

When i left world 1 W1N had just over 40 members, one of them me, and were going strong. Now i come back and i cry upon looking.

Yes, because there is a lot of big families in this world? You want to fight 600 + enemies with only 40 members?

W1N have 97 members. 97 members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surely the sign of a mass recruiting tribe.

There's a difference between merging and mass recruiting you NOOB

This is the reason they are so easily winning all wars, because they have mass recruited into them most of the good players. Of the top 20 all but 4 are W1N members. And of those only 1 was there when i played with them. Luke Bishop.

All our enemies have 560~ members combined, quite obviously our 97 member count is greater than that :icon_rolleyes:

This tribe has hugged there way to domination and to them i say go play this game.

YESS!!!! That's exactly why we're rank 1 for ODA and ODD.

So to W1N i say you have lost your way and should maybe consider going back to that "elitest" way we had at the start, and maybe just maybe this would create a better world as there would be more competition. That or you can continue to kill the world with boredom.

I do believe the idea of a game is to win, and we are winning, don't like that, go away. OH WAIT, that's right, you left at 2.4k points :icon_razz:

In the future, If you feel the need to flame us, at least know what you're talking about.

Much love, Charlie <3


Well, you must be a crap alliance then Onion. If you don't work with them while fighting the same enemy. On top of this you don't even think you should be put in the same side. I'm glad you're not my allies :icon_wink:

So am I, that would mean we couldn't take your settlements on a daily occasion. LRAG do not need help.


guys, this is a good discussion. Lets move it to the w1n vs the world thread and that way we can let this troll thread die just as the player did on W1, forgotten and useless!!

BTW How the hell did FREE come into these stats lol


The original W1N crew was not skilled enough to fulfill their initial ambition of world dominance with a strong core of elite players, thus they decided to rather merge their way to the top, getting in the creme of the crop as the saying goes. This eventually caused them to go above the size limit and forced the creation of the W1N family, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with such a modus operandi. Later we've even seen the T4H join the W1N family as an academy tribe and fair play to them for that, turning the cape with the wind is a form of survival as the sayingg oes and when the enemies of the W1N family accept recruitment offers put fourth you know that they perceive W1N to be the superior tribe as the saying goes.


Dubby I doubt many can stand you. We acknowledge W1N. is there, get over it.


Seems like you missed the part where I said "there is absolutely nothing wrong with such a modus operandi".

A little pot is easily hot as the saying goes.


So am I, that would mean we couldn't take your settlements on a daily occasion. LRAG do not need help.

I'm glad you don't denie any of the comments I made about your alliance with W1N. It says alot about you as a person/forum member. Or you completly agree on my points. In which case it says something about you as a player.

win/w1n for me I guess :icon_cool:

@ Luke, your right. I don't think Free should be in those stats. Seeing as you guys (to my knowledge) aren't allies.


Do you want me to lay on the ground crying and confessing my sins? Your points are invalid.


If LRAG are fighting KA/AK & not W1N and Free are fighting KA/AK & not W1N then its fairly obvious that its going to have an effect on KA/AK vs W1N.

Quite why these Northern rim tribes are picking on a smaller group rather than noticeing the fact that eventually if W1N are victorious their entire Northern group has no easy target but them I dont know! I guess W1N are pursueing a diplomatic policy of divide and conquer.


Do you want me to lay on the ground crying and confessing my sins? Your points are invalid.

My points are invalid? :icon_eek:"Oh no, I never new. Your superior intellect has proved you right, yet again! What should I do? Why don't you make a random claim with no proof or argument, and of course I shall listen." :icon_rolleyes:


If LRAG are fighting KA/AK & not W1N and Free are fighting KA/AK & not W1N then its fairly obvious that its going to have an effect on KA/AK vs W1N.

Quite why these Northern rim tribes are picking on a smaller group rather than noticeing the fact that eventually if W1N are victorious their entire Northern group has no easy target but them I dont know! I guess W1N are pursueing a diplomatic policy of divide and conquer.

LRAG declared on Flux after they decided to attack us, following our decloration AK/LA decided they wished to join in on Fluxs' side. LRAG and AK/KA have only one point of contact on the battlefield, which is in our continents which we are removing them from. This means that their central continents are involved in the battle, only supporting. Meaning they can fight as they wish. If AK/KA don't like it, they shouldn't of concerned themselves with LRAG nor spied within us, they've choosen that position, so they have to to reap the consequences.

LRAG have concerned ourselves with our future as a tribe.

My points are invalid? :icon_eek:"Oh no, I never new. Your superior intellect has proved you right, yet again! What should I do? Why don't you make a random claim with no proof or argument, and of course I shall listen." :icon_rolleyes:

The I will address your points seperately if you are going to act like a child about it.

Well, you must be a crap alliance then Onion. If you don't work with them while fighting the same enemy. On top of this you don't even think you should be put in the same side. I'm glad you're not my allies

A crap alliance? No-one has confirmed we are in an alliance, I will acknowledge our NAP with W1N. From what I've said the rest of your points are invalid as there is no "alliance" as we only have a NAP :lol:
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The original W1N crew was not skilled enough to fulfill their initial ambition of world dominance with a strong core of elite players, thus they decided to rather merge their way to the top, getting in the creme of the crop as the saying goes. This eventually caused them to go above the size limit and forced the creation of the W1N family, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with such a modus operandi. Later we've even seen the T4H join the W1N family as an academy tribe and fair play to them for that, turning the cape with the wind is a form of survival as the sayingg oes and when the enemies of the W1N family accept recruitment offers put fourth you know that they perceive W1N to be the superior tribe as the saying goes.

Are you suggesting we don't have a strong core of elite players? Would you like us to crush you again and make you quit again you noob? In all worlds, at one point, the strongest players get recruited into the best tribe, and its an inevitability that one tribe will always dominate. Be glad it hasn't happened as early as UK4 *smirk*

T4H are allies, we have no family relations. W1N are not at war with *FW* for example; T4H are. There is not relation to names, we do not support each other (bar local members with short term support, hypothetically), we each have autonomous rule, and each can potentially declare on the other if necessary (*hint* to the anti-W1N alliance).

If LRAG are fighting KA/AK & not W1N and Free are fighting KA/AK & not W1N then its fairly obvious that its going to have an effect on KA/AK vs W1N.

Quite why these Northern rim tribes are picking on a smaller group rather than noticeing the fact that eventually if W1N are victorious their entire Northern group has no easy target but them I dont know! I guess W1N are pursueing a diplomatic policy of divide and conquer.

They made their choice not to attack W1N. Maybe Flux annoyed them and they felt like killing Flux? Maybe they fear W1N would crush them? Many reasons. This game is about surviving and attempting to dominate; why would a tribe knowingly walk into a battle they think they can't W1N? ;)

What has happened to world 1? and even more surprising what has happened to W1N???

Welcome to late game. Might be a rare concept for you.

When i left world 1 W1N had just over 40 members, one of them me, and were going strong. Now i come back and i cry upon looking.

Aww... so its strong just cause you were in it? Omg, you are so awesome, when can I be like you Mr. I'm-So-L337? /sarcasm

W1N have 97 members. 97 members!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Surely the sign of a mass recruiting tribe.

No, there are just 97 good players on UK1. They all banded together. Ok, I'm being harsh, there are a few good players not in W1N, but it isn't mass-recruited, cause anyone not up to scratch wasn't recruited. We have tough recruitment standards, hence the high calibre of our players, our ranks in points and OD(A/D/T).

This is the reason they are so easily winning all wars, because they have mass recruited into them most of the good players. Of the top 20 all but 4 are W1N members. And of those only 1 was there when i played with them. Luke Bishop.

We recruited many of the good players. Do you think we'd recruit deadweight rubbish, a prime example would be yourself? Which tribe refuses to recruit good players? A fail tribe. Maybe that caters to your refined tastes. And people quit. What's so special about that?

This tribe has hugged there way to domination and to them i say go play this game.

The sort of game for you my little crybaby, there were a lot of fantastic wars, and we are currently at war on all 4 of our borders. Tribalhugs, indeed /sarcasm.

So to W1N i say you have lost your way and should maybe consider going back to that "elitest" way we had at the start, and maybe just maybe this would create a better world as there would be more competition. That or you can continue to kill the world with boredom.

Not our fault we have 97 elitist players. Ok, I exxaggerate, but 90% of our players are elitist to begin with.

I've found another Nauzhror! The guy thinks he's epic cause he's so awesome at start-up!

Please! Find an account! I'm sure "Flux" or "FIRE" have loads! Ideally Flux! So I can have the great pleasure in reminding you that W1N are still as aggressive as ever. We can discuss the matter over teas and cookies as I continually rain nukes upon your villages and send you to the rim where you belong... noob.


~Adellion (IG : Ady1)
Ego > Space & Time

P.S. Ahh, trolls breed far too quickly! :icon_cool:
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A crap alliance? No-one has confirmed we are in an alliance, I will acknowledge our NAP with W1N. From what I've said the rest of your points are invalid as there is no "alliance" as we only have a NAP :lol:

[B said:
debbie.b on 12.06. at 10:58[/B]] The Council are pleased to announce after many late nights and extensive talks that LRAG and LRAGFO are now allies with W1N. This is a long term agreement from the councils and will be our principal alliance for the foreseeable future.
I understand that there will be many questions so please feel free to ask any member of the council
deb x


(btw, if you look back over the thread, you will see I already brought this point, but you carefully ignored it.)

Anyway, I do believe my points are not invalid. They're just good old valid.


Originally Posted by marekchmiel on 12.06. at 10:58
The Council are pleased to announce after many late nights and extensive talks that AK and KA are now surrendering to LRAG. This is a long term agreement from the councils and will be in our interests for the foreseeable future.
I understand that there will be many questions so please feel free to ask any member of the council

Yes, your evidence stands up well.


Or maybe you've been given some wrong information?

Possibly, I don't denie it. However, I'm inclined to believe this certain information. Whether, other people reading believe it or not, is up to them. Its just one bit of information that suggests your a bad player (if your confused how, read back when I first used it)

:icon_biggrin: Convo closed.


The original W1N crew was not skilled enough to fulfill their initial ambition of world dominance with a strong core of elite players, thus they decided to rather merge their way to the top, getting in the creme of the crop as the saying goes. This eventually caused them to go above the size limit and forced the creation of the W1N family, but there is absolutely nothing wrong with such a modus operandi. Later we've even seen the T4H join the W1N family as an academy tribe and fair play to them for that, turning the cape with the wind is a form of survival as the sayingg oes and when the enemies of the W1N family accept recruitment offers put fourth you know that they perceive W1N to be the superior tribe as the saying goes.

LoL Mule...

You talk so much crap it's unreal.

T4H are not, have no desire to be , and have no need to be an "Academy" of W1N.

When you grow up and look upon the world as it truly is, you will realise that the comments made by you, on this forum, make you look like a complete tool. Your blind "hatred" of W1N, and whoever isn't at war with W1N, is unfounded, and reading the drivel you are constantly writing is becoming tiresome to say the least.

W1N brought about your demise on Uk1, accept it and move on. For the sake of everyone who reads, and posts on these forums...
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