Freak Out!

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Meh, we're doing okay but Bonnie and Clyde are still beating us :(

Side 1:
Players: Bonnie and Clyde

Side 2:
Tribes: Freaks
Players: richifa

Timeframe: Forever

Total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 7
Side 2: 0
Difference: 7


Points value of total conquers against opposite side:

Side 1: 42,562
Side 2: 0
Difference: 42,562

7 in tribe already? I havent had that many in the last 14 worlds I played put together :lol:


It's time to play a little game...

satanscircus on 05.12. at 11:41

It is getting to the business end of things and i have decided to step down as coduke and hand the reigns over to [player]Bonnie and Clyde[/player]

It has been awesome leading you guys and have learnt a lot in a short space of time but i do not possess the experience required. I will still be holding the Baron position but i hope you guys work as hard for them as you did when i was coduke :)

We already knew it was happening/had happened, but we were being nice... That is no longer the case, as Clyde has started a self-righteous crusade that will only end in tears for himself...

[6:14:10 PM] Clyde: is willo doing a better job here than he has on every other tribe he has run?
[6:15:35 PM] Clyde: ask him about evil on w36 he will tell you how his sitter stuffed up
[6:17:15 PM] Clyde: how come dice killed them in under a week
I can screeny them, but I don't care enough to go through the hassle. It's already been proven that I have the means to do so... :icon_rolleyes:

First of all, he assaults me on a personal level because his new members have had lengthy fireside chats with us after our recent... Warning...

palaceguard today at 17:12
Hello all [ally]Freaks[/ally].

As you may have gathered by now, it seems our two tribes have come to a point where we can no longer occupy the same space. 'Tis a shame, I know. Most of what I tell you can be seen here, but I will run through a few things so save they less proactive ones of yourselves the hassle of reading it.

As previously stated, [ally]Freaks[/ally] and [ally]Jungle[/ally] are now at war and we are currently winning 7-1 *gloats*. A short period of time ago, ironically right after a failed op on K55's most hated, [player]Celph titled[/player], your leader - [player]satancircus[/player] contacted me on skype. Funny I thought, still, I was quite interested in what he had to say:


As you could imagine, I was quite taken a back. Less than a week into war and they want to cut a merge deal already? At this point I was really interested in what they had to say, and oh boy did they have a lot to say:


and more:


This did make me giggle. 5 members? What about the rest me thinks. Well luckily, your other duke came along and answered that for me:


Well, my my. The dukes want to take themselves and 2-3 other members through to [ally]Jungle[/ally]? I don't believe that they are going to own up straight away and say, "yes we did it, sorry." Oh no, of course not. Still, if any of you want quote proof or more proof, mail me and I will add you on skype.

Now, after a very long piece of text, I'll get to the point. If you want a place in [ally]Jungle[/ally], you've got 48 hours to contact myself, [player]Palaceguard[/player] with a recruitment application. From there your application will be handled. Anyone not making an application after these 48 hours has a significantly reduced chance of getting a place, if you can call it a chance. For those that do stay, good luck. We're gonna enjoy this one, we hope you guys do too.

I s'pose this is the chance for players not wanting to fight a tribe half their size, with support from local tribes such as [ally]-LoM-[/ally] and the whole T KXX family, and still losing.

Goodluck, the clock is ticking.
Secondly, yes... We are offering the option for Freaks to apply for the next... I think it's 36 hours now? I personally believe there are a fair few players with a fair bit of potential that can be found in any tribe, so why not give them a chance to prove it?

Thirdly, he resorts to misinformation to try and deal a" lethal blow"... Sadly for him, Jungle actually has players on virtually every side of the conflict he mentions who explained the situation to one who was not "in the know"

My response? I tried to explain where he went wrong:

[5:20:25 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: I'm not running Jungle
[5:20:08 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: I wasn't sat
[5:20:52 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: You fail to mention DVADER, TWL, WUKE, Nuke, Nobody, and the countless other tribes that were also involved with Dice at the time

Granted, not really excuses... I "stuffed up" on World 36... This is common knowledge however, and part of the reasoning behind my 6 month hiatus from this game...

He then tries to tell me I am wrong... :icon_neutral:

[5:21:18 PM] Clyde says: no they werent
[5:21:20 PM] Clyde says: dice hit alone
[5:21:32 PM] Clyde says: dvader jumped in to gangbang after the war was won
[5:21:33 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: I think I know what happened to my own tribe
[5:21:39 PM] Clyde says: I was actually around at the time
[5:21:42 PM] Clyde says: were you?
[5:22:08 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: Seeing as how players from Dice and Dvader are actually IN Jungle
[5:23:08 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: here's a player FROM Dice
[5:23:37 PM] DudeDestroyer says: I hear someone is talking about dice?
[5:23:39 PM] Clyde says: who is this?
[5:23:46 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: DudeDestroyer
[5:23:57 PM] DudeDestroyer says: someone that was actually in dice
[5:24:00 PM] Willovain [MiniPerv] says: someone from Dice, if you "were around" you'd know him... He was one of the largest proponents of Dice at the time
[5:24:17 PM] Clyde says: i never said i was in dice

[5:24:40 PM] Clyde says: i was in close contact with both hibby and hopeless
[5:24:46 PM] DudeDestroyer says: o rly???

[5:24:49 PM] DudeDestroyer says: lol
[5:24:53 PM] DudeDestroyer says: I would like to know
[5:25:08 PM] DudeDestroyer says: cause im actually co playing with hopless right now
[5:26:16 PM] Clyde says: what on this world?
[5:26:23 PM] DudeDestroyer says: no back on .net
*Crickets Chirp*

Moral of the story? Next time Freaks want to try lying to a member of Jungle... Anticipate for the fact that we generally share most of our conversations with our "enemies" (if they are worthy of that title) with the rest of the tribe. Next time you want to lie Clyde, atleast make it believable, or harder to refute.
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Very nice skype conversations, forum mails, and a song. It's not PnP though.


Hey can we get this back ontopic it's PnP about Freaks not about Bonnie and Clyde (well mostly Clyde)....come on guys share the love :)


Very nice skype conversations, forum mails, and a song. It's not PnP though.

Politics and propaganda

Politics are the below
: competition between competing interest groups or individuals for power and leadership (as in a government) b : political life especially as a principal activity or profession c : political activities characterized by artful and often dishonest practices

Propaganda, it defiantly fits this one:icon_neutral: So which one exactly is it not? Propaganda can both be a song and propaganda:icon_surprised: Perhaps there isn't enough accusations of cheating for your likes:icon_redface:
2 : the spreading of ideas, information, or rumor for the purpose of helping or injuring an institution, a cause, or a person


Errr... What is that supposed to imply? :icon_neutral: Too much evidence for your fancy?
Nothing, except for the fact that a collection of skype conversations and a song do not make PnP. You have to write something too.


Nothing, except for the fact that a collection of skype conversations and a song do not make PnP. You have to write something too.

And why is that? I'd prefer to keep things relatively fact based... Dont want to go making accusations we cannot back up now can we? :icon_rolleyes:

Without "writing" anything, my point is still sent quite clearly across yes? So why bother to further clutter? To give you room to mount some sort of defensive for Freaks? No. The more I talk, the more room for the opposition to counter.

Why don't you do better? Or are you more satisfied with just trying to bait me into an argument over rhetoric?


Nothing, except for the fact that a collection of skype conversations and a song do not make PnP. You have to write something too.

Don't forget the lolcat photos.

1/10 for PnP. Needs moar cats.


And why is that? I'd prefer to keep things relatively fact based... Dont want to go making accusations we cannot back up now can we? :icon_rolleyes:

Without "writing" anything, my point is still sent quite clearly across yes? So why bother to further clutter? To give you room to mount some sort of defensive for Freaks? No. The more I talk, the more room for the opposition to counter.

Why don't you do better? Or are you more satisfied with just trying to bait me into an argument over rhetoric?
I don't have the intention to defend freaks. I simply had the intention to read some good PnP.

See, thats the problem, if you leave everything to be assumed by the reader you aren't better than the newb who pasted another newb's tribe forum here some time ago. What is the point of the PnP? Freaks' attempts to huggle? Seven (!) nobled villages? Wow, some intense combat there. Us and Rumblers have been hitting each other for a while now, but do we go running around posting our war stats? No, we make topics only when we have something to say. I suggest you do the same.


So what I get from all this is that you should never speak to Willow over skype. It seems to bite you in the arse.


I don't have the intention to defend freaks. I simply had the intention to read some good PnP.

See, thats the problem, if you leave everything to be assumed by the reader you aren't better than the newb who pasted another newb's tribe forum here some time ago. What is the point of the PnP? Freaks' attempts to huggle? Seven (!) nobled villages? Wow, some intense combat there. Us and Rumblers have been hitting each other for a while now, but do we go running around posting our war stats? No, we make topics only when we have something to say. I suggest you do the same.

My apologies your highness, I forgot... Freaks were the ones supporting you...


Clearly the proper assumptions were made, so why does it matter? Again, I fail to see any point to what you're trying to say. I never claimed to be posting PnP, nor did I claim that the combat was intense. I simply showed something I had a feeling the rest of the world might like to see... Evidently that is in fact the case based on the responses the OP received...

Perhaps you shouldn't speak for the rest of the world eh?

Just because you're not making posts now, doesn't mean you haven't.

Why would you make a thread about it when there have only been two conquers in the last week, and the long-term score is 7-12... What more is there to say? The world already knows you two have spats at different moments in time...

So what I get from all this is that you should never speak to Willow over skype. It seems to bite you in the arse.

Perhaps an equally applicable lesson could be not to sell out your entire tribe for the betterment of yourself and 4 or 5 other people...
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My apologies your highness, I forgot... Freaks were the ones supporting you...


Clearly the proper assumptions were made, so why does it matter? Again, I fail to see any point to what you're trying to say. I never claimed to be posting PnP, nor did I claim that the combat was intense. I simply showed something I had a feeling the rest of the world might like to see... Evidently that is in fact the case based on the responses the OP received...

Perhaps you shouldn't speak for the rest of the world eh?

Just because you're not making posts now, doesn't mean you haven't.

Why would you make a thread about it when there have only been two conquers in the last week, and the long-term score is 7-12... What more is there to say? The world already knows you two have spats at different moments in time...

Perhaps an equally applicable lesson could be not to sell out your entire tribe for the betterment of yourself and 4 or 5 other people...

Lol... 50 spears in a few villages? Hardly supporting :icon_rolleyes:

But anyway, Russki, it seems like you took this a little hard. It definately WAS PnP, even if it wasn't up to your standards :)


Lol... 50 spears in a few villages? Hardly supporting :icon_rolleyes:

50 spears multiplied by 40 players is a hefty sum though, now isn't it? Why else would a Freaks player be putting troops in a tribe days away from them? It'd be easier to refute if it weren't already known that Freaks was/is assisting RA against Rumble. This one just neglected to pull back his troops...

Guess Who on 20.11. at 07:09
Ok some Important News, firstly I would like to start by announcing our one and only Alliance for the whole of this TW world [ally]RA[/ally]. I personally go back a long way with some of these players and know they can be trusted. Please do not write about this on the public forums and keep NooB talk out of our shared forums, these guys and gals no what they are doing.

Secondly I am also announcing our first war and a big one to boot, [ally]RUMBLE[/ally]. [player]Bonnie and Clyde[/player] will be running this campaign and I expect you all to do as instructed/rquested, we will be the judge of if you are to far or not to particapate but needles to say you all will in some way or another.

You are still free to go about your daily business as normal or less contacted by Clyde to request you carry out a task, when this is requested this is to be done to the letter of the law. We are clearly also securing our K as well why this war goes on.

I would like to think all those with 2 or more villas has a D villa now and the build is Spears and HC. This build is the quickest and best for rapid support to the frontline.
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My apologies your highness, I forgot... Freaks were the ones supporting you...


Clearly the proper assumptions were made, so why does it matter? Again, I fail to see any point to what you're trying to say. I never claimed to be posting PnP, nor did I claim that the combat was intense. I simply showed something I had a feeling the rest of the world might like to see... Evidently that is in fact the case based on the responses the OP received...

Perhaps you shouldn't speak for the rest of the world eh?

Just because you're not making posts now, doesn't mean you haven't.

Why would you make a thread about it when there have only been two conquers in the last week, and the long-term score is 7-12... What more is there to say? The world already knows you two have spats at different moments in time...

Perhaps an equally applicable lesson could be not to sell out your entire tribe for the betterment of yourself and 4 or 5 other people...
What does Freaks supporting us have to do with anything? That's what allies do, isn't it? Please correct me if I'm wrong, you obviously have more expertise than me.
So you're agreeing that what you posted isn't PnP? Good. No need to get upset then, we're on the same wavelength. Now keep posting those funnies, and everything will be ok :icon_wink:

50 spears multiplied by 40 players is a hefty sum though, now isn't it? Why else would a Freaks player be putting troops in a tribe days away from them? It'd be easier to refute if it weren't already known that Freaks was/is assisting RA against Rumble. This one just neglected to pull back his troops...
Refute what? That we are both fighting Rumble? We never made a secret out of it. Oh, right I get it, we didn't make a topic announcing it. My bad, will do so next time.
And mate, you're falling into the beginner's pnp trap - putting all the importance into little things and neglecting the big stuff. But you're learn someday, I feel great talent in you.
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I don't have the intention to defend freaks. I simply had the intention to read some good PnP.

What does Freaks supporting us have to do with anything? That's what allies do, isn't it? Please correct me if I'm wrong, you obviously have more expertise than me..

Errr, isn't that what allies do? Support each other? Clearly you are trying to do just that, so stop dancing around the topic and say what you're trying to say, eh?

Pick a side and stick to it, you're falling into a beginner's pnp-trap, where you put too little emphasis on rereading what you wrote before making another statement that completely contradicts yourself. You'll learn someday, I feel great talent in you. :icon_wink:

First of all, I never said that Freak's involvement with Rumble was important, I merely posted what you've been wanting this whole time, an opinion from me. You are clearly trying to patronize me to try and discredit what I've said. You have this knack for appearing unbiased, I merely showed that you have a rather enormous bias in this matter, and as such your opinion is not law.

You then carried on to say you had no intention to defend them, yet you then just admitted you are allies, and supporting each other is what you do (your words, not mine). Please correct me if I am wrong, but that sounds rather hypocritical to me, but obviously you have buckets of expertise to my pathetic little name :icon_cry:.

I never blamed you for not admitting to teaming up to take on Rumble, hey, I would in your position. Well played, but don't go trying to act like you're nice, unbiased, and squeaky clean when you aren't.
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Errr, isn't that what allies do? Support each other? Clearly you are trying to do just that, so stop dancing around the topic and say what you're trying to say, eh?

Pick a side and stick to it, you're falling into a beginner's pnp-trap, where you put too little emphasis on rereading what you wrote before making another statement that completely contradicts yourself. You'll learn someday, I feel great talent in you. :icon_wink:

First of all, I never said that Freak's involvement with Rumble was important, I merely posted what you've been wanting this whole time, an opinion from me. You are clearly trying to patronize me to try and discredit what I've said. You have this knack for appearing unbiased, I merely showed that you have a rather enormous bias in this matter, and as such your opinion is not law.

You then carried on to say you had no intention to defend them, yet you then just admitted you are allies, and supporting each other is what you do (your words, not mine). Please correct me if I am wrong, but that sounds rather hypocritical to me, but obviously you have buckets of expertise to my pathetic little name :icon_cry:.

I never blamed you for not admitting to teaming up to take on Rumble, hey, I would in your position. Well played, but don't go trying to act like you're nice, unbiased, and squeaky clean when you aren't.
Ah, he knows sarcasm!

I said I don't have intention to defend them in pnp. I'm sure they can do it themselves. Ingame is another matter.

Fine, I'll write the point I've been trying to make nice and clear for you: I did not like your topic (since we both agreed its not pnp) not because I'm friendly with freaks, but simply because it is bland and unsavoury, having nothing to offer to a person who has witnessed the best pnp in tw firsthand. Please remember that and stop with the whole biased routine. As I said before I don't find their actions you depicted in this thread very noble, but we are allied to them ingame and we will stand by them.

Nah mate, you aren't pathetic, you just have a wrong attitude towards criticism.

Teaming up on rumble when we had 3 times less their members is a nice way to put it.

Anyway, keep up the good work, let the funnies flow. Maybe add some noob tribe recruitment mails or lolcat pics (as suggested before) next time.

Russki out.


Ah, he knows sarcasm!

I said I don't have intention to defend them in pnp. I'm sure they can do it themselves. Ingame is another matter.

Fine, I'll write the point I've been trying to make nice and clear for you: I did not like your topic (since we both agreed its not pnp) not because I'm friendly with freaks, but simply because it is bland and unsavoury, having nothing to offer to a person who has witnessed the best pnp in tw firsthand. Please remember that and stop with the whole biased routine. As I said before I don't find their actions you depicted in this thread very noble, but we are allied to them ingame and we will stand by them.

Nah mate, you aren't pathetic, you just have a wrong attitude towards criticism.

Teaming up on rumble when we had 3 times less their members is a nice way to put it.

Anyway, keep up the good work, let the funnies flow. Maybe add some noob tribe recruitment mails or lolcat pics (as suggested before) next time.

Russki out.

Right, so if your point really is that you don't like the topic. You seem to be a minority.

You're arguing rhetoric and semantics in an attempt to do what? Educate me? No. I know you're not that petty. You had a clear goal, and you failed to get the response you wanted, so you are falling back on sarcasm and this newfound sense of care for my well-being.

I never said anywhere that I aspired to write the best PnP in TW, nor did I say that it was. You are putting me on a pedestal I never even competed for. Of course one attempt to bring something interesting to these forums is not going to reach the heights that you seem to think it should. If you want to see better, do it yourself. I'm not going to go trying to write a masterpiece for an audience that is a fourth of the size of pretty much every other world. I made my point. I'm not going to overexaggerate it after it has already been made just so that you feel an ounce of nostalgia. Maybe in a more interesting situation, I'll give you something to talk about, but with an overwhelming amount of rather damning evidence against Freaks I will opt to use that to prove a point rather than write a silly piece of fiction that has no meaning.

In the mean-time, we'll continue to prove our point in-game rather than waste my debating definitions with you.


Right, so if your point really is that you don't like the topic. You seem to be a minority.

You're arguing rhetoric and semantics in an attempt to do what? Educate me? No. I know you're not that petty. You had a clear goal, and you failed to get the response you wanted, so you are falling back on sarcasm and this newfound sense of care for my well-being.

I never said anywhere that I aspired to write the best PnP in TW, nor did I say that it was. You are putting me on a pedestal I never even competed for. Of course one attempt to bring something interesting to these forums is not going to reach the heights that you seem to think it should. If you want to see better, do it yourself. I'm not going to go trying to write a masterpiece for an audience that is a fourth of the size of pretty much every other world. I made my point. I'm not going to overexaggerate it after it has already been made just so that you feel an ounce of nostalgia. Maybe in a more interesting situation, I'll give you something to talk about, but with an overwhelming amount of rather damning evidence against Freaks I will opt to use that to prove a point rather than write a silly piece of fiction that has no meaning.

Discord, he wasn't entertained...get over it and move on. Like you say, he's in the minority.

In my opinion there was plenty of propaganda in your posts, even before you added interpretations. However, you were light on the elaboration and it has been voiced to me numerous times that in propaganda you let the audience interpret for themselves as little as possible.

That said, it's not such an enjoyable pnp...It doesn't invite enough conflict. Best proof of that is the lame way in which you are feeling offended by Russki's opinion as oppose to sticking to the thread topic.

Anywho, I did get a good laugh at the bonnie and clyde thing, victims of circumstance from what I understand, but hey everyone takes gifted villages. Would it make it better to have them switch tribes or kick them first like rumble seems to like to do?

Besides freaks doesn't need RA to defend them in the forums, they have mouths of their own and they can defend their own actions.

Also, jungle I think you now owe RA 200 spears, uncool taking them away like that.

I'm going to enjoy watching the nice conflict between two neighbors as they fight for dominance of the area.
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So what I get from all this is that you should never speak to Willow over skype. It seems to bite you in the arse.

:D made me giggle

anyways, It has the facts but not a nice story or settings, it was decent pnp, not great.

Russki, I would just let it go, its willo your arguing with, meaning you argue with him and he will drag you to his level.

Now onto the war. My opinion is Jungle will win it, freaks have shown they are pathetic, selling out your members? thats just low. unless willo decides to make another family like W36, freaks will be gone within 2 weeks.
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