Funny profiles and InGame messages


It is? I have no idea and i read it at least 5 times now... :icon_sad:

Maybe Nauz can tell us, he seems to know everyone.


Damn i geuss no one responded to my mails lol or thought they were good enuff for here o_O


Ponyboy said:
Frito Bandito said:

Points: 64
OD: 0
Position: 5 in 15x15
Reputation: ?
Tribe: 1

Overall: 70

I know your a nub but at least know what your doing before you post on the forums.

Not quite in-game, but this noob made me laugh.


BloodFilth on 19.10. at 23:53
Unfortunately you are in my 15x15 restart!
I am being Co-played so you will never catch me offguard, and you will Never win.
It really sucks being farmed and catted so do us both a favor mate,
Restart just go to Settings-Start Over-Enter Password!
Save the time, and resources, Restart :]

reliablebob on 20.10. at 02:49
i bet your this boring in real life

BloodFilth on 20.10. at 02:57
No, my life is secret.
The fact that i sell small Brazilion kids to Sexual Predetors is in no way boring.

reliablebob on 20.10. at 14:55


Basically i get 5-10 new messages a day and i finally decided to take advantage of all the incoming mail by making them entertain me :D

googleberry today at 16:12

Any chance of an invite to your tribe, not happy with current Tribe that I joined on a Whim!.


Y3llow Frog today at 16:16
Hello [player]googleberry [/player]

You may find this odd but we take our recruitment seriously and require all members to be willing do to anything for the tribe. If you answer these 50 questions i will allow you do join. however you must take this seriously

1. Where were you 3 hours ago?

2. Who are you in love with?

3. Have you ever eaten a crayon?

4. Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?

5. When is the last time you went to the mall?

6. Are you wearing socks right now?

7. Do you have a car worth over $2,000?

8. When was the last time you drove out of town?

9. Have you been to the movies in the last 5 days?

10. Are you hot?

11. What was the last thing you had to drink?

12. What are you wearing right now?

13. Do you wash your car or let the car wash do it?

14. Last food that you ate?

15. Where were you last week at this time?

16. Have you bought any clothing items in the last week?

17. When is the last time you ran?

18. What's the last sporting event you watched?

19. What is your favorite animal?

20. Your dream vacation?

21. Last person's house you were in?

22. Worst injury you've ever had?

23. Have you been in love?

24. Do you miss anyone right now?

25. Last play you saw?

26. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?

27. What are your plans for tonight?

28. Who is the last person you sent a MySpace message or comment?

29. Next trip you are going to take?

30. Ever go to camp?

31. Were you an honor roll student in school?

32. What do you want to know about the future?

33. Are you wearing any perfume or cologne?

34. Are you due sometime this year for a doctor's visit?

35. Where is your best friend?

36. How is your best friend?

37. Do you have a tan?

38. What are you listening to right now?

39. Do you collect anything?

40. Who is the biggest gossiper you know?

41. Last time you got stopped by a cop or pulled over?

42. Have you ever drank your soda from a straw?

43. What does your last text message say?

44. Do you like hot sauce?

45. Last time you took a shower?

46. Do you need to do laundry?

47. What is your heritage?

48. Are you someone's best friend?

49. Are you rich?

50. What were you doing at 12AM last night?

googleberry today at 16:33

Just so you know, I'm in the UK.

1. At work, were I still am ;-(
2. My Wife & Daughter
3. No
4. Yes
5. No Malls in the UK
6. Yes (wooley Black)
7. Today
8. 2
9. No (DVD Man)
10. My wife thinks so
11. Coffee
12. DPM
13. Both (rotation for a good job then better job)
14. Nobbys Nuts
15. Here
16. No
17. Several Weeks (currently injured)
18. Brazilian GP
19. Meerkat
20. New Zealand
21. Mine
22. Hand Saw wound to Thumb
23. Yes
24. No
25. Blues Brothers
26. Happily Married (obviously worked)
27. Watch Supernatural and
28. No account
29. None planned
30. No
31. No
32. Will I be rich
33. Not in my job
34. went yesterday
35. At home
36. very well cooking cakes with my daughter
37. No
38. Radio 1
39. DIY Tools
40. Helen
41. 5 years ago (speeding)
42. Not a girl
43. On way
44. Curry Sauce!
45. 0605 this morning
46. Hello...... Married
47. British
48. Don't Care
49. I wish
50. Sleeping


I can one up any of you, or howbout 10 up you:
steve5 Oct 21,2009 18:55
pinknfluffy Oct 21,2009 18:43
poppysue Oct 21,2009 18:38
BryanR Oct 21,2009 18:24
jo** Oct 21,2009 18:19
degraded Oct 21,2009 18:16
Fuzzy Duck Oct 21,2009 18:13
SpenSir Oct 21,2009 18:06
gemarriott Oct 21,2009 18:02
lord of pain Oct 21,2009 17:25
RabbitKonk Oct 21,2009 17:09
iron 68 Oct 21,2009 16:33

I mailed Liamthelegend to restart, so then he goes and joins some nub tribe, and gets every single member to spam my inbox with mails saying:
pinknfluffy today at 18:43
You have threatened a player in our alliance, bad move.....
I laughed
Some even said:
steve5 today at 16:49
You have threatened a player in [ally]WIN[/ally],when you mess with [ally]WIN[/ally] you mess with [ally]K-K-T[/ally], bad move “RESTART”
if you dont do this i will warn you now to have the biggest number you have ever seen come up on your incoming attacks!

The sad part is, I mailed him before he joined. Nice guys, good refugee tribe ftw.
It just gets better:
I log in on w2 and find I have 4 attacks coming from none other than the tribe WIN, from 60 hours away of course...nice multi-world account usage?
I find that that is one of the funniest thing ever...
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zarddeath200 said:
I log in on w2 and find I have 4 attacks coming from none other than the tribe WIN, from 60 hours away of course...nice multi-world account usage?
I find that that is one of the funniest thing ever...

Hey don't knock it, my tribe-mate got somebody to stop attacking him in world 2 by sending a load of fakes at him in world 1


Hey don't knock it, my tribe-mate got somebody to stop attacking him in world 2 by sending a load of fakes at him in world 1

I never did, but 4 attacks, 2 of which from players with half my points...come on people.


I think i might cry. in Uk2 i was on page 1 as a funny mail. This time round everyone takes me seriosuly. I got 2 people to resatrt, and 6 people go your not on Tw-stats you noob. (EVER HEARD OF ALIAS' PEOPLE?)

If only BT or ponyboy were on thsi world, i'd spam BT, and have a laugh with Ponyboy. Except i can't find either :(

Also, this thread always makes me laugh


Dragon Hunter today at 06:31
hi, how are you, would you llike to join my tribe.

Its not much but we will grow if you help us out by joinning but remember that its tribal wars not tribal hugs like some people think.

If you join then you you might know someone thats 50 points or more then tell me ill send em a message seeing if they want to join and if they say yes then ill send them an ivite.

Dragon Hunter today at 07:01
so what do you say

chickensword today at 07:04
Tell me your past experiences,
What is a backtime,
what is noble sniping,
Let me account sit you to see how much troops you have.(Must have more than 50sp) Then I will join

Dragon Hunter today at 07:04
fine dont join and i have ran a tribe that was over a million points

chickensword today at 07:08
Oh really? Then answering the 2nd and 3rd question will be a piece of cake for you... And I bet you do not even have 30sp

Dragon Hunter today at 07:09
um i cant remember cus it was on world 19 on .net and i joinned when it started

chickensword today at 07:15
Oh ok. If you are that good, do you have at least 30spearmans?

Dragon Hunter today at 07:16
not yet cus im researching axes.

The i might start spiking villas.

chickensword today at 07:22
Ok, let me sit your account to confirm that you are researching axes

Dragon Hunter today at 07:23
no cus you will just cancel the reserch

Dragon Hunter today at 07:25
Completion of the next unit (Axemen): 0:08:26
Training Duration Completion Cancel *
3 Axemen 0:25:44 today at 07:51 cancel
* (ninety percent of the used resources are refunded to your storage unit)

chickensword today at 07:26
...If I cancel the research, it will be a breach of rules.

Dragon Hunter today at 07:26
comon mate please join by the seems of you, you would be a good warrior.

chickensword today at 07:27
...No sit, no talk.

Dragon Hunter today at 07:28

Dragon Hunter today at 07:29
you will have 20 secs from when i sent it nah make it 10 secs.

Dragon Hunter today at 07:31
there you go

chickensword today at 07:32
Thanks! This will be going on to the public forums for everyone to laugh at! Thanks alot, you brightened up my day! :p

Dragon Hunter today at 07:32
you {****ing c**k} how dare you do that you little crap

Wow! He actually got tricked.
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*NERF* = Best Tribe Ever!!



Recruitment is open in k45 and all surrounding ks
If you want to join our great society contact liverpool-sucks-****.
We are accepting merges into us.
If you want to merge contact liverpool-sucks-****.
We do not merge into others so don’t ask


Diplomacy is currently closed so dont ask.

The final song of battle

Coca cola came to town
Diet Pepsi shot him down
Dr. Pepper raped him up
Now we all drink seven up

The final joke of humiliation

This is this cat
This is is cat
This is how cat
This is to cat
This is keep cat
This is an cat
This is idiot cat
This is busy cat
This is for cat
This is thirty cat
This is seconds cat
Now read the third word in each line



Want an apple?

A black man walks into a cafe
one early morning and noticed
that he was the only black man there.
As he sat down, he noticed a white
man behind him.
The white man said,
"Colored people are not allowed here."
The black man turned around and stood up.
He then said:
When I was born I was black,"
When I grew up I was black,"
When I'm sick I'm black,"
When I go out in the sun I'm black,"
When I'm cold I'm black,"
When I die I'll be black."
But you sir..."
When you were born you were pink,"
When you grew up you were white,"
When you're sick, you're green,"
When you go out in the sun you turn red,"
When you're cold you turn blue,"
And when you die you turn purple."
And you have the nerves to call me colored?!"
The black man then sat back down and
the white man walked away embarrassed...and i smashed his face with a baseball bat for being racist.
Put this on your profile if u hate racism.

can u read this?
I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg.
The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it
dseno't mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng
is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt!
fi yuo cna raed tihs, palce it in your porflie.

OH YA THIS IS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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This is Bunny
Copy Bunny to your Personal text to
help him achieve world domination.
Come, join the dark side.
We have cookies!

(\ /)
(\_/) (o_O) (\_/)
(^.^) (><) (^.^)
('')-('') /_|_\ ('')-('')
This is bunny and co
Copy and paste them onto your profile to help them
achive world domination

These are a hell of a lot of other bunnies

(> <)

Cool Bunny

( 0 )

Bunny With lots of Claws


(> (> (> (> (> (><) <) <) <) <) <)

Bunny Army.

(> (> (> (> <) <) <) <)
/_ /_ /_ /_|_\ _\ _\ _\

yes the evil bunnies will get you

(> <)
This is Bunny

(> <)
Commander of the Bunny Army

Duke of the bunnies

(\ /)
(\_/) (*.*) (\_/)
(^.^) (> <) (^.^)
('')-('') /_|_\ ('')-('')
They are bunny's minions..

(> (> (> (> (> (> <) <) <) <) <) <)
This is There army.


^_^. . . .BUNNY. . . .^_^

(\ /)
(\_/) (o_O) (\_/)
(^.^) (><) (^.^)
('')-('') /_|_\ ('')-('')
Be A FAN Of tHe uLtimate BUNNY!!

( ><)
Usual Bunny.

( ><)
Funny Bunny.

Agent Bunny.

Money Bunny.

Mixed Bunny/Bunny Scarface.

Bunny Having Fun.

Confused Bunny.

Bunny Warrior.

Bunny Snowman.

Bunny With Alot Of Claws.

( 0 )
Cool Bunny.


(> (> (> (> (> (><) <) <) <) <) <)

(> <)

Bunny's Best Friend in World Domination


!Happy Bunny!

(> (> (> <) <) <)
Bunny's Little Minions

(\_/) (o_O) (\_/)
(^.^) (><) (^.^)
('')-('') /_|_\ ('')-('')

!!!Happy Bunnies!!!


!Bunny eating a cookie!

Bold Bunny

!Religious Bunny!

(U U)
Tired bunny(let him sleep!!)

(> <)
clown bunny...:D

Robot bunny

(> <)

Me as a bunny (he will kill u!!!!!!!!!)

(> <)
$$$Money Bunny$$$

(> <)
ANGRY!!! bunny(he is saying something(you are not allowed to know)rawr!!

(> (> (> (> (> (><) <) <) <) <) <)

!Bunny Followers!

Unsuspecting bunnies


Legion of Bunnies

(> (> (> (> (> (><) <) <) <) <) <)

(> <)
So join the bunny do domination and together we will rule the world.[well only if the world lets us of corse].


(> <)

Cool Bunny

( 0 )

Bunny With lots of Claws


(> (> (> (> (> (><) <) <) <) <) <)

Bunny Army.

(> (> (> (> <) <) <) <)
/_ /_ /_ /_|_\ _\ _\ _\

yes the evil bunnies will get you

(> <)
This is Bunny

(> <)
Commander of the Bunny Army​