MY Thoughts instead of Stats
What can you say about
DOGS they have fough so many battles and still came through stronger everytime,
such a well run, well organised tribe no matter what others say they are exceptional people and a Great war machine.
They play this game the way its meant to be Constant war, but with constant war comes constant growth if your winning
and i think looking at there growth and continualy now holding onto the number 1 spot they are winning there battles.
Prediction: This tribe will be around till the end of this world.
W~A~R ..
Normally people dont comment on there own tribe but then again im not normal..
W~A~R been lazy, Chilling out and having a laugh with eachother as of late, not bothered about the serious stuff just
been taking it easy, with that as you will see shocking growth, going from the fastest growing tribe in uk2 to maybe the 9th or 10th.
This is about to change though as the serious heads have been put back on and its time to do what we do best (make people go inactive)
Prediction: We will be around until the end of the world while re-taking no1 spot quite soon??
They are like marmite you either love them or hate them regardless of your personal feelings towards them you have to respect the way they go about the game
They are just a fighting machine no matter what hits them they come back with more punch than anyone else, there forum antics are unbelievabley bad
where they spew half that bullcrap from is beyond me, but this is part of what makes this tribe, i think they will enjoy some easy times in the short term but
long term things will get tough they have rubbed too many tribes up the wrong way. it will be interesting to see how they do long term as they are running out of
easy places to go.
Prediction: They will be here a very long time until the end? well that depends on
Dogs &
W~A~R i suppose we shall see how it pans out.
HD ...
big question Where did they come from??
From a tribe that noone has hardly heard of to being ranked four in the world how did that happen?
not been in a major war, never seen as a threat to no tribe in the past but now look at them. there growth has been outstanding, although
because they have never been in a serious conflict do these guys/gals have the experiance and the know how, to do what it takes to win that fight,
do they have the grit and determination of the top 3 tribes to win that war? that my friends is what seperates
HD from being spoken in the same
light as the top 3 until this is proven then i will reserve judgment on them completly but all in all though an impressive tribe so far.
Predictions: They have hard decisions ahead from what i see, once they have taken the rim tribes where do they go? that
will be interesting to watch out for
Virtus ..
Hmmmm i dont think ive seen such a fall from grace really from a tribe in the "untouchable" class to what now? Strugling with
G.F asking every tribe
to merge into them and getting knocked back to boot. inactivity has hit them hard and personally dont see a way back for the "
virtus" brand to be what it was
i may be wrong as we all know funny things happen in this game, but until they realise bully boy tactics dont work i see no major or impressive
actions coming out of this tribe.
Prediction: I think they will struggle away for a while yet, but unless they get that merge they are badly looking for they will get either eaten up
or will have to merge into another tribe. if they go not get there merge i would say 6 months maximum.
G.F ..
Funny story this one David and Goliath we all have read the forums with the war on
virtus, they have done excedingly well noone would have expected
the outcome so far on there war, but credit given where its due i think really there future depends on wether they can keep up the good work on
as its realy the only way they can grow.
Prediction: all depends on
virtus these 2 tribes future depends on what the other does if
virtus dont get there merge
G.F will benefit from that,
virtus get there merge
G.F will sufer from a fully mobilised virtus simple really.
(MB) ..
IF im honest i dont have a clue about them too far to bother about i will say this though looking at there placment on the map they wont last too long unless
they have awesome diplomacy skills.
i have notices there nobling recently has been realy impressive not sure if its external or internal growth as im too lazy to look but they are up
there with the top tribes.
Predictions: as i said unless they have an awesome diplomat they wont be around for too much longer i would say christmas is being generous.
TRUE 1 ...
at long last are disbanding there acadamy (i think the last one in uk2?) this is mostly due to
W~A~R munching on them and TRUE being the point whores they are
will take the best over to them while the rest get eaten up by
i have never seen a tribe like this in my puff i am actualy suprised they have lasted this long mostly my fault for being a generous soul but has there
shelf life expired? they have done nothing in this world bar irritate me constantly, but its a shame on the members there they seem a good bunch, always have
decent chats with them but there leader is a joke, i wont fully delve into this but even
HOGGY would be suited better to run a tribe
YES HOGGY does that say it all??
Prediction: wont last 3 months unless they change there leadership or disband..
Levian ..
I like this tribe alot they are my friendly neigbours they just stay in there box that in k66 and do away, and what a box that is who in there right mind would invade that? i think because of there turtleing they will do well as they wont be easy to shift but its where they go now rims almost done they will have 2 choices
in the coming months
W~A~R lets all be honest its a war game its going to be a decision they will have to make sooner rather than later.
Prediction: Depends on there future
W~A~R decision if they pick to take on
virtus then with
G.F and so on helping could be a good expansion route for them
If they pick
W~A~R then i dont see much hope for them no disrespect but it would be pointless.
PD ...
WHO? sorry cant comment dont know anything about you
thats a good sign honestly