Is resistance futile?


Why bother attacking someone like you, you ran away from Boo!, actually you pressed the disband button didnt you? Kthx was going downhill so you applied to WC and to Win. Got into Win and now are trying to push Win players over to WC so they can target Resist. Well apparently thats what you posted in the Win forums.

So we all know your a decent turtle and you are still not very large, so whats the challenge in attacking you, when you were in Kthx you where too small to bother, now your in Win, you are not a priority. So keep trying to egg me on to attack you, thats all you can do right? I really dont mind what tribe you hop to next, until you actually get the nerve to press that attack button on me, keep squawking, little boy.

Maggie Wallis

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It's like I can predict the future....

More annoying noise from sparks and no incoming...

Anyone else as bored as me?...

Oh well.. least we know sparks hasn't even got the guts to attack a "little boy" like me... even a little boy turtle...

Though I guess I'm too small to be attack by the mighty sparks... after all a quick look at sparks noblements shows 5 internals, yep, that be more than me... then attacking all the kthx players you could find that are smaller than me... followed by 3 inactives, yep you guessed it.. smaller than me...

Anyone not in the top twenty beware.. sparks is coming for you...

Perhaps I should just follow the Sparks guide to making the top 5 and keep nobling internals, inactives and players smaller than me... then everyone will be scared of me...

Hey ho... fudge it... incoming sparks...

I'm wasting my time but really sparks.. rather than claiming it's no challenge, prove it.. or everyone will just have no option but to believe that your just too scared to attack little boy me...

Personally, I love you... no one makes me laugh as much as you do...


I can predict the future too: neither of you are likely to send anything! Sparks, I'm guessing you are concerned with other things and, Mancunia, I doubt that you would send any fire back even if sparks did attack you. You'd probably end up being happy that you'd manage to have killed a few nobles. Please desist with this pointless argument.

Anyway, cheers to RESIST for evening up the world. Hopefully you can continue to keep some life and war in it for a few months to come. No one wants to get bored do they?

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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I've just sent attacks at sparks...

So really, if you want to predict the future... leave it to those that can.. :)

And if all sparks was worried about was losing a few nobles.. she would of attacked me ages ago... you shouldn't believe everything you read.. :)

Attack on 019 Renamed by Sparks (487|561) K54 today at 11:04:29
Attack on 019 Renamed by Sparks (487|561) K54 today at 11:04:29
Attack on 019 Renamed by Sparks (487|561) K54 today at 11:04:29

Ok, so they be fakes.. but meh...

I won't even question what Sparks has to be concerned with.. KTHX I disbanded and they are also dead according to Sparks.. last thing I heard WC and RESIST are allies... just read the mycool/sonic interview... WIN are the 3rd ranked tribe.. which sparks has offered a NAP too...

So yeah.. lots to be scared off...
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And if all sparks was worried about was losing a few nobles.. she would of attacked me ages ago... you shouldn't believe everything you read.. :)

I never said that she was concerned about it, just that she had other fish to fry. Try reading before you decide not to believe it.

Ok, so they be fakes.. but meh...

What a surprise...


Orange what account do you play out of interest? Unless you are in WC :) things really haven't evened much at all. Now there are two big tribes instead of one, the gap between second and third is still large. A single player in the top 20 can make a tribe on their own and get into the tribes top 20, that isn't meant to happen until late game...

Not that I'm ruling any tribe out that is ranked 3 or down at all :icon_wink:
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Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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I never said that she was concerned about it, just that she had other fish to fry. Try reading before you decide not to believe it.

What a surprise...

I never said you said she was concerned, I simply indicated that bigger loses than that would concern her... and if be other fish to fry, you mean, smaller players than me... then I agree with you... give it a few hours and the only players with more points than little boy me will be either in RESIST or allied with RESIST... and the only player that can change that quickly is also wondering why sparks continues to attack the smaller players and inactives within his tribe and not him...

But hey ho... why would sparks attack me and risk anything when there are so many little little boys and inactives she can attack with minimal loses... if she really wanted to even up the world she would attack the rank 1 players and bring them down to the size of us little boys...

Afterall, I admit I suck at this game, it's someone else running around claiming to be so fantastic but only attacks the smallest and inactives... I attack inactives and the smallest.. that's why I suck... connect the dots much?


It's a different two tribes than the two tribes that were unbeatable before though. It makes you wonder which two tribes will be the unbeatable ones next, or the two following them lol.

So while you could say it hasn't evened the world up, in a way it has. It's shown that werever your tribe is currently, it could be in the top two within a few weeks. Everything looks permenant on this slow world, right up until the point everything changes.

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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Well contray to rumour KTHX isn't dead or disbanded.. as soon as BT gets round to inviting my they will be back top 3... and I'll just be another player in KTHX that is too big for sparks to attack... sorry, I meant to small...


It's a different two tribes than the two tribes that were unbeatable before though. It makes you wonder which two tribes will be the unbeatable ones next, or the two following them lol.

So while you could say it hasn't evened the world up, in a way it has. It's shown that werever your tribe is currently, it could be in the top two within a few weeks. Everything looks permenant on this slow world, right up until the point everything changes.

Is it a different two tribes? Or is it just ex-KTHX/ex-BOO!/WC :) the old top three in the top 2 now? WC :) were always contenders, so I don't really see anything new.

Also unbeatable is a statement and a half, we'll see if they are unbeatable...
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Haha that's what I meant. Top tribes are always looking unbeatable to the other tribes right up until they are beaten.

If you asked our lot WC :) not long ago whether anyone was going to move KTHX from the top spot we would have said no, not a chance. Some of us even questioned shifting to another world as a group because you and Boo! seemed unbeatable.

We really weren't contenders originally either. We celebrated getting in the top 20 tribes, getting in the top 10, thought getting in the top 5 was certainly as high as we would go, and now we are currently number one.

So I was just saying that any of the tribes that are climbing their way up the chart at the moment shouldn't assume their is no point fighting the good fight. You never know what will happen long-term, or which interesting ways the top tribes will find of blowing themselves up lol.


World isn't even, only reason it seems even is Resist is smaller member-wise. Account vs. account, WC :) is way underdogs.

Cory, you are a nice guy, and I really wished you did not quit W9, but things happen. The fact is Ubs and Taras are still here in W9, whereas you arent. Both have been on multiple rank one accounts both know to fight not only on at starts but mid and late as well. Until you actually know the calibre of both players please do not assume because they took over accounts, they dont know how to play to a high calibre.

I'm just going by other well respected opinions, of which I do know UBS gets good reception, but nothing spectacular. Have played with Taras more than a few times. But I'm not going to judge, I don't do that. And ya never know, I might lurk UK9 one day.
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World isn't even, only reason it seems even is Resist is smaller member-wise. Account vs. account, WC :) is way underdogs.

I was going on points, village counts, the normal stuff. I wonder who would be number one if we started calculating it based on the number of pets within a 5 mile radius of the members houses....nope that wouldn't matter either! lol.

None of it matters yet anyway. It's a race to 40 million not 1. If people keep quitting the world at the current speed, there won't be enough people to make 1 tribe by the end.

Don't forget that all those sat accounts can't be used for anything after 60 days. It locks you from farming, attacking or using the market as a sitter. I think that rule will soon be a major factor in this world.


Rob stop running your mouth, it makes you look like more of a troll than you already do.

You are running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find anyone and everyone to take on Sparks just proves how truly scared you are of her you really are.

If you want to talk about internals you have 4/14 and sparks has 5 out of compared to spark's 5/34.

so Rob here is your challenge make the top 5 with taking a maximum of 1 more internal and picking whatever villages you like. Do you accept or did a squirrel run up a tree with your nuts.....
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And ya never know, I might lurk UK9 one day.

Well there are always floating accounts, everyone needs co's so I do hope you will play again or are lurking now. Would be nice to have to defend rather than attack all the time :icon_wink:

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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Rob stop running your mouth, it makes you look like more of a troll than you already do.

You are running around like a chicken with its head cut off trying to find anyone and everyone to take on Sparks just proves how truly scared you are of her you really are.

If you want to talk about internals you have 4/14 and sparks has 5 out of compared to spark's 5/34.

so Rob here is your challenge make the top 5 with taking a maximum of 1 more internal and picking whatever villages you like. Do you accept or did a squirrel run up a tree with your nuts.....

I'm a troll and proud...

I'm so scared of sparks that I've even offered to take her on one-on-one.. actually, I just take the whole of RESIST on, by myself... yep, I'm scared.. really really scared... why don't you just tell Sparks to stop running her mouth and bring it?...

I'm sure if sparks ask nicely WIN will kick me, surprised she hasn't already ask... but then, it's not me running round telling every tribe in the top 20 that if they invite me sparks will attack them.. just makes me wonder why she just doesn't cut out all the annoying noise and just attack me... perhaps it's me, but the only reason that makes sense is that she is either scared, or there are just too many inactives and little little boys for her to attack...

As for making the top 5 with no more internals, I'll take your challenge, after all there are plenty more inactives and small players around and with nobles so cheap it wouldn't even be a challenge... but the problem is, the bigger I get, the less and less likely that sparks will attack me... perhaps I should just go inactive, give her a chance.. what you think?

I respect you Clyde, your a very good players, just makes me wonder why such a good player like you would be a little pet for Sparks when she hasn't even got the guts to attack little boy my that sucks?!!?

Would be nice to have to defend rather than attack all the time :icon_wink:

I agree with you sparks, I hate it when inactives don't fight back... :(
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Poor Mancunia,

You so desperately want me to attack you, but I think I will just sit here and laugh at your attempted trains. Cant you send 5 attacks in one 1 sec nub?

Maggie Wallis

Well-Known Member
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Poor Mancunia,

You so desperately want me to attack you, but I think I will just sit here and laugh at your attempted trains. Cant you send 5 attacks in one 1 sec nub?

I just think you should really show some guts and do what you've been saying you were going to do for the last 6 weeks? I is bored and really want the mighty all powerful sparks to attack me before Harry comes and I go inactive...

Well I guess at least when I am inactive you will actually attack...

No I can't send 5 attacks in a second.. please show me how it's done.....

Opps.. sorry.. forgot.... your too scared to even try attacking me... :icon_redface:


Sorry Little boy,

Your a turtle, you probably dont even have more than one full nuke, all your showing me and the world, is you dont care about your tribe (if that wasnt obvious enough already) by attacking a member of a top ranked tribe. I wonder why Kthx wont invite you back? You asked plenty of times in the forums about that invite. Attack all you like for the next month, your are not worth my time.
Now run off and play with the little guys, I dont have time for the likes of you anymore.