The Don > ruffus


You shall see quite evidentially: The Don > ruffus..

How? Just watch and all will be revealed.



You shall see quite evidentially: The Don > ruffus..

How? Just watch and all will be revealed.

/Ryan has over 1k lc in an 800 point villa.

Ryan > You

/me has 1k more lc than don does points.

Ryan > You, Still.

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"Yet another conclusion"
Ryan > Ruffus > The Don.

^^ Don, Its the way it works. Like the food chain. Predator > Food > Food Of Food. Eventually I will get you, Deal with it.



trolol.....the "Poshest kid you'll ever meet." aka me could beat you...


Not yet, and cool, once you nod off we wont have to here your moaning and the crap that you talk.

Wow, you can here my moaning. Not aware of anyone else that has that ability to do that, nor is it possible; only people that can hear somebodies moaning.

I suppose congratulations on the only skill you have.


Never judge a book by it's cover.

ps troops don't increase rank

You dont have that many either.
Creating a thread on externals about your boring story with, whoever Ruffus Is, Isn't helping you build a reputation for yourself either.
Comming here to brag about your skills and Ruffus lack of them, just shows how insecure you are as a player, you crave for attention and recognition.


You dont have that many either.
Creating a thread on externals about your boring story with, whoever Ruffus Is, Isn't helping you build a reputation for yourself either.
Comming here to brag about your skills and Ruffus lack of them, just shows how insecure you are as a player, you crave for attention and recognition.

+1 this comment is completely and utterly truthful.


Ruffus has nobled today so you can't be doing that good of a job.. :/


Ruffus I smashed you now all your good for is a farm bro. A nice juicy one at that, with you camp whoring and all. So pipe down.

Another: xoxoxox
Now my neighbours and fellow tribe mates are coming out too play, expecting more of a challenge but owell.

Another conclusion for you:
Your ego > your ability.

The Don.

Upgrading your camps is a valid way to start up on speed. Better mines means you're getting more resources in per minute. Depending on the speed of the server at the time, you can get more resources quicker than farming.

I also like that this thread is made up of players who have never really played speed before. You probably don't even know what you're saying; just basing it off of what you see first and your own opinions. Opinions don't mean diddly squat without facts behind them.

Reading back on this thread, this guy is like a poor version of Adellion. Haha.

You should also ignore me, as I just checked the settings/logged on the world, and saw its per hour than minute lol.
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Where the hell is Don? haven't seen him for ages here :icon_confused:

The awesome player called, The Don hasn't looted a 1mil yet, and has less then 4k pts

Whats the problem big shot?